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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. My brother was very active in the Renegade community back in the mid 2000s, and he dislikes Renegade X. Here's what he told me: It's slowly turning more into a sequel than a remake, for example the building armour/health, tech buildings. The game is missing a few things from the original. The old EVA voice (which I have to admit I prefer the old), city and glacier maps (I swear there was another, I can't remember) and some of the crates as well. Also Visceroid's used to appear when you could killed by a chem gun or tiberium. I'm sure there where more crates in the original, like ion cannon strikes that put all buildings down to 50%, obi/agt guns, and I'm sure there was one where it would disable the agt/obi for a minute or two. I'm sure there was one where it would make you a visceroid as well. Although he did say that he liked things like sprinting, having basic vehicles after wf/air have been destroyed and having SBH with repair guns maybe give nod a bit of an advantage on maps without base defences.
  2. I found (UK time) the most popular time is Sunday evenings. Few people play during the day, maybe no more than 15. Here's a few reasons why I think there aren't many players: - Renegade wasn't that popular to begin with. People who did play back in the early-mid 2000s have probably long forgotten about Renegade. - If you search "C&C Renegade" on Google, Renegade X is the 8th result, right at the bottom. And the search result title just says "Renegade X: Home". Maybe it should be "C&C Renegade X". People will know what it's about instantly. - Back to the point of people forgetting about renegade, people who did play C&C when they where teens in the 90s are now in their 30s. They might be married, have kids, and haven't got time to find out about this. - I'm 19. I only know about Renegade because my brother used to play it when I was 5 and he was 16, I have good memories of playing multiplayer practice on under when I was 7/8 on my brothers computer (even though I had no clue on how to play). But many people my age wouldn't have a clue what command and conquer was, and the only version they might now is the shitty EA version. - Renegade + X multiplayer also isn't a game you can just download and know how to play, like GTA. Noobs will pick up Renegade X and have no idea what the hell is going on. Like what would "SBH rush to wf/ref/pp/bar/AGT" mean to a noob? A load of gibberish.
  3. Elliott


    No. You are getting mixed with the Renegade X UT3 mod. That was the old version released in 2009(?) and no one has played that in years.
  4. I tried to make a post today, and all I could do is put the title, and nothing else. Under putting the content, there was nothing. Just a blank space. I tried this on Firefox, chrome and opera. On opera I used a proxy from France, same problem. This was from the UK. I tried on my phone (what I'm using now, Firefox on a Nexus 6P) with a VPN from Canada, and it works fine. Unsure of there is more than one server or not. I thought maybe it was my account, so I tried to make another one, but the security check was missing , and if I tried signing up it said "you did not pass the security check. Please try again." Unsure of this is related, but I downloaded the launcher, then when it came to downloading the game it was only around 50KB/s. Then today I try and download the development kit, and it was downloading at 35KB/s. Maybe something is wrong with the server? Thanks
  5. So the other day while playing RenX, I joined a server, and I noticed I was getting noticeably higher frame rates, which I thought was odd. Anyway, I looked and noticed my HUD was missing. I pressed tab, and the HUD came back, but then my frame rates were worse again. Anyway, I found out if you press tab at anytime while playing, I get better framerates. So it can only by the HUD.
  6. Yeah, I don't think this is going to work as well as I thought. The airstrip is way too big, and it is very crowded. But the GDI side is lot of empty space, because of the airstrip.
  7. Hi, Here is an concept of an idea I had, C&C_Field_Reversed. It is basicly the same as the other maps, yet the sides are reversed. For example, What would be GDI side is the Nod side and vice versa. I got the idea from a game years ago, but thought could port it to Renegade X. This works, sort of. You spawn in the wrong team, AI don't work, and lighting is bad, havester tracks are not made etc. If anyone wants the map, I will try and upload it if anyone wants it. Its mainly because it could be confusing, bit of fun and why not? I have played maps before where it is like this, it can get confusing at first, but it is great fun and just why not really? I think it will be a lot better with Under, but had some trouble doing it with under, but field was pretty easy. Screenshots:
  8. Where abouts are they? I looked (RX_SDK_March_22_2015\Maps\RenX\) and all there is CNC-PTLevel,CNC-TestMap_MP,RenX-FrontEndMap and RenX-MenuMap. On the game, in that diectory (but instead of RX_SDK it is Renegade X Beta 4) it has all the maps, and the above as well.
  9. Either do !modrequest or !showmods if you know for a fact s/he is cheating.
  10. I have had that too, it says "Speed hack deavtivated too". I think it is a problem with the ping, it all depends where abouts the server is and the speed of the server.
