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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. Without a doubt the greatest update yet. Can't wait. Amazing work. One thing, though... ...whats that? =o
  2. I'd be up for stealth tank buffs if nothing else. Anti-air buffs seems almost mandatory. Nod has no anti-air vehicle. Maybe even an increase in damage against vehicles. They are already so vulnerable to everything. And someone please change how they control, they slide way too much, the sprint on them is broken, and the pattern of their missiles is just... odd. It should be much more reliable.< The med tank is still worse than the light tank to me. Its just better when both are completely out in the open. Light Tanks can abuse cover more than med tanks. And the artillery beats the crap out of the MRLs. I've dealt with so many MRLs who simply couldn't hit me more often than 1 every 30 missiles. Its easier to abuse than some people know. And remember a key advantage of Nod: They don't have to deal with stealth. I can get out of my vehicle with Nod with less care (though still need to watch for snipers) while with GDI, leaving absolutely ANYWHERE seems like a risk you cannot take. I guess after beta 4 you can always make sure you plant 4 remotes on the vehicle but thats still not ideal.
  3. Do you have any idea how ridiculous this topic looks right now? Its almost like a checklist of things to do and bossing the community (and even the devs) around, all of this in a biased topics with its own ideas of how the dev team should listen to the people. Putting the ideas in one place was a good idea, the rest is not, and if people like an idea more than the others or if they don't like the turn of this topic, they can, will and should say it right here.
  4. SFJake


