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Posts posted by Demigan

  1. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jun 11 2009, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Actually, Renegade's gameplay is quite faster than most other popular FPS games, such as the Battlefield series, Call of Duty series, Ghost Recon series, and even the Halo series. It's one of the only games where movement needs to be continual with run and gun action, while other FPS games emphasize duck, cover, prone, and capturing control points. There are also immediate spawn times, and not much time is spent reloading, finding ammo, or waiting for guns to charge. The movement itself might not be "fast", but many aspects of the game make it faster paced than many others.[/b]

    Looking at it from that perspective, yes it's damn well faster.

    As for Nithix's answer. Renegade is still much more stragetic based. Going prone, crouching and taking up position is all a very great and stragetic, but only the infantry-fights in renegade are more about who's best at shooting. Still, only the choice of your character and where you are trying to engange your enemy is much more important in this game then any other. In other games, you can pick up a shotgun and a sniper, should someone come close, it's swap and you are dangerous closeby. In renegade, a shotgun trooper is mostly stuck with his shotgun, and a sniper with his sniper. Giving them a much more defined role and on top of that a much clearer picture of what battles and places they should avoid and what places and battles they should (ab)use.
    Then there is also preying. Renegade has given each character not only a stragetic worth, but also an economical worth. People are more inclined to shoot that expencive character then a character that is more nuisance and costs nothing. Especially because an expensive character will try to get away after getting dangerously hurt. While a cheap or free character is more inclined to attack untill dead and hope he can take down everything with a higher worth, as many as possible. Renegade offers choices everywhere, before battle, where to battle, and who to attack during a battle is much more important. Other games it's mostly 'attack the person who you have most chances to kill/hurt'. Renegade gives you an option: what gives me a benefit? should I take the gamble?

    Yours sincerely,
  2. QUOTE (dyslexicdavey @ Jun 11 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    anyone can see it at http://www.tsugaming.com/forums/home.php with out registration[/b]

    Thanks for that.

    I read the interview, looks nice. Only one question:

    The Unreal Tournament series also has its own similarities to C&C Renegade, with its large maps, fast gameplay, interesting game modes and the fact that its believable, but not necessarily realistic.

    Fast gameplay? Renegade is just about the only game that is neither slow nor fast. You build up, probe your enemies strenghts and weaknesses and GO for it. There are lots of times you have to act faster then any other game I've seen, but mostly it's a continous movement towards the ending. Just look at the vehicles, they aren't what you would call speedy, even the APC isn't fast. That changes as soon as it becomes a run at a building. Just reaching it first can be a lighting fast race of who reacts first.
    Otherwise, No objections :)
  3. A new name to be filled in into the great hall of fame. Your name will end up next to my gilded scroll of honour for Mario. Should you die, my taxidermist will preserve your body and store it for the time we will be able to clone you. Then the whole world will bask in your glorious prescence and buy a personal Alex to build new Renegade-x textures for them.

    Welcome to the team Alex :)

    Ps: Where do you live, my taxidermist will be there shortly.

  4. One of the most interesting bits of renegade is the fact that you will achieve victory quickest with team tactics. Rushes are one of the best ways to finally end a game in marathon, or get back on top of the other team in normal games.

    What are the most genius rushes you've ever seen, did they fail or succeed? Why did they fail or succeed?

    I think one of the most effective rushes I've ever seen was a mobius rush. about 20 of the 25 people had a mobius, the rest was either sniper or lone wolfing it (damn noobs :) ). It was on Islands, both teams still had tons of money but the refinery was destroyed of both teams. We time-c4red the airstrip, when it was the Hon's turn, we realised that simply shooting from the outside did the job in seconds.

    Why did it succeed? Well, there are relatively short roads towards the bases, snipers don't have such an advantage for their range vs a lightning gun. So most mobiusses were still alive when they got to the base. The lightning gun is very powerfull even against buildings but rarely used, which had a nice surprise element when we torched the Hon. Dunno whoever started gathering mobiusses, but that was a genius move.

    What's your best rush you've witnessed?

