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Posts posted by Demigan

  1. More on the grenade launcher:

    There are games where pressing and holding the grenade launcher will have effects on the projectile. Examples which we could use are:

    Holding the trigger longer will send the grenade farther away instead of the standard loop we have now.

    Holding the trigger longer makes it possible to have the grenade bounce around before it explodes.

    More options:

    Secondary fire changes if the projectile explodes upon impact or explodes after bouncing around. Holding the trigger longer will fire farther away/bounces more.

    When you set a projectile to bounce around before exploding, it might be fun to have it subject to giving the grenade an 'effect' by moving sideways, giving it a curve sideways along with the normal loop.

    Yours sincerely,


  2. QUOTE (aRGHathol @ Jul 16 2008, 03:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Possibility?? :P

    I know your trying to stick to Pure old Renegade that we all know and love, but I was wondering if this was out of the question.[/b]

    Do you know how GOOD the grenade launcher is? You can headshot someone with it! 8 bullets quite fast instant death baby!

    Honestly, I only once accidently headshotted someone, a sakura. We were both like 'where did THAT one come from?'. But yes, the grenade launcher should get some sort of upgrade.

    The flamethrower I'm not sure about. It is quite a good weapon. As an SBH I use it to kill snipers when I lack other headshot weapons as the rocketlauncher or shotgun. If you do it right, all flame particles hit your enemy's head, and it deals MASSIVE damage, enough to kill someone in less then 2 sec. And it's quite a good weapon when used against vehicles, especially considering it's a 0 credit unit. One point of note: An engineer has the advantage that he can deal 400 damage with his remotes if he can get just that tiny bit closer then the flamer. So that's perhaps something you should tinker about.

    Yours sincerely,
  3. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Jul 19 2008, 04:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    We've done this poll before, just wondering how the figures have changed ;) [/b]

    I don't know which I would go in.

    I bought Unreal 3 because it looked a good game then. The singleplayer sucked, and the multiplayer was a fun for a while. But it just couldn't keep my attention (there are practically no stragetics).

    If I had known exactly what the game would entail, I would only have bought it for Renegade-X.

    Yours sincerely,
  4. I think the chinook has always been underestimated.

    Think about rushing an enemy base in walls flying where the enemy knows your comming. You will probably not even get further then the entrance.

    If you use a chinook however, you can reach one of the sides. And if you do it right, then 4 people are all you need to enter and destroy a building completely, even if you encounter heavy resistance.

    It get's even better if you coördinate a chinook rush (seen only one during my renegading years).

    It was with 2 chinooks, each went to one side of the Nod camp. The snipers shot them down when they just reached the sides. The Hon side troop was completely wiped out as the Nod force was scared witless that their HON was destroyed. In the meanwhile the other troop entered the air, and send one hottie to the pp. Both were destroyed. The air because they defended it with enough vigour, and the pp because Nod hadn't been counting on a split in targets.

    I have my own question about anti-cheat software. Will there be any?

    In all my renegading years I've seen loads of cheats, for fun, I'll put down some of the 'best' I've seen:

    -On number one worst cheats, stands a cheat I've seen ruining several servers. This cheat let someone join without a name. And the enemy team just spawned, died, spawned, died. And so on untill that person left.

    -One of the more badass cheats I've seen was homing gunner rockets. They homed in on someone's head. As you can fire 6 of them in rapid succession, it was a better weapon then homing ramjet.

    -Everyone has seen final renegade cheats I think. From engineers who have infinite range on their repair gun and one hit kill if you get hit by it, to just plain 1 hit kill with any damage done.

    -One of the more surprising and sneaky cheat's I've seen was the PIC shotgun. At first I thought that it was someone who was very good with a PIC, untill I saw him comming at me with a shotgun trooper. As Renegade has trouble displaying several PIC beams at once, I only knew what he was doing by my death, as then I would glitter as if hit by a PIC or Mobius gun.

    -A very nifty trick someone once used was that all quick fire weapons such as machine guns dealed a few more damage then normal. As several bullets usually hit you, it's hard to check if he's either a good shooter or cheats.

