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Posts posted by TP|himselfXD

  1. Will the health be at a more realistic health or just like renegade you have shit loads like 5 head shots with a auto-rifle would not kill you. What is it like 200 health and 100 armor or reversed I can't remember.(obviously unless you scaled them to renegade the health and armor amounts don't mean anything.)

    In my opinion the health should be higher then other games but not as high as it is in renegade I think it's just a bit much.

    keep up the good work with the fantastic game you guys are creating!

  2. http://thepeopleclan.net/boardindex.php is recruiting we host all sorts of game servers and will host a server Renegade x with max stable slot count when it is released. We are a community as well as clan though.(more emphasis on community...) We have a: TeamSpeak3, Minecraft and Day of Defeat:Source server currently.

    By the way The People is pretty much the remnants of the US side of a mostly dutch community called Wittebolx.(Renegade community that died off years ago.)

  3. Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released?


    As a follow up question, how does one apply to be a server owner?

    they have told me on this:

    OT: I have a question about the forum group "Server Owners" I own a Command and Conquer Renegade server, a few Call of duty servers and a TF2 server plus I will be putting up a Renegade X server on release hopefully, would that qualify me to be in that group or is it meant for something else? http://thepeopleclan.net if you need to verify.

    This is reserved for RenegadeX server hosters and so i guess we will only assign people to this group after release and if they host a RenX server then.

    Will server files be publicly available from the site or is there some sort of application process? Also what platform will server files be available for? Windows, Linux?

    I'd assume on the site I highly doubt they would make it have an application process. I am pretty sure it is a Windows only but they might make a Linux server software available.

  4. Looks absolutely fantastic I can not wait to play it!

    Thanks for giving us a release date. Sorry about being so pushy on the topic of a release date but from a server owners prospective it's a big deal.(have to have server resources and such ready for it.)

  5. The game is already F2P. They aren't allowed to make money off of it.

    Secondly, Renegade's base gameplay is designed to be complex yet easily accessible. You can join a match midway in progress and be in the same boat as the rest of your team.

    It's because of that that I have to disagree with any forms of player bonuses, no matter how tiny. Everyone in the match should be equal at every stage of the game. There shouldn't be people on your team with more armor or ammo than you because they happened to be playing longer or are more "dedicated" to the game.

    I am saying other games btw I am aware of that EA will not allow it. I just described a way that it could be done that wouldn't break a game.

  6. Free to play is only good if it is not pay to win also they can't make money off the game as they said above. The only free to play system for a monetized game I could see working with out ruining the game is if you make money off banner adds on menus and loading screens as well as paid map packs but still allow players to make maps.(players would have the option to pay five bucks to remove all adds or somthing like that)

  7. ...and the Great Crusade of the God Emperor GabeN continues unabated across the universe. Entire galaxies are left in ruin as His Holiness seeks to unite all of creation underneath the SteamUniverse service. At the center of this grand destruction lies the former seat of human power, Earth.

    Although now a radioactive rock after the initial strike against the united coalition of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, there is hope for the recovery of Earth. Legends tell of a game that shall be released to end the tyranny of the God Emperor. For it is said in the prophecies that the disembodied heads of the Totem Arts development team shall one day emerge from some forgotten cave in immortal cybernetic forms to bring forth Renegade-X, the Prime Game. The Game to End All Games. That which may even bring low the Supreme One, GabeN.

    Until that day, all we can do is wait... And hope for the black dawn of Mankind...

    ".....And that is how my last trip on acid went"

    Just kidding well I like the creativity in this story although it is a little extreme.

  8. "Every other game" will be forgotten in 6months, this one i hope will last for +10 years.

    This game has a huge advantage in the PC gaming community. First advantage a free-dedicated-server platform will be available.(Servers can be hosted by anyone) Dedicated servers have better performance, problem players can be dealt with by staff and dedicated servers are normally preferred by the PC community. The second advantage is that this game is 100% free-to-play with no pay-to-win this is a very rare existence and everyone wants a free game.

  9. The only argument I can read here is "It would be cool if". I have to side with Woandre. You can join Renegade any time and (most of the time) can reduce your disadvantage to nothing. I like getting levels and getting stronger, but not in any multiplayer. Giving the better players more advantage? What kind of nonsense is that? I like the idea of beating other players. I like the idea of gaining the advantages myself. Buying the right character/tank, strategic insight in the situation and plain better shot... or luck if it comes to that. Just giving me extra advantages because I play longer and am a good shot is bull. Especially if you have killing streaks. Focus on tanks or start noobjetting all the time and the whole game gets f*cked up.

