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Posts posted by Demigan

  1. I only saw it today, but it's funny.

    I see that you've added the gizmo, which seems to need some work before it's go time :) . And I think you've solved the walking syncronized problem.

    A question: will people be able to jump against other with feign death and throw them on the floor as well? If so, People would be jumping at their enemies with 0 credit troopers, and a few shotgunners at the back :) .

  2. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Apr 1 2009, 12:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    therefore it is a good feature.[/b]

    Therefore I don't like 3rd person view. You can hit someone by aiming straight on them, and by aiming BEHIND them. Effectively enlarging the area where you can hit someone. Which is why most snipers are completely crazy about the 3rd person view, as all instant hit weapons benefit enormously from it.

    But, as tanks don't have instant hit weapons and due to the terrain it doesn't really matter for them. Although I would love a first person view for tanks: it would make it so much easier if you can zoom into first person and shoot through a door into a building.

    Yours sincerely,
  3. QUOTE (a1h @ Mar 29 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well i spoke to her about when she was going to drop my son back on monday, and she said 7, so i asked am or pm, she said am, so i asked why so early? then she said "why? you busy sleeping with someone?" and i said "wut? no, just curious is all." then she said "you scared me then". Now that's the bit that has got me confused.

    I keep getting the feeling like i am being made out as some bad person. Though i have spoken to a few people who know her new bf, and they have all said the same thing, hes a giant douche. I am going to dig around to find out more about him, because i don't want my son or ex to get hurt in the long run and as i already don't trust him i have nothing to lose do i?[/b]

    I really think you acted good there. You didn't jump in angry because of the accusation, but you said the exact reasons why without any ribbons on.
    No-one wants to made out as a bad person. If someone insults you in the streets, 9 out of 10 people would throw an insult back, no matter if the insult you got in the first place had a good reason. Ofcourse I don't know what your ex is really feeling and thinking. But I can imagine she feels threatened by you: you have all the reason to make her out as a bad person. I think that, seeing as how you told us how you react, however one sided the information we get is anyway, you are behaving very good. You are angry, but you don't take every challange and insult as a way to get in a row with her. You explain your reasons, and leave it at that. If I am correct and your girlfriend feels threatened somewhere, she will eventually get further away from this situation with time. And then her abusive reactions towards you will abate.
    These things take time. While you definitely will have the hardest time to get over it, she will have to get over betraying you too, people just don't think themselves of capable of such things and are ashamed when they actually do. Try to help eachother, even if it's only you helping her, and you at least will come out without guilt and with a past closed and finished.

    Yours sincerely,
  4. If she thinks you are cheating on her, why the hell didn't she just ask her friend in question?

    The fact that she's jelous about what you are doing shows that she has at least some feelings towards you. Perhaps, after a long time and enough good talk, you can leave this behind (as much as that is possible considering the circumstances) and stay friends.

    She has no right anymore to judge you like that. I think that it is important that you just keep telling her nothing happend as you did and give her ways that she can find out for herself what is true, like asking her girlfriend that came over. Don't start on everything that she did. That will just blow it up again.

    I don't know how you feel about it, it might be far too soon. But would it be an option to have a talk with her new boyfriend? Without both your ex or your son, in a public place and a friend who will keep you in check should you still get mad at him. And just have a talk about what he does for work and in his free time or whatever you think you should ask to get to know him. That way you get to know him a little and trust him more when your son is with him. Your ex is who you are angry with, not him.

    As an afterthought. If you do have a talk with him, you might want to take your son with you on purpose. That way you can make it easier to focus the conversation about him, and you both will have a very good reason to behave with your son watching. If this new boyfriend of your ex is any good, he will at least try to be a good figure for your son. Just make sure that neither of you ever go into a contest for 'the best dad' over you son.

    Yours sincerely,


  5. QUOTE (TigerXtrm @ Mar 26 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I don't turn it off when I'm done with the PC, maybe that has something to do with it.

    Still I have never noticed the delay with my wireless mouse. I do know wireless has a reputation like that, maybe you just need to try a better wireless mouse then :) .[/b]

    I have heard about some more expencive wireless mouses which can transmute and send the message fast enough that it makes little difference to a wired mouse. Probably you got one of those. Me, I like to rant about that useless wireless mouse of mine.
  6. QUOTE (a1h @ Mar 26 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    i honestly don't know what to say. You guys are truly great, I am extremely pissed off right now though, spent the day with her and my son, and i put up with her all day saying she has a cold and is sick and put up with her coughing and all that crap all day, and then she gets a call from another male friend asking to go out for the night, and she couldn't leave quick enough.