    -Insta heal. There were 3 cheats on the market for this one. One was that your repair gun healed about 200 health each hit. Another was that only if you pressed another button during your repairs would you get such a massive healing rate. The other was with a button, if you hit that button, your entire team or only yourself was healed instantly. This last one let to many kicks and bans for people who had nothing to do with it, as you just didn't know who was doing it, and which one of the cheats he might be using.

    -And last but not least, the big points cheat. When the cheater hit a building with a raptor machine gun, he already earned himself hundreds of points. Even the biggest noob could win a game by just hitting 10 people throughout the game.

    Yours sincerely,


  5. \-Building capturing

    Instead of capturing a building, which will probably be destroyed/recaptured shortly afterwards as you can't defend it (and the base defences go frantic), you should be able to 'steal' technology.

    So, you fill that nice extra bar of yours. And when it's done some of your units will receive additional weapons (or have the option to buy extra weapons without changing character).

    Think about: buying the good old laser rifle for your hotwire. A chaingun for your havoc. Laser chain gun for deadeye.

    Or when you are on Nod: buy a gunner rocket launcher for your laser chain gun, a tiberium flachette gun for your SBH, etc.

    Some weapons would ofcourse not be buyable by certain characters. being able to just buy a sniper when your SBH would be too good. The same counts for things such as rocket launchers and other headshot weapons.

    Dunno how it would work with vehicle technology.

    Perhaps make it so that every time you steal something, you get only one weapon of your opponent at a time. So to get all weapons, you have to capture it again and again.

    \-Able choose in what friendly building to spawn.

    Nah, that would make it too hard to attack a base. If i get run over by an APC rush, I would immidiately select the most likely building to spawn in, mine it with all kinds of C4 and then blow hell out of them when they park outside my door.

    Also, when I'm in an enemy refinery, I like my enemy's to NOT spawn constantly around me because they choose it. It's hard enough as it is to have someone spawn twice in a row in the same building while you are trying to destroy it. Imagine every trooper you kill doing that.

    And I would prefer buildings that are destroyed to be still spawn places. Else it's too easy to bottle an entire team up when there's less buildings around.

    \-Rocketlocking (maybe only on vehicles)

    Sounds interesting. But only on vehicles as you say.

    \-Base swapping (never thought of fighing from the other side of cnc-field?)

    Now here's an idea. They have to change some area's a bit to allow the airstrip on some places. But it's defenitely something I would like to see.

    \-Tiberium growth(harvs now really have to work to let tiberium not creep into your base)

    If tiberium is destroyable by gunfire, be my guest. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous on maps as city, where the tiberium is very close to the infantry exits, and the harvester takes a long time to get to the fields, and usually the harvester get's destroyed a few times in a row.

    But I'm not sure, such a 'growth' program is quite hard to make as I understand it.

    \-buy a fully funtional Harv(AI or drive one yourself)

    Drive on yourself is already an option they are tinkering with as far as I understand.

    \-more (animated) taunts

    Like the renguard one's we got now ;)

    \-No more boxes fixed to the ground

    With the unreal engine? ofcourse those boxes will be movable!

    \-fixed superweapons, when there is something like a roof (like CnC_Under), now SWs create holes on the roof/ceiling.

    Here's a great idea: If a beacon is placed close enough to a building to destroy it, then the roof will collapse on top of the building, destroying it in the process. Would be realistic and fun to watch.

    \-PIC/Railguns are able to shoot through some objects/walls.

    Ehm, no please. Renegade has a unique feature that you can still see the health and a nice targeting square around your enemy after passing your reticle over him. I usually hide behind a wall for a few seconds waiting for a good moment to attack. If a PIC or railgun can suddenly shoot through some of those walls, I would be severely screwed.

    And others too, by the way.

    Yours sincerely,


  6. QUOTE (Unit75 @ Jul 7 2008, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    2. Will you implement weather into the game? like Fog and Rain... thunder and lightning, Sand storms etc... could add a new dimention to the experiance ^_^v timing rushes under cover of certain weather patterns would be a welcome addition in my eyes

    3. It would be funny and nice but not really necessary if when you killed a structure, the AI bots would cheer along... i.e. in Ren online when you are on Nod and you hear "GDI Advanced Guard Tower Destroyed", just about everyone says "affermative" as many times as they can it would be awsome if the AI joined in... doing it more or less depending on the total length of time the match has been going for, like real human players. if youve had a 2hr stale mate and finaly kill a structure the Ai goes nuts just like we all do online in Renegade for celebration.

