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  1. long live Renegade <3
  2. good work guys
  3. you guys have done a really good job, amazing remake + the maps are beautiful. very nice
  4. The whole point of RenegadeX is to bring Renegade upto date. Game modes play a big part in todays gaming experiences. This is genuinely a great idea
  5. LOL hate I was just about to say "you could try highering the players Z position on exit (sort of jumping out of the vehicle) I dunno but good luck guys :)"
  6. Jumping out of the vehicle into on-coming fire is not much fun + worrying about facing somewhere to exit during the heat of a battle is crappy too. EDIT: Having the player exit from exit points is the way it should be tbh Renegade only picks a random exit point when the designated exit point is blocked. This shouldn't be a server sided option but a release/fix in the next patch.
  7. agreed. Will TotemArts consider changing to this in a future patch?
  8. Exiting from vehicles has been done wrong IMO It would make more sense to exit the vehicle opposite to the direction you're aiming, It allows you to take cover to repair and/or shoot, it will also allow for quicker vehicle entry. Please change the way you exit vehicles.
  9. This is a excellent idea, It would be intense to play the same factions against each other make the maps symmetrical and there you go needs a better name tho
  10. Attack and Defend n1 All the usual Game Modes should be there too: CTF, Team-DM, DM, CO-OP
  11. Sole survivor mode sounds fun, hopefully we get to see this sometime soon Will game modes require a newer version of RenegadeX?
  12. what would people like to see, improvements for future game modes? ideas I had which could be incorporated; 1) Pressing action on the MCT brings up the buildings purchase terminal (examples could be a laser barrier for extra defence or revive building etc). 2) Slow repair gun as a purchasable weapon/item. 3) Ability to buy the oppositions vehicles/characters for double the price. 4) Interactive AI/bots. When facing or pointing at a team bot you can control it with radio commands like Follow me, I need repairs etc.
  13. LOL, I was thinking the same thing earlier when it happened to me.
  14. I was shot once with a laser rifle and died having full health and armor More than once it has said I killed myself with a airstrike and I didnot purchase one Not sure if they are hacks?
  15. ok. I have put all settings on the lowest and turned off all the extra visual options. It has only happened once since (on the end game screen) Even on low settings this game still looks really good
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