    So i told her i am not going to put up with her bullshit like this anymore, and now i am getting annoying phone calls.[/b]

    As Maty said, there are numerous ways to deal with things. I think it's good when you say if something annoys you. Just make sure you don't actually assault her with your words. The moment you force her in defence there is no turning back, and she will only start looking more guilty or become angry herself.
    There are always reasons why people do something. I am not in on your relationship with her, and what you say might be true. But keep in mind that she might have some guilt. Trying to get your sympathy by acting sick (and perhaps even feeling sick because she wants to, that is possible), and then bailing out the moment a friend gives her the oppertunity can be what follows. It doesn't have to be true, but give her a chance to explain if she annoys you. I think that the best thing you might get from her right now is a good, deep conversation, and her deep and sincere appologies. It might not restore your relationship, but it will help you get further in life.
    Also, your son is two years old. The smaller the child, the more communication from bodylanguage, smell and other unsaid messages count. He will not understand what is happening, but he will share both your stress. The faster both of you talk this out the better for him. The best way to talk about it is probably not by pointing out faults, not your own and especially not hers. But by talking about what now, and possible futures.
    If she or you doesn't really want to do that, then do it for your sons sake. He will learn a valuable life lesson of this all by himself. But if you let this drag on, he might suffer from it. Children are usually the thing people fight over after they are split up. Keeping him with you as long as possible, buying things, trying to make him/her love you the most and boasting of it with your ex-partner. Don't under any circumstances let that happen.

    This is just a posibility. Seek your own, either by consulting a specialist, your past experiences with her, or whatever else you can come up with.

    Yours sincerely,
  7. Let's give you some positive points to think about:

    - Since you experienced that your girlfriend didn't really do anything for you, both you and your son aren't dependent of her. You can manage it!

    - You still have your son. It would have been a nightmare for real if she had been able to take him with her!

    - Your son will have a bit of a different life then other children because his parents are living seperate. But just because it's not a good thing that's happening in his life, doesn't mean it's going to ruin it. Everyone will eventually encounter such bad things. And I would rather have my children learn what they are and how to cope with them when they are young instead of when they are in the middle of their lives. Children are much more adaptive.

  8. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Mar 23 2009, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    actually you can. if you're used to wired mouses and keyboards the delay on wireless pretty much is HORRIBLE. and it gets worse as the batteries get more and more empty lol. that's the main reason why i dislike wireless.[/b]

    He's right. When I play Super smash brothers, it askes me if I want the FPS on 50 or 60. 50 screens per second results in one each 0,02 second. 60 a second results in one each 0,0167 (rounded up). And DAMN, is that noticable when you've played on 60 a second for a long time. But it's only a difference of 0,0033 between screens!
    Not exactly the right comparison, but if 10 screens more are that noticable, spread out over one second. I don't see how you can't notice a 0,15 second difference.

    You can blast me away with saying 'but that's 20% extra screen each second', but I still think I have quite a valid point here.

    Yours sincerely,
  9. I don't know half of what you people are talking about, but I do know this: a wireless mouse has a tiny bit longer to have it's signal travel to the computer.

    The mouse creates the signal, transforms it to a radio signal which costs quite a lot of time compared to simply going through the line. Then the computer receives it and has to change the signal again before he can calculate the actions involved.

    All in all, it might give you a delay of 0,05 to 0,15 seconds of delay when your moving. If you are an extensive gamer, you will definitely notice this.

    My computer came with a wireless mouse and keyboard. While I could use my keyboard and mouse downstairs without fault (The computer is in the attic) it just didn't play right. So I got an LX3 Optical mouse (hell if I know if that's good). It says 1000 DPI on the box, but Unreal 3 sometimes changes the signal to 30.000 DPI at startup and I don't doubt that it DOES go that fast judging by the amount of 360's my screen does if I move the mouse a fraction. Probably a bug.

    Yours sincerely,


  10. QUOTE (Qbert @ Mar 20 2009, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I tried puting proxs on my hum-v in a multiplay practace but they disapered when I got in. :angry: it would be awsome if it did work.[/b]

    Sigh, Westwood had a rather shoddy engine, the proxy's were simply not displayed anymore, but they were still there. Hell if I know how or why. Just place them on, get in, drive around untill they 'disapear', get out and target the spots where you placed them. If correct, the indicator will turn from 'humvee' towards 'Proximity Explosive' or whatever they indicated it with.
    There is a trick, called 'flaming APC'. It's easier and much less devastating with proxy mines, but usually they use timed C4. They stand in a special way next to the terminal next to the door and throw an incredible amount of timed C4 on the APC. Then they get in and drive towards the enemy, all they have to do is drive against the enemy tanks and wait for that massive row of timed explosions to occur.
    I think it's a bug like so many others. Abusing the fact that you can't blow tanks under your controll with your own C4. And I hope that you will damage your own tank should you use explosives on it while you are inside.

    Yours sincerely,
  11. Wow Mighty BOB!, did that come from you or a scientific magazine? You are correct.