    10. will the Helicopters in the game have a realistic Rotor volume, so it hits and does damage to things if contact to certain things occur
    (might be a good accidental anti-infantry weapon too ^_^), as in city_flying a apache could sneek through those tiny gaps in the corners under the bridge with no damage at all.[/b]

    2:Weather would be cool.

    3:Would be fun to have the cheer sound from Red alert 2 ;) . So you can really cheer!
    Would be even more fun if it's a 'team button'. If only one person hits that button, nothing happens. If more then 30% of the team presses this button, you will hear the cheer! Would be more realistic.

    10:Would be strange, the Orca would be much more usefull then the apache if the apache would have rotor damage.

    Yours sincerely,
  7. I have Unreal 3. The single player sucked, the old storyline where you just busted your way through the tourney was more fun, as were the bot descriptions.

    I think I have had more fun with the first Unreal tournament, then with all the other unreal tournament's put together.

    It had more (very cool) musics, which I still play on my winamp when I'm working.

    It had more maps.

    It had more difficult bots (I could do masterfull at best on the first Unreal tournament, but godlike on Unreal 3 is almost nothing compared to it, but still difficult in a way).


    The only pro's on Unreal 3 are:


    Good graphix and physics.

    Interesting layout of the deathmatch maps (the other maps aren't really surprising or interesting when you've done them for a few times).

    I had some fun with the multiplayer, which it was mostly made for. But Unreal 3 is too much about the person who can shoot best. Not the person who can shoot good, know how to use tactics more then 'if I place an artillery here, I can shoot at the flag and make it impossible for anyone to take it unless they take on me and the entire team', where teamplay is a prime and not a secondary option if all else fails and just one goal: killing, killing and capturing.

    That's why I'm still with Renegade. It's not about the best shooter around. Even the worst shooter can hit an MCT with remotes and win the game by organising APC rushes. Only the worst of the worst noobs cannot contribute to the game.

    Yours sincerely,


  8. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Jun 24 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    FAQ has now been updated.

    To answer your question, we'd use Unreal's voice menu system. Hit the V key and you have options for order, taunts, etc, and then to keep 1 person from ordering all the bots around, I imagine that we'd have it so you have to be aiming in the general direction of the bot to order it around the first time, then it would be "attached" to you and you wouldn't have to face it to give orders. It would run off if you were idle for a certain amount of time.

    That is, that's how I imagine we'd do it, we haven't gotten around to customizing the AI yet. That comes later.[/b]

    One problem: What about free aiming then? Free aiming is on the 'V' button. It would be bad if there came a mix up.
    "I'm gonna snipe that guy"
    "WHOA, why am I ordering my AI's to assault the base defences?"

    Yours sincerely,
  9. Q: Will Renegade X have AI bots?

    A: Yes! Those who have played C&C Renegade know that its bots were as dumb as a rock, but Unreal already has some very good AI and it will be very easy to set up our characters to work with it. (Although we will need to customize algorithms for avoiding base defenses and repairing allies etc.)

    In fact a server admin will be able to set up a system where bots fill empty spots on both teams until real people join, then they'll take one of the bots' places. This way servers can stay full or have small matches at their discretion. Also players can give orders to Unreal's bots so we might enable command of a bot or 2 to follow you around and give support.

    What intriques me now is: How will you command the AI bot around?

    The radiocommands would not be sufficiënt as they would order the entire team around. How then? like in Unreal 3 itself? using a button, and then selecting from a few options what they will do?

    Another option is to do it partly like Crysis, use F1 for support commands, F2 for attack commands, F3 for technical commands (Mine pp, repair duty, defence duty, taking/holding an important point on the map such as sniper vantage point). and so on. After selecting the command you can select who you want to do it.

    All that aside, how will YOU do it?

    Edit: Oh, stupid me, I think I know the answer: can you use the Battle command uplink for this (the map on which you can draw your stratagy's)?