    I doubt you even entertained my ideas. Most ideas can be good if it is done with the right amount of moderation. Also you are assuming that I mean make these advantages over powered. What I actually mean is a very slight changes in speed a slight addition to armor and the whole point behind my ideal systems is to make TEAMPLAY more encouraged then the original game.

    What I do like about the idea is changing equipment. If you are very good in a game, you can choose an extra skin, or change the weapon (a wooden med or golden shotgun for example) to show your skill. The changes would give you no advantages, but would speak well with the show-boasting that the internet is.

    And if you really want to give people a little edge for being good, give them discounts or something. 500 less for an airstrike, 200 less for a light. The closest to a direct advantage in a fight might be more slots for weapons. No direct bonuses like "omg you just got to lvl 50, here is an auto-aim" style. Your toughness and skill should be coming from you and you alone.

    That would be stupid(and a direct rip off from cod).... A game like renegade is not about skill it is about teamplay and tactics. Skill has importance of course but a team of highly skilled snipers or even tank operators(for lack of a better term) will get demolished by a team of tactical players who work as a team. Encouraging skill is one of the reasons NOONE plays the game modes in Call of duty anymore they just go for k/d no matter what gamemode it is.

    What I think would be cool for a weapon system maybe a gun system that are all almost the same but slight variations(damage/range wise) with different models and you can choose between them. Sometimes I hate how a certain model looks so I do not use the gun.

    The thing about Renegade was that it had a pickup and play draw that made it easy to approach. You weren't penalized for joining a match late, in fact you could jump in and out as you saw fit without much of anything negative happening.

    What if your base was almost wiped out and the enemy team is just kill whoring?(happens all the time) I do get what you mean though but that statement wasn't 100% not even 60% true to be honest.

  10. God please no to leveling or equipement systems. The reason I play Renegade is because of its unique gameplay, and mostly because I can join and leave WHENEVER I feel like it. I can take 3 months break and join as 'same level' as everyone else again, not worrying about falling behind after a break or such...

    An equipment system could be cool if done correctly same with the leveling system. Maybe you don't like the default pistol you could switch it to different pistol. My preferred equipment system would have all weapons available to all players with no leveling up or anything. Now with a leveling system that would work in a game like renegade would be a system that is based on achievements in the battlefield like vehicle kills/player kills and when you level up something small like adding player a small amount of speed to the player armor or health to their character or vehicles somewhat similar st0rm or MPF(I believe they bought st0rms code after st0rm died or something like that idk) The system I described could go more in depth and include higher level ups for destroying building and would reset at the end of each game. If you do use a system like that please do not take it as far as cod takes it kill streaks are retarded. I would have it be more like a promotion to something like it says."Congratulations you have just been promoted to blackhand."(Maybe theme the ranks to CNC?) I also think that system would need to attach maybe a bigger reward for repairing buildings and vehicles to encourage team play. Everyone knows that to be successful in renegade you need to have people who repair and people who drive vehicles as well as infantry to infiltrate and to stop infiltrations. The problem is normally only good team players repair and they do that when their vehicle blows up.

    I am sure there are many other way that those kind of systems could be added and not ruin the game it's all up to how much imagination you use in implementing it. I do agree that a over all leveling system would be a bad idea but a game-to-game leveling system that you are reset back to the bottom level each match that would be cool.

  11. Will the server files be released to server owners before the game is released? I would love to have my server up right when people start opening their renegade x clients. If loads of players get on they are going to want to play online so I think it would be best to release those files a day before the release. That day would give us server owners time to set up the servers and have them up and configured properly.

    Oh by the way I love the new screenshot on facebook looks like you guys really made first person look fantastic. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... nt_count=1

    Edit: oops sorry about double posting :/

  12. If players could post some multiplayer beta screenshots below that would be great!

    Things to talk about...

    - Leveling separate characters.

    - Trading of items sounds good.

    - Player slot cap per map.

    - AI limits and difficulty depending on player performance.

    I'm sorry I'm confused by this? There's going to be a leveling system?

    I believe he wants a discussion about maybe adding a leveling system which if done right can be neat but it also could give it a cod-like feel which I am not excited about.

  13. If I can plunk my 2 cents in here. Since there's quite a lot of standoffs in RX with 2 lines pushing against each other I think even though it might be a small bonus, players who flank should be rewarded for their efforts and this mechanic will allow you to do and get that.