    I have always found that most investigations, especially the scientific ones, are prone to misinterpretation and bias. For instance: a survey showed that children have much more humour then older people. They tested it with a big enough audience to be plausible, but they used comic strips with jokes that, when you come right down to it, were more appropriate to joung adults of today, then senior adults. Where were the comics for the senior people?

    An interesting fact was that I was working at a home for the elderly at that time, when I read just the title loudly without preamble, 'Senior people have less humour then joung people', the entire room burst out laughing.

    It all depends on the person in the end. By the standards schools set, I was a very dumb child that just didn't want to learn. Some tests lately have proven that I am very intelligent indeed. IF it interests me. Otherwise, You can't get me to learn it if you beat me with a stick.

    Yours sincerely,


  12. QUOTE (Pr0eX @ Mar 17 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Some (big) exposions, yes.[/b]

    Which (big) explosions are you talking about? Nukes?
    Let's rephrase that. What are SMALL explosions that don't throw you away? Probably the feather mines, but what else? A rocket up your throat should throw you away, C4 should also have a nice throwing range, tank shells (duh). What's left then?

    There was a question about replacing some commands with commands such as 'I mined the powerplant'. Is it an idea to add those to the taunts/orders menu? I use the taunts/orders menu usually when I'm a bit more secure and have time to use it. Things like 'I mined the powerplant' would fit perfectly: it doesn't have to be speedy, but it is some valuable information that should be passed around in the team. Or different commands like 'the powerplant needs mines'.

    Yours sincerely,
  13. I know exactly how you feel NEFirestorm. My CD's are all on a neat heap, and the manuals are all in the same heap in a different order,

    Except the manuals of the games I like to play. Which are usually on a place I can't recall untill I suddenly find it underneath ten tons of waste paper.

    And DUH, I'm a non-stream legit CD+CDkey user! I only share it with my brother who seems to like playing at the same times as I do...

    Yours sincerely,


  14. I think that snipers will be a great deal less of a problem anyway.

    In renegade, the amount of pixels were a lot more limited. Sniping someone's head took about 3 pixels, all you really have to do is aim at one of them and your done. With the low quality screen resolutions, that is ofcourse. So I think that 'sniping' as we know it now in renegade will be completely different anyway. Both because of all the bugs that are taken out, as well as that aiming will be a lot different then it is now.

    To compare: when I'm playing the new 'betrayal mode' in UT, then I keep feeling at times that I actually hit that person, while it was actually the tiniest fraction at the side. In renegade it is always clear: you either hit them, or you know sure as hell if you miss.


    With machine gun he didn't mean the chain gunner or the laser chain gunner, but the chain gun of the orca/apache. Because the apache and orca's rockets are way too useless compared to the machine gun, and that doesn't fit in his opinion.

  15. QUOTE (Ban4life @ Mar 12 2009, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I fully agree with mighty, just let the locked vehicle put the teammates into the gunner/passenger seat.
    To all other stuff, the tanks can be stolen by enemy's any time. If you are stupid enough to let your vehicle be stolen, dont get a vehicle...
    my own vehicles that have been stolen is about 3, not even 1 each year. Its all in how you play.


    I have more vehicles that have been stolen on my record. But if you are smart you just place some C4 on your vehicle before you even start out. Should it be stolen, switch and BOOM. You get both a nice heap of points from destroying a vehicle, and you can immidiately kill the tankstealer. Ofcourse, you should also stay away from the front of the back of your tank or else they will drive over you before you can even switch to explosives.

    Yours sincerely,
  16. The talk about bodies got me thinking. They have a nice animation for getting killed by the bio rifle. If you slowed the animation down (if possible) and played it when you die by tiberium field/weapons then you got some eyecandy. As if they are absorbed into the tiberium field or something.

    Further, will there be something to identify if someone is hiding in the grass by feigning? Like bending the grass or something. There was some discussion about doing something about that for the proxy mines too, but I don't remember what the answer was.

    Checking the answers, I also see this:

    'Q: The main problem I had with UT2004 was that there was no HUD when playing in 3rd person, will this be fixed in Renegade X?

    A: Yes of course.'

    Shouldn't that be UT3?

    Yours sincerely,


  17. I bought it because I thought it would be a good game.

    However, the titan pack update they released recently showed me two things:

    1: they can make the game far more interesting with just a few extra features

    2: they are absolute idiots when it comes to balancing some levels (Suspence Necris has been made purely to see how many massacres one team can get in one game)

  18. A question: as you seem to have a much larger audience then just the renegade players, it might be handy if some kind of tuturial video came out. I would hate to have to fight people who don't know what a Purchase terminal is for (or don't even know that there is one) or something similiar. Explain about mine limit, vehicle limit, scoring credits through refinery or scoring points, how to even get points, goals, different ways to destroy buildings, weapons (the stealth tank range compared to MRLS range for example), etc.

    Yours sincerely,


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