    Yours sincerely,


  10. QUOTE (-Xv- @ Jun 24 2008, 02:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    And don't tell me you move your whole head completely every time you move your hands in a direction.[/b]

    I do when I'm looking over the sights of a weapon. It's kind of hard to aim without moving your head almost completely along with your weapon. Wether you are carrying a pistol, a rifle or a shotgun which doesn't really need a lot of aiming (except in Renegade), you will notice that your head is mostly within 30degrees turn of your weapon. Only when you are looking around you, a quick glance left and right, you will not move your weapon with it.
    But hé, you can't glance left and right with free aim! So both modes are faulty in that respect.

    Yours sincerely,
  11. QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Jun 18 2008, 02:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    When using the alt fire only the left stream deals damage, and it is equal to the primary fire's damage of both streams.[/b]

    I'm not sure, but I was under the impression that it dealt NEARLY equal damage to the primary fire's damage of both streams. As against buildings the primary fire seemed more powerfull. And it is very hard to miss then ;) . I never found a way to be certain though. Perhaps a few tests with damage calculators should be in order.

    Yours sincerely,
  12. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Jun 18 2008, 02:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I've never heard of this supposed alternate fire before. And our obelisk is correct. The entrance is in the rear, not the front.[/b]

    Your obelisk is Correct. I just checked. Some obelisks in the missions have it the other way around, hence my mistake.

    The secondary fire of the flame tank is the perfect way to deal with infantry and also great when you are fighting thin tanks.

    Yours sincerely,
  13. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Jun 17 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Actually the flame tank doesn't have an alt fire in Renegade. And I just loaded up Renegade to check, and I'm still firing out of 2 barrels when I alt-fire.

    As for the MRLS, good point, we'll look into it.[/b]

    Actually, load the game again. And now shoot at the ground/wall. Check where the scorchmarks will appear, with primairy they will appear on both barrels, with secondary they will only appear at the left barrel. If you are in multiplayer practise, you should try it out on the GDI harvester. First with only the left barrel and primairy fire, then with the left barrel and secondary fire. You'll see an increase in damage.
    The fact that it shoots out of 2 barrels is just because they never made an animation of a flame tank shooting out of one barrel. They made more of such mistakes. Such as fire that goes through walls. There are still a lot of people that think that you can damage someone by firing through walls, as the fire ANIMATION goes through, but the actual 'bullets' bump against the wall leaving scorchmarks.

    I've been looking through your database. And someone stated that your obelisk is 'the obelisk from renegade'.
    But the obelisk from Renegade has it's entrance under the laser crystal! Exactly at the other side! So that's something you should take a look at before you implemente obelisks that have been turned around 180 degrees.

    Yours sincerely,
  14. I just watched some of the screenshots, and when I landed at the MRLS I just came up with an idea:

    In Renegade the only advantage of an MRLS is that you can shoot around corners and it could fire a barrage and then take cover. In everything else the MRLS is worse off then the Mobile Artillery, as the Mobile Artillery has a far bigger splash damage, deals a bit more damage in more lengthy battles and the bullets move very fast, making them hard to avoid.

    But the MRLS you show has the turnable turret that some maps featured. Which is both an advantage as you can shoot ppl that are behind you or besides you. But it also negates the advantage of shooting around corners.

    I hope you will make a function, such as alt fire. That will allow you to make the turret stop turning, allowing you to shoot around corners.

    Another question: under the screenshots someone asked if all the vehicles will have secondary fire. Upon which the answer was that only vehicles with secondary fire such as the Orca, Apache and Mammoth tank will have those.

    Will this include the secondary fire that the Flame tank has? Which was that only the left barrel shot flames, but (nearly) twice as strong? That secondary fire is the best way to destroy vehicles because if you have to use both your barrels half of it misses.

    Yours sincerely,


  15. I actually think that although the vehicles and the landscape look awesome, the model for the officer looks better in Renegade. The Renegad-X one has too much 'clean' surfaces, his helmet, most of his jacket...

    Are you still working on him?

    Yours sincerely,


  16. QUOTE (-Xv- @ Jun 15 2008, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Actually there are a LOT more people who use free aim, and are better at it then stone kirby, and its not just for sniping. It is also extremely useful for MG type weapons (chaingun, LCG, patch/mobius, etc..), shotguns rave/PIC, pretty much every weapon in AOW games. Once you master free-aim, there is no comparison to game play without it, and you wonder, how on earth did you play without it before. Anyways, if it is possible, and not too much of a hassle to code it, could you guys make an appearance of it? ;) [/b]

    I've watched the video...