    Yours sincerely,


  5. QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Jun 4 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Hands down Tiberian Twilight. C&C needs to be saved more then it needing another FPS. C&C was never about getting as many hot actresses as you possibly can and calling it a C&C game. The series has been going downhill starting with Generals. Though I would love to see Renegade 2 or even Continuum, I prefer the story to move forward in the direction WW intended rather then going with the path EA chose.

    Why do you need Ren2 when you got RenX ;) haha kid. I'd love Ren 2 to be reborn and connect the RA and Tiberium universes.[/b]

    As far as I understand, EA didn't actually muck it up all by himself. Westwood was going in the aliens direction even before EA took over, and the idea to have a plot with an old time machine from Red alert in the tiberium universe would have totally destroyed my idea of the series I think. Although I agree with you they have gone downhill: there is too much fluffy things around, actresses, graphix, and too little real content for the advanced computertechniques we have reached right now.

    Yours sincerely,
  6. QUOTE (DeathNSmalDoses @ Jun 4 2009, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    when: you chase a sbh and plant a timed c4 on him then you run away laughing :)

    Only to read a msg couple seconds later him cursing you lol

    To many times when I'm setting up mines as hotty and u see a sbh try and sneak round, swaps for timed c4 chase the bugger and stick it on them, then laugh watching a floating c4 disappears, knowing on his screen he can only see it too :P

    p.s 500 sniper ftw :) [/b]

    Chasing an SBH with timed C4 and sticking it on him...?
    What kind of noobs are your enemies if you manage that? If you would try that with me I would simply pull the trigger, I might be a bit unique that I actually use the SBH gun against full health targets, but still. How the hell can you lose from a hotwire if you have a gun that has more bullets, almost the same fire rate, same damage PLUS fire damage afterwards and longer range, vs her pistol and if you're stupid her C4?

    Yours sincerely,
  7. That screenshot of your 'renegade 2' made me choose that one. I think that EA has made a mistake with C&C3 and Red alert. It's in the units.

    The C&C games always had one step on the other games, it's in-game economy, easy control of units and construction. But when I saw C&C 3 and red alert 3, I hoped they would continue with the pioneering in the RTS genre: add more diverse units. Instead, they chose the Graphix side.

    Don't get me wrong, they do have a lot of diversity of units, but there is actually no real choice. These are against tanks, these against units, these capture buildings, these have the advantage of a jumpjet and these don't.

    But where is the real diversity? being able to choose between a peacekeeper and a 'normal' soldier, light tanks with different armaments, from rockets to simply this one has a 200mm cannon, this one a 120mm cannon and this one a 12mm anti personel cannon. That would really give you choices, a diversity in an army of one type of tanks would give you a range of stragetics and possibilities far wider then 'mass this, add a bit of that and GO'.

    It's the FPS-RTS for me, Renegade is still a unique amongst all the other games, and the leading FPS pioneer Unreal has only begun in this direction with a weak, stale and thin version of it. Hell, they show the same decline as the C&C universe, more graphix, less real CONTENT. Where is my personal favourite game-mode assault?. Oh well.

    Yours sincerely,


  8. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 29 2009, 05:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    That's a mirror? (Reflector) I don't think so. If it was a reflector, it wouldn't have a need to be inside of that nook that its in, hidden from any sort of light it could possibly reflect. A real reflector would be flush against the outer hull of the vehicle so it can easily pick up any light and reflect it for other people to see.

    It's obviously a head light.

    And there is nothing but smooth, bolted metal on and around the track fenders.[/b]

    Haha, they were talking about the picture of the AA tank I posted. That tank has some strange lights or, as they pointed out, rearview mirrors on the front sticking out.

    I hadn't noticed that tube sticking out there, looks nice on it. A bit hypocrite of me to say it hasn't got much detail but not looking close enough to see it.

    Yours sincerely,
  9. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 26 2009, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Their mod to the APC was based off of a real vehicle. They can't do the same thing for the flame tank because no such vehicle exists.[/b]

    They can damn well try! :)

    While it looks perfectly accurate with the renegade flamer. It does seem a bit underdetailed as others pointed out. I should think that some of the AA tanks would get fairly close to the overall look of the flame tank:
    Ofcourse, the tank in the image has a little too small a turret, but it would be a fine example.

