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About Kil

  • Birthday 03/29/1911

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  1. Yosh X-D But ye given that code snippet it looks like the issue could probably be worked around then - just add some other check to force update the last active timer.
  2. This should probably be enabled. There was a thread a while back about the lack of AFK kicker but apparently the built-in one has some issues where it can kick active people in some cases. Probably can't fix it tho seeing as it's mostly native and barely exposed to script.
  3. They were the cause of the infamous freeze bug. They also blocked your weapons and character movement, even though the shells were client-side (so where they were on your screen was different to where they were on others), which was a major annoyance. So they interfered with the gameplay and also stopped you being able to game play period. Hah.
  4. Kil


    Check your PMs maaan.
  5. Moved.
  6. Hah you're all good epicelite. Some might need to lighten up a little :-P Though you're a little late to the party; this bug has been around since like the Closed Betas heh.
  7. Heads up, one is in the works officially. "What does it do?" We'll see. Still a WIP, so it's subject to change.
  8. Kil

    AFK bot please

    Yeah I'd be interested to know what the reasons for it being disabled was. From what I remember, the problem I encountered with it was it wouldn't warn users in much of a user-friendly way - think it was it just gave really short notice for when it was about to kick you - in which case you've been static for a while and should be kicked anyway. The built in kicker is so native that it was barely customisable on the UnrealScript side.
  9. Kil

    Administration Systems

    I've removed the out-dated/invalid information from the post.
  10. v51
  11. It's just a usability issue, no advantage is really gained by anyone. You don't actually end up getting anywhere faster because of this, as you are warped right back to where the server tells you you are. Also only you perceive this speedy movement, everyone else still sees you correctly. Will be due to some problem with the client movement prediction when in particular cases of vehicle contact.
  12. Kil

    Is it just me?

    Uhhh.. isn't it All Out War?
  13. Use the "stat net" console command to see your real ping.
  14. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74199
  15. Yeah that's an obvious occurrence of the SBH bug (which should hopefully be resolved in the next patch). Stealth would be pretty shit if you could see it that far
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