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About lone0001

  • Birthday July 8

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  1. Just FYI the MPF link on the downloads page (last link) is linked incorrectly, for some reason it links to "http://renegade-x.com/renx.multiplayerforums.com/downloads/RenegadeX-Open%20Beta%205F.exe".
  2. Speaking of Mesa: the mini-map still hasn't been updated and shows the power plants and barr in their old locations/position. Nevermind that though, I wouldn't be against the idea of reverting to the previous version of Mesa. I would be against having a delay applied to remote c4 though; they make the eng & tech/hottie fun to play. Why not give Havoc/Sak the tactical rifle and maybe even an additional weapon along with the remotes they have now. I've always found the tactical rifle way too OP of a weapon for the Patch to have but with the Flechette gun being a purchasable weapon I'm not sure what you could give Patch instead. Oh and can airdrops just be removed already please? It really doesn't help and just draws games out longer than they need to be. Tier 1 inf as it is after barr/hon destruction is fine.
  3. Is the Alien Abduction sound sticking around the whole game in the area someone was abducted ever going to be fixed? It's such an annoying bug.
  4. I was thinking it'd be a good idea to add some screenshots and videos to the homepage. Create a "Media" page and stick some screenshots & videos on there.
  5. I love seeing rushes like this, they make me feel like I'm playing the original Renegade. QDQl8ygJWtQ
  6. I clearly don't see this working but I really want it to to be honest, Hand of Don just sounds so great. Obelisk = Obby Raveshaw = Madshaw or Glowshaw? Black Hand Sniper = Rave Hand Sniper (he dresses like he's going to a rave, a sniper is supposed to blend in not stick out like a sore thumb) Technician = Tech Stealth Black Hand = Invisible Black Hand (many people don't under the concept of "Stealth" anyways) Stealth Tank = Invisible Tank (see above) Flame Tank = Pyro Tank That's all I have for now.
  7. Looks like a good update, thanks guys and great job!
  8. I would strongly suggest removing the video link, best not to show everyone how to exploit it.
  9. Please remove the link to the video and make it unlisted, I don't think it's a good idea showing everyone how to do it. PM it to a developer instead if they request it.
  10. I put together a video with various clips from Beta 4 testing sessions for fun and thought I'd release that video. I suggest watching the video in 1440p even if you don't have a 1440p monitor, it just looks better than 1080p. Watch it using the embed below or , enjoy!yK-Zm1l7cSI
  11. And that was a well spent timed c4.
  12. Here's a place you can download Black Dawn: https://downloads.cncfps.com/RenegadeX/BlackDawn/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.exe To the devs: I would strongly suggest having a section on the downloads page for Black Dawn and RenX Soundtrack mirrors, put out a call for mirrors if you don't have many for them or you could also ask for people that will put up Beta 4 mirrors to have Black Dawn and Soundtrack mirrors as well.
  13. Sounds like fun, count me in. I am just curious what the server settings will be, timed (preferable to me) or marathon?
  14. Out of all the ideas in this thread I like the one about EMPs disabling the Radar portion of the HUD for a short time and perhaps disabling small base defenses like guard towers, turrets, or sam sites (but NOT AGT or Obby) for a short time as well. Another idea that I haven't seen mentioned yet would be to delay an Ion/Nuke beacon, throw it at a beacon and have it delay the timer for about 7 seconds (give or take but less than 10) perhaps? This could be a thing as people already complain a bit that there is "not enough time" to disarm beacons. Having an extra 5 or so seconds to disarm before it gets to "initiated" could be interesting.
  15. Thought I'd just put my two cents in this as well for those with AMD gpus (like myself). I usually use Action but it has been crashing/freezing lately so I've been using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) to record at the moment and I find it works pretty well. Action however is usually alright and supports recording with AMD VCE or Intel QuickSync (both help to decrease the overhead a fair bit). Another suggestion would be to try out MSI Afterburner which I believe also has support for QuickSync.
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