    Anyways, It's good enough as it is now, doesn't need changing. But if it is changed, no problems there!

    Yours sincerely,
  10. QUOTE (SoD.X @ May 23 2009, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I find only 2 things missing, and both of them on flame tank.
    First is that EVERY tank should have front hull loops, incase the engine will give up on working so it could be carried away.
    Second is hulls headlights, thats about it =p otherwise everything looks awesome and very well thought of, even the little oxigen cans for the flame tank. keep up the awesome job guys![/b]

    I have no care about the front hull loops. But you should look closer, the headlights have been placed on the side, energy stored in those big tanks behind it.

    QUOTE (Tsumetai @ May 24 2009, 04:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I hope NOT. I hate it when game developers do that sort of crap. It's so stupid. It never even looks good; they always end up looking freakish and unnatural.[/b]

    Check Max Payne 2, they have bouncing boops there, but it isn't very noticable and it looks quite realistic. Don't ask me why I noticed it if it isn't noticable :) . I think there are more games that might have such a feature but isn't too insane like DOA beach volleyball.

    Yours sincerely,
  11. QUOTE (a000clown @ May 23 2009, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    A bit disappointed there's no video like there usually is, but that APC looks amazing ;) [/b]

    Heh, it's a good enough update for me. They update regularly and the fact they do so many video's has always come as a bonus. Enjoy it while it lasts, the next mod you will be keeping track off (if you ever will after rene-x is released) probably won't be so regular or with so many (good) video's.

    Yours sincerely,
  12. Flame tank: nice, and not just because it's a great tank.

    Nod officer: Nicely finished, although he doesn't seem to radiate an immediate 'I am the officer' look like the GDI officer seemed to have.

    Sakura: Detailed reconstruction at it's best. She really looks like the real deal, but instead of the anorexia she had in the original game she seems to have some real fat and muscles appropriate for her occupation.

    Firefly: Well, it looks a lot better then those gray WIP thingy's or whatever you call them. I think that if the crystal was a little smaller then it looks now, it would be perfect. Too bad it's so far in production already.

    Shotgun: Splendid, it actually looks like you don't want to be at the business end of this one. The original renegade one seemed more a plastic nightstick which incidently could shoot to me.

    Kestral: You guys really know what a weapon should look like! I't a magnificent design and I'm actually considering trying this one out as a substitute for the normal soldier.

    APC: I saved this one for last. It's magnificent, not a work of art but a work of craft. It looks armoured, fast, capable of carrying various loads and it's build for the battlefield with a nasty machine gun on top. Wonderfull!

    Yours sincerely,


  13. QUOTE (JeepRubi @ May 19 2009, 02:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I wouldn't care what they did with it, I would take the hefty sum and start my career.
    A game is one thing, my life is a more important thing.[/b]

    I think this is the most realistic and smart thing to say. Especially as they would only throw away money if they changed the game. All the people that are watching this mod are watching it because it will recreate a game, minus the bugs. Not watching it because it will create a new one.
  14. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ May 8 2009, 10:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    you know i'm not even on the team and i get annoyed by all the whining for a new update.

    peeps, these people do this in their SPARE TIME please keep that in mind. it's a fun project for them, and when the time is right there'll be an update you all know that.

    so please, stop whining and pushing them for a new update. It'll be there, just trust the team and shut up.[/b]

    Rather a bunch of people who are so exited they keep whining then an unattended mod. But I get your point :)
  15. Damn, looks nice. Depending on if you have to pay for it once, or have to pay for it every month, I might actually consider to buy this when it's done.

    Which are you going to do? Environment, magic/elemental effects, characters or whatever?

    I've watched the video's on Moddb, looks good, especially while it's still in WIP.

