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Posts posted by RypeL

  1. The afk checker is a native UDK thing I thought ? When does it do a poor job ? It shouldn't. That doesn't make sense as it should be pretty easy to differentiate between active and inactive players. Is it because it kicked afk healers ? If it's known why exactly it was deactivated it should be easy to modify.

  2. Glacious made all the new loadingscreens. He did offer his help to make them and he showed us a demo and so it happened. If you did send him your work and he didn't use it then I guess he didn't like it. The quality of the loading movies looks worse in UDK then in the movie editor somehow. Seems UDK compresses it or something. Still they look good.

    About your crash site demo I don't know if you talked with any dev about it. If you'd ask me I'd tell you that I found the vid ok but not exactly newsworthy as it really didn't show anything of the map. I wasn't sure what I was watching and why that should be interesting. A trailer for a map should contain more from the map itself imho.

  3. About vehicles: the steering lag comes from ping and that comes from vehicle inputs beeing processed on the server. For us to be able to change that we would need a full UE 3 license as, cause of the complexity of it, most vehicle code is done outside of unreal script and we can only modify the unreal script with the UDK license. So improving that is pretty much out of the picture.

    The other thing I'm guessing you mean is how vehicles make contact with each other and that it's too bumpy ? It might help if we describe exactly what we don't like about that so that atleast we would know what to plan against, trying to figure out our options. Never think though that we didn't have modified UDKs vehicle physics yet though. Remember them beeing able to flip other vehicles arround and to push them anywhere ? A lot of work has been put in already to counter stuff like that. But the remaining challenge seems to be to make vehicle stick more to the ground without making their suspension feel too stiff and unrealistic. Like if we just increase vehicle mass some of they drive totally awkward. But we could maybe do more tricky stuff again like adding a counter force when vehicles collide.

  4. Because that would feel clunky. Especially like around the AGT and in general in tight bases. Dont need to make tank rushes more problematic. Not being able to swipe your barrel from one side to the other through a building could potentially make it pretty frustrating and can make you a sitting duck. So we are doing it like old ren did with preventing you from firing.

  5. No it isent. Other tanks like medtank have special code to prevent you from firing when you stick the barrel through a wall. The flametank actually has that code aswell but it doesent work as good with it cause of the shape of the flametank and its kind of short barrels. Whats missing yet is to carefully tweak this code for the flametank.

  6. He did download the manual patch im guessing ? And he doesent know that he just has to copy the manual patch files over the installation folder ? There is no exe in the manual patch to install the manual patch. I guess thats what you are asking. So just unzip the manual patch, copy its contents and copy them over the same folders in your RenegadeX installation.

  7. It only uses FastTrace´s at the placing of the beacons. So theres no traceflags involved. But maybe the FasTraces itself dont collide with the outer geom properly. Might be, but im not sure. Theres different placing methods based on the situation, not sure what is used on those spots. I´ll take a look.

  8. GoldRush(the new version)

    Very easy for GDI. Obelisk falls to vehicle mass (wasn't even a rush, just not enough repairs on the key structure...), ...

    I think Bananas was in the Ob or atleast in our base. I was one of the engies trying to get in to rep it and died together with other engies to Bananas C4 i think. Whatever it was it was some sneaky intruding, not just vehs powering it down.

  9. EDIT: I forgot to mention, but the biggest complaint i recieved about the game was not the game itself, but the development of it. They felt left out because no feedback was asked at all from them. Back in the Phase I days, Beta testers were picked by the amount of commitment they showed. For some reason they picked me, too bad i didn't have a PC back then that could run this game :P

    I remember that i picked you because you posted random stuff that seemed to make sense and cause you treated the game fairly. NOONE of that other old time ren boys that you are talking about actually posted much constructive feedback. We were pretty much left alone by most old ren guys or they just wanted to bash the game. I dont particularly remember old time ren players helping at all with Ren-X. Of course there are excpetions like HaTe, Whiskey and yourself, but imho there were few like few of these amd moone really wanted to join the dev team to help getting this started. The core dev team old ren players pretty much remained the same through all those years, the other guys that came in were mostly non ren players like young art students. If you are saying we didnt treat old ren players seriously i can for sure tell you that they didnt treat us seriously aswell and certainly for the most part wanted to stay in their game instead of helping out with this one. ... if someone treats this post offensive pls remember that im a) drunk right now and that b) its just my subjective random oppinion

    Regarding tank turrets on elevations i think that i might now what you are talking about and that its even fixable. will look into it.

  10. Lets just start a tournament already to get some competion options going.... i´ll probably just start a thread about that soon and we´ll see how that goes.

    What is the "turrets not behaving with elevation how they should" supposed to mean ?

  11. I am pretty sure Patche and Artillerie are only spelt like that to make it correct in plural. Guess if you can only have one...

    Yeah its cause of the plurals and i didnt think of the "Patche and Artillerie" cases yet. I can add specific logic to make the singulars work better though. Nothing problematik, just a bit of work. Will put it on the list.

  12. I´ve made a muator to disable to dynamic foliage volumes. This should replace the collision with static collision like Ruud wanted to do anyway and it should fix the MP ping spike problems etc:



    I cant guarantee it fixes all the problems in MP as i gtg now and no time to test properly but SP it works and MP everything should be fine aswell i think. Gtg, would be nice if you could give it a try.

  13. I like it so far. Infantry area seems fine and you can do good damage from there to the tanks beneath, so this seems to balance out inf and vehs quite nicely. But only played it two times so far. First impression is good though.

    Can't see this becoming a flying map. You can tell it's not designed for that. Just adding some cover for vehicles should do the trick I think.

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