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Posts posted by TP|himselfXD

  1. "EA says its use of the choppers — specifically the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey — are protected under the First Amendment and constitute fair use. Textron argues they were used without permission and EA failed to pay licensing fees."

    This is not illegal it is a problem that companies like to abuse the fact that they have good lawyers. It's really common for that to happen if you have a good enough lawyer you can twist the law to mean what you want it to mean.

    I just had an idea it's not a big deal also.

  2. I think it will stay medium tank. Its a cnc kind of way to name the tank, and avoid lawsuits and whatever in the process. A better example might be the car industry. In GTA they don't use the exact cars and names. This would cost way too much.

    Also, I'm too used to Med. If I have to change to M1 I would lose my precious little mind. :P

    I highly doubt that anyone cares if you use their cars. A more likely reason they don't name the cars in the GTA games is because they where not paid for the "product placement" so they removed the name so that there would be no free advertisement.

    Also why does no one care if they have an Apache by your logic they should. Anyways nah you can use any name you want aside from video game "intellectual ownership".

  3. I have a small question about the medium tank name. The med is so obviously based off of an M1 Abrams tank will it continue to have the name medium tank or will you fix it's name? I only ask because it's such a weird way to name a tank in the first place also M1 Abrams sounds a whole lot cooler.

  4. I just recently re-watched all the old cutscenes from renegade.

    I seem to have noticed the recon bikes. Will you be implementing those to the game?

    I don't think anyone's noticed those. hahah

    I hope they to they are fun. :D

  5. I'm really digging the Mutation mode.

    Survivors are either Nod or GDI players and the "zombies" (visceroids) kill each and every survivor, ending the minigame. The map will consist of a relatively small playing field, complete with houses and other structures to use for cover as well as a tiberium field where the visceroids will spawn. Everyone spawns as a survivor except one unfortunate soul who has to be the lone visceroid and commence killing survivors, turning them into visceroids until no survivor is left standing. Each survivor will spawn with the same weapon (can be altered in the game settings, possibly?). The visceroids will move at a much faster pace than the survivors and will simply have to run them over to complete the transformation into a tiberium blob. Survivors have limited ammunition and are able to pick up scrap clips from fallen comrades. The game will have maybe a fifteen minute time limit that will end either when the clock is up or the last survivor is dead. I'm envisioning this more of a minigame, used in between marathon C&C mode matches, just like the OP stated.

    I'm no game developer, so take this opinion with a grain of salt, but it doesn't seem like this would be too hard to code. ;)

    This exact game mode exists already in Call of Duty made by the players it's called "Quarantine Chaos Zombies". To be honest it's fun for a little while but it gets so old so fast.

  6. Brenbot, night regulator, cloud bot, ect ect...

    Typically they have commands such as: !kick !ban !warn !lookup

    These will likely return with Renegade X (third-party implementations). We have recruited a beta tester for this specifically, however, everyone will be able to make their own server bot.

    Okay awesome so there might be one up around release?(Can't wait to see this awesome game you have made) I believe that would be an important feature to have around the release of the game.

  7. I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X?

    This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ;))

    Westwood wasn't lazy they just had other things that were more important to do renegade was an extremely impressive game for its time. They did a whole lot for what they had to work with. Sure there are a lot of bugs in the game but they had accomplished something great.

  8. Air-Strikes and the like

    I haven't seen anything other than ION/NUKES in and i haven't heard anything about air strikes


    Go to 17:35 fobby talks about airstrikes and how they might use the AC130.


    I have a few questions that might be a big deal for server owners.

    Will there be a built in admin bot or will we need to install a third party one?

    -If we have to install a third party one is there one being developed? If not I would suggest seeing if B3 might make one they did make a b3 for MW2 when the game originally didn't support dedi's a guy by the name NTauthority modified the game to have a dedicated server list. http://www.bigbrotherbot.net/

    Will server owners be able to make server side mods like in many other multiplayer games?

    Can you give us an estimate of how much resources(ram/CPU/Network) a Renegade X server will need? (I would really like to know so that I can be prepared for the release.)

    What will the maximum player slots be?

    Will you guys have any sort of anticheat or will that come when/if needed? (I feel like you guys need to consider working on some sort of anticheat)

    OT: I have a question about the forum group "Server Owners" I own a Command and Conquer Renegade server, a few Call of duty servers and a TF2 server plus I will be putting up a Renegade X server on release hopefully, would that qualify me to be in that group or is it meant for something else? http://thepeopleclan.net if you need to verify.

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