    Why do half the characters walking around have red glowing eyes? It's a nice touch, but weird even for an RPG :)

    What I think is a bit dissapointing is the fact that those dragons have way to small wings in proportion to their body. The wings are big enough for them to fly despite their incredible weight, but the speed at which their wings move is far below the neccecary speed. I think it would show a lot more power if it didn't lazily fly around but had to swing those wings like mad to keep flying, while at the same time looking as if this is something it can keep up all day. /Random rant

    Yours sincerely,


  16. QUOTE (SeanW @ May 5 2009, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Why does everyone hate glacier? I personally luv the map, u gotta act quck or u lose ur bar/hon+ref lots of tp required, I'll be honest if the server is crappy and the mines don't work properly and they warp to teh middle of teh map thats fucking annoying, but if they get it right then its a good map.[/b]

    Cos the map was build to be laggy in practically every server. I can't wait to see Glacier on a good engine with good coding. The mine things was done on purpose by the way, you can disarm them at that lightning spike but they explode at the place you put them. As it's pretty central and snipers of both teams can safely shoot it without being able to shoot eachother, and tanks can get there pretty easily, I think it's a very fair and good system.

    You know you're a CnC Renegade player
    -When you've remote C4red your own vehicle to blow it up should SBH's steal it.
    -You've camped the weapon spawn with SBH to get HS weapons.
    -You scream 'typekill' or 'out of ammo' the moment someone kills you easily.
    -You placed random timed c4 anywhere just in the hope to get a kill.
    -You accidently hit the wrong hotkey and bought an engineeer instead of refill.

    B2way I Bought a retour ticket.
  17. QUOTE (Techno @ May 2 2009, 07:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    -Stank to you doesn't mean a bad smell
    -Flamer to you doesn't mean an effeminate male
    -M-M-M-M-M-M-M-MOVE OUT!
    -You answered every noob's "How do I go down in the helicopter?" with "E"
    -You looked forward to killing the Hand of Nod/Infantry Barracks so you could snipe with ease
    -The 500 snipe > N00bjet
    -You got a Mobile Artillery or Mobile Rocket Launcher at the start of each round to farm credits/points
    -You had your best sniper fights in the CnC_Island's tunnels
    -Beacon rushes with 6+ Ion Canon/Nukes
    -You did a fireworks display on the hill of CnC_Hourglass
    -You hated when the map rotation got to CnC_Glacier
    -Infantry wars!!
    -The Mammoth Tank rushes always failed


    Remove a few of those first then...

    Mammoth tank rushes failed? With good teamwork the mammoth tank rushes can be the powerhouse to break through your enemy. Capable of taking lots of punishment and hiding enough hotwires safely to keep it repaired, these can really wipe you out.
    best sniper fights in islands...? I don't see what's so good about those tunnels, it's all about wallhuggers there. I like the sniperfights where you run from cover to cover, fight from variable range and have to watch out for other infantry then snipers as well.
    sniping with ease, what for? The fun in the game is not getting things dumped on your plate. The only reason for looking forwards to sniping after the infantry building has been destroyed is to finish off those last higher class infantry who are playing hard to get.

    As for adding new ones. I think that most would consist of 'not working as a team, leaving your teammates to their fates to preserve your k.d. ratio instead of sacreficing yourself and winning the game, lame ass sniping without actually contributing to the game, etc'.

    As you see, we aren't on the same level when we are talking about what makes you a Renegade player :)

    Yours sincerely,
  18. About the feign death. If an SBH feigns death will he stay invisible, or will he turn visible again? Same for when he is already visible, will he be able to turn invisible while feigning death?

    Feigning death would be solely for making yourself as hard to hit as possible if you could do it and stay stealth. Being capable of turning visible when you do it might give you the oppertunity of actually feigning your death. There's no enemy who will say 'he's dead' when you are still invisible or suddenly turn invisible while on the ground.

    Yours sincerely,


  19. How about, for extras, you use the weapons and tanks from UT3 itself (scaled down to ren size)? Have a bit of a scrap match and see what rocks more :) .

    Shock combo those tight packed enemies, compare the flak cannon to the shotgun, telefrag your enemies, blow them apart with the impact hammer, The darkwalker shooting all the infantry up, the Goliath blowing holes in your buildings and see what that leviathan has to say about base defences!

    Perhaps more of a april fools crate package, to have the leviathan drop from a transport heli and drive over your enemies tanks into their base. Ofcourse, only unofficial servers would be able to sport it and the prices should be rather high for that kind of weapons...

    Yours sincerely,


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