    You're looking at this completely backward. EA was already fine with this, just like they are fine with the project as long as it is done in a completely non-lucrative way. Why would they be against having a C&C game on steam? There are many EA games on Steam. They serve as publicity for Origin at worse.
  5. Its not really a solution to #7, it makes it more obvious yes, but the original concept was that the way beacons are now kill the intensity of beacons. Instead of having a chance up to the last second and everyone potentially dying at the blast, everyone just disperse and give up before the blast happens.
  6. 1- There is a mutator now to set a vehicle and mine limit per map. This is not at all like what you proposed but its worth noting. 2- An airstrike team cooldown (I believe of 30 seconds) is being added to Beta 4 and it will no longer work over beacons as well (confirmed by RypeL). 3- Since when can we disarm our mines? I didn't even know. 4- Old maps were not changed on that aspect. I don't expect this will ever happen, but maybe the new maps make better use of tech buildings. Actually, I believe one of them has a tunnel tech building but I'm not sure. 5- From the changelog of Beta 4: Remote C4 does not influence the teams minelimit anymore. Instead there is a special remote c4 limit of 4 per person 6- Nothing to sort players in any way was done, so far. 7- I'm STILL hoping we get an update to disarm beacons up to the last milliseconds, even if they don't do the whole graphical effect for it. I think they said they wanted to do it a long while ago, but its not there yet. That is what I know. They have been pretty busy and the beta 4 is looking like its progressed a lot.
  7. I like the general idea. I also think its a good idea to consider for getting weapons-vehicles when buildings are down for Marathon servers. There were a few ideas thrown around for that, but I think this one would fit Marathon servers very well. There could be room also for some more original upgrades with the SP system (such as regeneration, vehicle regeneration, carrying more ammo, whatever). Though I'd see people debating these. I'd love this in Marathon servers. Whatever to bring some variety to them whilst helping comebacks and giving ways to get things you can't have anymore (besides hunting crates for 3 hours).
  8. You're thinking way too much on a problem that simply does not exist. There are plenty of small ways to hinder the team like this and they rarely happen. Better yet, in this case you can just push them away. I don't see anything wrong with the alternative idea for the repair station, but the reason if overblown. And we don't even have repair pads yet.
  9. I wish the team could find someone to work on the AI in particular. Its a LOT of work to get it going and the current AI would need way too much work to be a decent human alternative. There's a lot of simple things they need (simple only in words). Actively seeking out many different roles (offensive and defensive), seeking out targets to repair, understanding MCTs, judging the need for repairs, judging how to attack buildings and plant bombs, knowing basic beacon planting, knowing how to disarm beacons and planted C4, having ways to unite the bots into simple but cohesive rushes. And thats just off the top of my head. I've wanted to go into AI programming long ago, but specifically for games. I don't know if there's such a thing? Game AI experts? It definitely sounds like something that needs a dedicated position because of how complex and deep it is. There's a reason most modern games have TERRIBLE AI, despite having AAA budgets.
  10. Thats cool, I just can't see much in the current screenshots though.
  11. So you want an entirely new game. People need to stop with the RTS-related requests. You have no idea of the scope of what you're asking for.
  12. Why even bother saying that? Thats -exactly- why some people (including myself) are looking for ways to make marathon -better-. Just because the original Renegade never bothered making it more fun doesn't mean we shouldn't.
  13. Hoverboard and double jump have nothing in common. Hoverboard is a vehicle-map kind of thing. Double dodge jump completely changes the way you can move around the maps. I never played the vehicle gametypes, I thought they were god awful. In TDM and CTF, double dodge jumps were incredibly fun. There were even training maps with a lot of technical challenges to learn the subtleties of UT2004's moveset. It was something else.
  14. Way, way too dark.
  15. I'm against refill nerf anyway. Why do people want to nerf it so bad. Oh noes, people are in their base and are having a defensive advantage. Yes, thats Renegade, and like Bro said, bases still die, all the time. If defense didn't have an advantage, it wouldn't need a team effort to break through.
  16. UT2004 was amazing but actually felt new. UT3 felt like a worse UT99. Thus, there was no point to it. At least, UT4 can bring UT99 "back" to a point where it has people playing it and a living modding community. That said, the core game doesn't interest me much. Playing TDM and CTF is just not special enough at this point. The vehicle-specific gametypes in all UT games were terrible, too. (I'm talking about Onslaught/Warfare) I'm not one that loves the concept of "bringing back the exact same formulas of the past". Yes, I loved UT99, too. The game is 16 years old. We can't even have new weapons anymore, its kind of silly. There is a reason I love Renegade and find it impossible to compare to UT. If UT could make some REALLY interesting gametypes and start bringing more interesting weapons and dynamics, I'd be in. But from the looks of UT4, at best, I'll play occasional games of CTF and TDM to bring back memories. And thats fine, but I'll stick to Renegade X for when I have multiplayer time. The worst part now is that it looks and feels far more like UT3 than UT99. Which is bad. UT3 felt bad to the core. But its so early and open, so I'm really just going to wait a long time and see what comes out of it.
  17. I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. If you play offline, refill DOES refill stamina. It has been an online-only issue since the beginning so I'm guessing thats what this means.
  18. I checked in the old Renegade just to be sure. In the menu, its written directly as Mobile Rocket Launcher System. I have no idea why they chose that name, if it was a mistake or if it was an intentional deviation. And hah, my tongue could never say MLRs now. In fact, just typing it is painful. I don't know how it was named in TS. I do have C&C95 however and its just called "Missile Launcher" everywhere.
  19. I actually like the ideas of being able to build turrets. The main idea for turrets should be "alarms" and just general deterrence. I think the best idea is to make them midly effective and quite easy to kill. The turrets have light armor, therefore everything damages them, and they have little health, maybe less than a buggy. Lets look at potential stats. ---Gun Turret--- Cost: 250 credits Weapon: Machine Gun (10 bullets per seconds, 10 damage per bullets, does not do headshot damage and bullets can be dodged at a distance if moving sideways) Health: 200, Light Armor You might think this is weak. Its not. Its incredibly powerful. Its something you can leave out and that will warn you when intruders come around and force them to give attention to the turrets, a turret that requires no players to distract. I'd love turrets like these, but they just sound too powerful at stopping infiltrations. They could be given a small range and a delay before spotting an enemy, but again most maps aren't designed for this and its still too easy to palce godlike turrets that warn you to all potential infiltration attempts. I think only the new, overly gigantic maps would benefit from turrets, since they are WAY WAY too hard to defend. While maps like Walls would be unbalanced with them. So maybe turrets could be added exclusively to maps like Lakeside? But really, turrets would change the gameplay VERY heavily no matter how you consider them and that might just be too much for this remake.
  20. In Renegade its called the Mobile Rocket Launcher System. I don't see any reasons to change that.
  21. Yes, I generally can't get around to mining after a bad miner did his work because I'll just spam "bad mine placement" and might remove other important mines in the process. It kind of becomes a dumb annoyance as you're kind of force to clear the entire mine count just to get back to mining properly, and thats when the guy gets kicked because I've never seen it happen. Maybe just make a mine-ban options which doesn't kick the player but removes all his mines and disable his ability to put mines, with an upside of asking votes ONLY for the team, making the vote easier as well.
  22. Not getting it. Just don't hold the button all the time. The weapon's auto fire mode is fine, it has little spread and a 100 bullets in a clip. Toggle is pretty terrible in a game like this, you don't expect your shots to kill, so the weapon might just stop firing while you had a few more bullets that could have hit if you were auto firing. You have those 100 bullets for a reason. The weapon is just bad, though. The pistol outclass it at all effective range, the automatic rifle has pathetic medium-longer range capabilities because of the bullet travel times and awful damage, the gun only outclasses the pistol in super short range where the shotgun destroys it. Its probably the worst weapon in the game, so there's the explanation on why pistol beats you.
  23. Maybe -you- should start relying on the fact that once someone dies by your hand everyone knows you're there. Deal with it. Has never stopped infiltrators from being incredibly successful yet you keep on whining how bad it is for them. For a guy talking of "crutches" and "handholding" you certainly can't seem to get over this.
  24. SFJake

    War Mode

    In the beta 4 patch note: The start of an online match is now delayed by 20 seconds. The start of the match will be delayed till either the server filled up or till NetWaitTime=20 rans out. After that a final 10 second counter will start before the game begins.
  25. A backward way to look at it. This would nerf mines and, if nothing else, mines are too weak, but certainly -not- too strong. Whats bad is exactly that you can just trigger them and get so little damage.
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