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Closed Beta Testers
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Posts posted by nzdriver

  1. Left handed option only applies to viewmodels (the model you see in first person). This is why in third person it is still right handed and projectiles fire from the right side. Left handed option is not meant to be a game play changing option, just a client side preference. These issues will most certainly never change.

  2. I too suspect the camera is related

    1. Buy a beacon

    2. Plant the beacon and trigger a change map vote

    3. Vote yes

    4. Buy an airstrike

    5. Start to deploy the airstrike when the vote is around the 19-16 second mark.

    6. Wait for the map vote timer to end.

    If the scoreboard camera attaches itself to you then your game crashes at least for me.

  3. Unreal Development Kit has its own Steam AppID meaning if you open renegade x with steam in the background it will say "In Game Unreal Development Kit" which is enough to get the overlay and stats, you don't have to add the game to your library.

  4. Just to keep you guys informed, the devs don't know what is causing the crashes ATM, but they are aware of them. A new internal beta is being built. This build will have extra log information so hopefully we can find the cause of the crashes. Have patients the game used to be very stable, Im sure the devs can get the game stable once again.

  5. Just clearing out a few facts

    double-clicking the strafe and forward-back keys will roll

    This was removed during beta testing by almost an unanimous vote. The reasons for the removal were, it was not very useful as a sprinting is way better for getting for dodging, to easy to accidentally roll, had allot of exploits related to it (you can roll up angled walls). Because the devs could not resolve all of these things the roll was removed.

    Choice between timer c4, or replacing it with a single grenade

    You get several grenades.

    there are new airstrikes are as well. Not sure how they work, but the airstrikes are not instakills, they seem to do heavy non-fatal damage

    Purchasing an airstrike gives you a pair of binoculars which you use to mark your target. They have the power to kill infantry and light vehicles like Humvees and Buggys.

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