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Posts posted by RypeL

  1. I think we didn't reply to your original ai downgrade thread yet but you were right. We found a bug that got introduced about a yeear ago that basically prevented a lot of the more advanced bot code from executing, causing a big ai downgrade. It was a small bug with big consequences. I don't think this is fixed yet but will be in the next patch. 

    However we didn't stop there. Alot of new tactics and such have been added to the bots aswell thx to the initiative of @Handepsilon

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  2. The Team-Balancer is a server option. Servers have the choice to activate it or not. If its activated and some players found ways to change the team the balancer assigned them, then i can understand that some call this some sort of exploit. Although i understand the "wanting to play with friends" aswell. Its a double edged sword.

    That something is possible doesent imply that its legal per se or good sportsmanship. As im currently in charge of the team balancer and the latest changes i will probably do further changes to make it harder to change from your assigned team  .... but before you get your forks: i also want to work on a squad system that allows you to play with your friends but then assignes you more of the weaker players if you are in a strong squad. This is in planning for a while but had no time and energy to do this yet. As this seems to be a important topic to a lot of people, i´ll prioritize this. I will open a thread about this later on with more details and for feedback.

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  3. Can we stop this back and forth, fueled by mild personal attacks ? I think you guys have better things to do then spending your time on this weird quoting battle, so let me help you by locking this topic. I think everyone made their point. If someone still wants to talk about something specific from this they can open another topic, but lets lock this derailed topic.

    • Thanks 3
  4. "The AI will instantly repair structure everytime it gets damaged with hotwires and technicans."
    -> Properly has to do with bots never beeing fully adjusted to the introduction of building armor. Not sure if Beta5 already had it.

    "The AI knows how to effectively organise rushes and doesnt waste any time unlike the latest version of renX where they will just attack from one position and then get destroyed giving the emeny the chance to strike."
    -> This mostly is down to maps not beeing setup for bots to their fullest. For bots to attack from different angles and such properly the map needs to have special AI notes and with dialed in values. We still lack a tutorial for this and the system is quite complicated so that i think that none of the newly introduced maps (and not even all of the original ones) use this AI nodes properly and thus the bots wont have much map awareness. Potentially we could someday go over all the maps and fix this.

    "They don't overload airstrip/weapons factory with empty vehicles meaning you will have time to purchase vehicles without having your airstrip or weapons factory full of empty vehicles"
    -> Not sure what you think is different in curr version about this. You mean they buy a vehicle and then just leave it ?

    "The AI utilitizes the money they have properly meaning sometimes you will see your team mates with 300 to 400 credits because they utilises vehicles and units meaning they won't just waste it for no good reason and most of the time won't leave their vehicle empty unless they have to."
    -> They should still save up for better things to buy.  

    "Havoc/Sakura knows how properly use ramjet rifle and won't hesitate to shoot you in the head. ..."
    -> You mean they now sometimes just wait before shooting ?

    "But if you don't believe me then I think it is best that you go and download open beta 5 and see for yourself."
    -> Not saying i dont believe you. But i know that the AI code in itself hasent changed in this aspects since Beta 5. So not that easy or straightforward to find out what might cause this observations.


  5. AI downgraded ? How do you mean ? Why would we lol. If so i should probably know as most of the bot AI, Harvester AI and all the different turrets AI was my 'fault'.

    But it wasent/isent really maintained anymore as i have been inactive for quite a while since recently and have no more real intention to deal with the bot AI in particular as it became a chore and this is a MP game afterall. There are more important things to work on.

    What you might observe as AI getting worse is if some things in the base code changed, the AI code might need to adjust and if not it can break. Or it was never working properly to begin with.

    If you can provide a good description of what you think got worse i will take a look. Wishes like "i want the bots to be able to do this and that" probably will remain unanswered though unless we find a new AI coder.

    About the harv idea: yeah this sounds like a good idea. I think we should take a look at this.


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  6. It isent fun if you dont try to innovate. If this unpayed project wouldnt allow for innovation it wouldnt have attracted enough people that can dev. And thus Ren-X wouldnt even exist.

    If you really want to have a copy of OG ren there is a topic about a OG modification:


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  7. So what is your suggestion ? I didn’t say that I find sorting by points ideal. But even sorting by points is kinda broken right now and can actually screw the loosing team even more. And that’s more an issue with the sorting system itself regardless of what metrics it uses to sort. One issue is that currently it sorts the players at the end  of a map and not at the start of the next map. Because of that it doesent account for people leaving the server between maps even though that pretty much always happens. 

  8. Did some more research and found that the game indeed still sttempts to sort players by points gained in the last map, but theres an issue with it. Started work on a fix. After that issues is resolved I think we can expect things to become quite a bit more balanced.

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  9. Well, just trying to avoid this beeing sniped again by groupers if reintroduced. Though i dont even remember if we really had a functional autobalance before ? Im not actually sure so i might imagine the whole discussion lol

    But anyway the idea with still allowing some grouping somehow is:

    - not all people that want to play with their friends are top5 in the server

    - if like the top5 people wanna group up they first would have to make that clear and show it to the whole server by wearing that shared tag so they cant just go "its not our fault the server put us together"

    - also if the top people group up the balancing algorithm should  give them the least experienced of the rest of the players as teammates. So they very well could still have a hard time. Atleast much harder then right now.


  10. Necroing this as a reminder cause this has been braught up again by multiple players recently and i think this thread had some good ideas like simple clantags to keep people together that wanna be together. Might wanna work on this.

  11. Thx Sarah. Great idea and tutorial.

    Btw having the "[spec]DemorecSpectator" in the Playerlist is actually a bug and unintentional. I dont know if people prefer it like this now or if it should be removed.

  12. You could help out by typing "stat memory" in the console to observe what mem seems to be filled. (No im not doing it myself as I don't have the game installed atm and are more an advisor at this point. If players still want progress for this 10 year old game they get to help out with stuff themselves)

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  13. It’s impossible to prevent. That’s why demos are watched etc. There’s only so little you can do but you can never prevent all of it. Even the Unreal Tournament games always had cheats from day one. And Unreal Tournament is the game made by Epic who also made the engine. So if they couldn’t protect their own game that should be enough clue for you that we can’t either. And especially since we only have the UDK license and not the full engine license we literary can’t implement our own full anti cheat even if we wanted to. 

    Thats why we ask you to notify admins about possible cheaters so that their povs can be watched from demos or spec mode.

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