  11. I got an idea, I remember seeing this on some game years ago (nexuiz), but thought could try on RenX, it is where you swap the teams around. So for example, where the Obelisk, you replace with AGT etc. So, on under, you swap the sides round, so what GDI would be, it is the NOD side and vice versa. I prefer changing pre-made maps rather than actually making whole maps. Mainly because I suck at making maps. How easy would it to do? I have made maps with the Source SDK before, but not UDK. but source is much simpler and it was Portal 2 (portal 2 authoring tools, not the ingame map maker) so therefore there was no AI. Thanks
  12. Yes it is a free game, but I think some people might be put off by the word "beta". When the final version is released, I would expect 500+ players. If they do get it on steam, I'd expect 5000 plays and more. The word "free" has also changed a lot. A couple of years ago, a free game was free. Now free often means you get a bit of it, but pay for upgrades. People unfimilliar with renegade x will proberly think its just enough pay to win game. Which it isn't, and won't be. When you say there is 4 people online, it really depends what time zone and what servers you are looking at. I have noticed not all the servers at the top of the list are the most busiest. For the time zone Im in the UK (UTC+0) and there is often around 80 people online. If you are in AU/NZ then your daytime is most of the players night time. I'd suggest if you are maybe play in the middle of the night.
  13. There are some people have no idea what "WF" or HON" means. Here is where I explain it all. Before you know it, it will become a everyday language. You can finally but another actual language on your facebook profile instead of putting UK and US english. Buildings: GDI: AGT = Advanced Guard Tower WF = Weapons Factory Ref = Refinery PP = Power Plant Bar = Barracks. tech = tech building NOD: OBI=Obilisk of light Air= Air strip Ref = Refinery PP = Power plant HON = Hand of nod. tech = tech building Vehicles: GDI: hummer = Humvee MRLS = Mobile rocket launcher system. APC = Advanced Person Carrier Med = Medium Tank Mammy = Mammoth tank Trans = transport helicopter Orca = Orca Nod: Buggy = buggy arty = Mobile artillary light = light tank flammer = flame tank stank = stealth tank trans = transport helicopter Heli = Apache Charaters: People don't use renegade language for most charaters. but here are the ones you kids will hear: GDI: Engie = Engineer Hottie = Hotwire Sniper = Havoc Nod: Engie= engineer Tech = Technician SBH = Stealth black hand Sniper = Sakura Weapons: As well kids, these are not used much too: GDI: rep= repair gun Ion= Ion cannon becaon Noobjet = Ramjet rifle Nod: Rep =repair gun Nuke - Nuclear strike beacon Noob jet = Ramjet rifle Please correct any mistakes here. Thats it kids, have fun and play.
  14. It seems like everyone on renegade x always wants walls flying. It really gets annoying because every time you go on a game it is normally on walls, and it gets boring. What about random maps instead of voting? It should make it even.
  15. No! I love the boink sound!
  16. Oh my god. There where people hacking ren x the day it came out. I wonder if there was beta testers creating hacks for renegade x before release so they could use it when it was released.
  17. This might sound stupid, but could of they been pressing shift?
  18. Sorry, I didn't relise I put crashed, I was talking about a display issue, the game running but it isn't showing.
  19. Hi, If you are like me and you have launched renegade x, and it didn't show, but still running, you're not alone. How to You will need to edit a file in the game. Heres how to do it: Go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Renegade X/UDKGame/Config/DefaultSystemSettings.ini Scroll down( about 1/10 the way down) and find ResX and ResY. For example, my resoluion is 1920x1080. It should look like this resX = 1920 resY = 1080 (or what ever your res is) How do I find out my Resolution? Go to your desktop, and go to Screen Resolution. Under resolution, it should have 2 numbers, with an X in the middle of both of them. The first number is X, and the second number is Y.
  20. I I've been looking on the internet, and someone has already requested a hack already: http://www.mpgh.net/forum/showthread.ph ... &p=9338961 I can't find anything inside the actual renegade x files that you could change this with.
  21. 6MB/s? Here with my ISP in the UK I get 12MB/s, yet when downloading somthing I always get 1.3MB/s max.
  22. Well done devs! One thing, I thougt it was going to be released on the 26th? It is the 25th! Well, in the UK.
  23. because EA said they can recreate the game, but only if they don't make ay money out of it. I don't think they spent 7 years creating the multiplayer. Originally, they made the UT3 version which was abandoned in 2009, when UDK came out. Then spent between 2009 and 2011 creating black dawn. Then from 2011 until today they have been creating the multiplayer.
  24. OK, so we are allowed to do this. Any more questions?
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