    There'll be attention paid to the balance side of things but since this is a (dis)advantage for everyone if it's not too radical it shouldn't change the dynamics too much.

    This will make Renegade into a game like battlefield or some other horribly realistic yet still not actually realistic games. I think directional armor is for realism and you gotta ask yourselves if you honestly think renegade is supposed to be realistic down to that amount. I honestly think the people who want games to be as realistic as possible should jump off a bridge ESPECIALLY with renegade. Renegade is not realistic and is not meant to be realistic! Now if you did implement it I think it should be very minor variations in armor strength that would work and not ruin renegade.

  14. Wrong. If they would put an exact release date on this game, they really would have to stick to it. Right now, it's only a suggestion. But i have faith in the team that they can still release it in 2013. :)

    Right now what is only a suggestion? They have said multiple times that they are planning to have it out this year. Now that this year has 3 months left I think it's safe to say they should have a release date. In my opinion the release date should be made at least 3 months in advance. I think they should either give us a release date or announce that it is going to be released next year. To be honest I think you might have a problem with people who stop following the game if they keep putting off this.


    A release date is only as final as the devs want it to be as well to be perfectly honest.(Meaning if they made a release date and things just where not working out the devs can postpone the release.)

  15. Giving you a date would mean the Devs putting a deadline on themselves. Meaning they would either be forced to rush the game to that date, or disapoint and lose credibility for their fans.

    No, running without stupid release dates until the game is READY for a release is a good thing.

    They already put a deadline on themselves with them saying it will be out in 2013 and what I said was sure if you want to go on to next year do it but give us a release date. So it's not pressuring them anymore than they already were in the first place...

  16. Awesome let me check this out here.


    Sounds awesome but with only 3months left in this year and how much time we have been waiting it's ridiculous to not give us a release date to look forward to. Well that is if you guys are planning to finish up by the end of the year. Which you guys have said you would have it out this year sometime. It's all cool take your time I just think even if you have to push it on to next year just give us a date seriously...

  17. its very mild to what I had in mind. when I get the printer going will throw a link showing my design

    Most 3D printers are not that accurate unless you have an amazing 3D printer you wont get much better that that toy I bought at the Mall of America.


    That toy has working tracks movable barrels and turret. It's not like the toy was poorly designed or anything. Now the little characters that came with it were poorly designed you got little gdi guys and little nod guys with the flame tank they had. I lost the flame tank :( and all the little miniature gdi and nod guys.

  18. this is sad. would have loved to have a mammoth tank and flame tank sitting on my desk... oh well I will have to design my own... which will be very poorly done.

    thanks anyways

    They sold those at the mall of America I have a mammoth tank toy lol..


  19. Will you guys be making a trailer soon? If so I can't wait to see it!

    Also with all those bloom effects from the snow some people might want a way to turn the bloom down I thought it was annoying sometimes how bright scripts 3.4.4's blooms made renegade on the snowy maps.

  20. EA never tries to force such things due to good lawyers :P

    Seriously though, just incorporating someone else's idea into your game without asking is just rude. If some Renegade player had created Havoc in the Unreal 3 engine, and the Renegade-X team would suddenly use it without asking, they would (in most cases) get mad. Your time and effort isn't acknowledged, which is a bad thing. EA not asking nor paying for the AH-1Z Viper, the UH-1Y, and the V-22 Osprey is rude. Just quoting the First Amendment and constitute fair use with everything you do is not enough. And even if you are right by law in the end, it does not make you less of an *sshole.

    The reason this Renegade-X exists, is because they asked permission to use all intellectual property of the original game, and being free to modify it to their best insights (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read it somewhere during development). As this game might become a big hit in the community, EA would certainly take notice and might have sued their *sses if they hadn't asked for this permission. Common curtsy and common sense. Even if they weren't the original creators, they bought those rights. The First Amendment and constitute fair use of an old game won't help here. Something to do about good lawyers and lots of money I guess.

    Well I am not a fan of groups abusing the intellectual property laws such as Monsanto's war on local non-GMO farms around the US. I see using their name as free advertising and this should not be a reason to sue I do not care if it is rude I think it is more rude to sue for that. Also free speech does protect it but recently it seems the US government likes to steal peoples rights.(The Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act) If I were to wright a nonfiction book would I not be allowed to name a car that I own? In my opinion the book is the same thing just different medium of media.

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