    And the only advantage I see is the fact that you can strafe diagonal instead of circular around a person while aiming. And that you can look around a corner and still be aiming at the side of the hall.

    Furthermore, I think I've finally discovered why so many people let themselves be surprise attacked from the side. When your free aiming your vision is stuck, and you don't see 100% to the sides.

    I think it's more a question of how you like to aim. I prefer my entire screen to center around the reticle so that I can watch the environment to the fullest in a flash. Some people will probably prefer aiming with the reticle only, and then this free aim could be handy.
    In renegade I play Tatwayplz, Oneshot12 and Ban4life by the way. Perhaps it rings a bell (if you play Jelly Marathon you'll probably know me). I never used free aim, but I think I can count myself at least close to pro when it comes to anything from sniping, tank driving, harrassment, evasion, stealth and plain destruction.

    Yours sincerely,
  17. QUOTE (NEFirestorm @ Jun 15 2008, 05:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Yeah, free aim owns when sniping. I guess some ppl will be quite dissapointed if free aim won't be implented in the mod[/b]

    I never used it. As far as I know free aim was always used to shoot around corners without yourself ever being seen. And I've always found it one of those bugs that should NOT be exploited. Just like wallhugging.

    Infantry walljumping is something that I can condone, as in reallity you can use your friends to give you a leg up. But shooting through corner walls goes a bit too far for me.

    I won't shed a tear when free aim isn't implemented.

    Yours sincerely,
  18. QUOTE (Killa @ Jun 8 2008, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    not to mention parts of my hud is missing, warlord couldnt get them in i guess[/b]

    When you say 'part of my HUD is missing', do you mean that the scoreboard with names etc is missing? Or do you mean that your weapondisplay is partly missing in the bottom right?

    Or are there even more HUD things missing that I do not know of yet? Would be nice to see some improvements to it (although I don't know what could be improved).

    Yours sincerely,
  19. QUOTE (Pr0eX @ Jun 6 2008, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    It's possible to make it the same as in the old game, without any problems.
    And as it was balacned that way maybe we'll keep close to it. (or not, not quite sure about that)

    Atm. I'm redoing the stealth effect, and the aim is to have it like in the old game (maybe with some improvments).[/b]

    Tnx, especially the thing about the stealth effect makes me happy. The stealth effect is one of the few things that I would like to keep EXACLY the same (except graphix ofcourse).

    Any improvements made on other subjects, such as shooting, aiming etc can probably only increase the gameplay, as you are people who don't just make it, but also play it. ;)

    That's a relief. The old scales were best.
    Having infantry run faster isn't really a problem. UNLESS the vehicles move the same speed, then harvywalking will be very hard, and vehicles would suddenly be a lot slower and less usefull.

    I do hope that jumping won't be as good as in Unreal 3, because in renegade you still have a chance to hit someone, but in Unreal it's something that can really make you near unhittable for weapons with bullettravel.

    Yours sincerely,
  20. I downloaded the hourglass map and played it as a CTF on Unreal 3. But I saw that the scales were terrible, it took 4 seconds to get from the bottom of the hill to the top, walking.

    Then I saw the movie, and a lot of my fears were lessened as they seemed back to scale. but still the question:

    Will the scale of soldiers, tanks and buildings be the exact same as in the old game?

    Another question that arises: In the old renegade we had a very slow bullet travel for most weapons (as the slugs moved quite slow, you had to aim in front of someone to hit them). Will this be the exact same as in the old game? or will the bullets travel at Unreal 3 speeds? (that is, incredibly fast, but not instant).

    I also read the reply to the question of how you discover stealth. Do you really have to shoot it to make it visible? Or will it be like the old game, where if you came too close you were also seen shimmering? If not, then stealth suits would suddenly be far more valuable, and stealth tanks even more...

    Yours sincerely,


  21. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Jun 1 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Just did this for fun yesterday, he's a comparison picture between old C&C Renegade on the W3D engine (left), and Renegade X (right).


    The environment and the vehicles look nice but...

    The hud looks a bit bad...

    I hope it get's improved in the future. It's too blank in my opinion.

    Yours sincerely,
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