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About Blade

  • Birthday 06/06/1993

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  1. Beta 4 when jk
  2. Game is running fine on this crappy ass Tesla GPU, no crashes or even freezes. The silenced pistol is a lot better than the automatic rifle IMHO, it does a good amount of damage to the head AND is hitscan, so you don't have to lead your shots 5m like you were a fighter pilot.
  3. Mouse acceleration settings please
  4. Maybe just cock-block it entirely during the period of the airstrike and make like a text pop up with a sound when you try.
  5. I would say that the damage output to light armor should be increased a lot. Just the 30mm rotary cannon on the A-10's should slice through arties like butter. Heavy armor would still take low amounts of damage. Also there should only be one airstrike going on at a time.
  6. Awesome, even though my internet is more than good enough to download it every single time, an auto updater would certainly help a lot and would also allow for more (smaller) updates. Anyway, I have no idea why anyone wouldn't use the torrent, the whole system is just far superior when it comes to distributing large amounts of information.
  7. Blade


    Happens in many games. E.g. Metro in BF3/4
  8. The problem is clearly on your end. I can see everything on Mesa even when the sun shines directly onto my screen.
  9. Guess you could go config-diving. Just search for UDKInput.ini in the root folder of the game and change what you want. I completely disabled mouse acceleration this way, just to be sure.
  10. I remember someone saying they would add new sounds so the player can pick one from the menu.
  11. You included me in that statistic. I only play Nod. Leaving does not count as winning, does it? Even if it doesn't count as losing, I usually just drive around Humvees and try to drift. Also, GDI absolutely has ohhh so many tactics of controlling or even preventing SBH whoring from happening. I would agree on an SBH limit though. Having 12 SBH's and getting either your or their base blown up shucks.
  12. I only play Nod. Once upon a time, I had to play as filthy GDI and I found it terrifyingly easy to spot stanks. SBH's are also easy to spot if you know where they tend to lurk about. Still, Whiteout is a tough one. SBH's are too hard to spot on Whiteout, no doubts. However, if you manage to sneak a stank into the enemy base on Walls without getting noticed, it's all their fault.
  13. Aaaaaand it's gone.
  14. You want a weapon which deals decent damage to everything except buildings and is dead accurate? It's strong enough as it is.
  15. OP ass nade launchers are gud enuff for hunting dem SBH's. The Volt Auto is fine like this. You are just not supposed to hold that trigger and blazeitfgt. The damage it does is just huge. YOU adjust to the weapon, we are not in Soviet Russia.
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