The problem with Orca/Apache, which I have been complaining about since forever, is they are good for literally everything. A jack-of-all-trades vehicle that also goes really fast so you can run away and repair easily as soon as you take significant damage. You can run away from a ground vehicle fight, repair, and be back before the ground vehicle has had time to retreat. People enjoy the instant gratification of being able to buy one and get right to wherever the action is quickly.
What are the downsides to such an amazing piece of equipment? Its got kinda low health, but you're pretty fast and extremely maneuverable so not much of a problem.
If I were in charge the first thing I would do to them is remove the passenger seat, but I don't see that doing very much overall. Maybe people would buy Chinooks a little more, but nobody going to not buy their Orca/Apache just because they're going to be slightly less helpful to the team. Lets be honest, that's low on their list of priorities.
Perhaps something along the lines of a 10-15 second warmup before aircraft can take off would be enough to discourage the lone-wolf "jump out and repair myself real quick" types?