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Posts posted by cirex

  1. so than the question, why would EA Cire wants to know it?

    and EA Cire is not in the dev. team, but what does it garantee? may the policy of communication is just saying that any message to the community should be placed by EA Cire.

    there are nothing that says that i am wrong (but also there is less to say that i am right.)

    We can only know it for sure, when we will not see surveys about other titles.

    time will learn uss what they are planning.

    also why is my gaming nickname by accident close of EA Cire? I am not the only one writing my name backwards? (and the x is just like renegade-x, it looks nice ;) ) and my last name is arts (electronic arts) so even the EA tag could fit me if i want.

  2. http://www.commandandconquer.com/blogs/blog/147

    Maybe is it just me, but an company like EA Games does not spend time on making stuff that only costs money. (like making a survey that does not help to improve there secretly C&C title where they are working on behind closed doors.)

    And take in mind that the command and conquer, Iibirium universe has totally different soundtracks as the red alert universe.

    As researcher you should at least make sure you do not left some soundtracks out of the survey, the only reason you should let the red alert universe out of the survey, is when you are totally sure that the next game has to use soundtracks with Tibirium influence. imagen the time that it takes to make a survey, first they made one, than they need to check it, than they need to edit it and remove the failts, and than it has to moved to some one that can place it on the site, and you have to analyses the data (removing the untrusted replies), making 2 polls will need you to do this all for 2 times.

    Lets step outside the blocks, lets imagen it will not be tibirium or red alert or generals, why should you choose in that case for tibirium soundtracks, otherwise you should atleast do a check to see wich universe made the best soundtracks (this cannot be decided by an employer, because they are not the public. except when you are just guesing with thousands dollars, in which case a good research will be worth it in case you are wrong. especially when they where that heavily wrong with the last game.) the only reason that you choose for a tibirium only survey, is because the next game has tibirium influence, and off course "hell march" should not fit in it.

    The next game is about tibirium! I can feel it on my water right now ;) . And yea my english sucks, like usually.

  3. I guess even steam has a dollar symbol in his eyes... Because we are not allowed to pay for this game, because of the copyright of EA Games, this project could hardly promote himself on payed ways.

    There is still a way that we can promote it on the payed ways, which is, if you make a foundation that is on no way connected to this project. Since other organizations are still allowed to give away free publicity to Renegade-X. When there are more that think that more promotion should be worth it, than they also agree with it, that "we" the users have to do it, we can't ask the Renegade-X team to make more costs as they already are doing.

    So who is in to start a foundation that could make Renegade-X big? Maybe we can set something up that may even will work. Let me hear when some are interested in a promotion project like that. PM me or something like that... ;)

    Lets call it the "Tiberium Promotion Foundation" or something like that...

    Renegade-X could not accept money, so on this way Renegade-X will never get anything for it, it just get free publicity (and the foundation pays the bill, the bill that Renegade-X in this way even never will see, or hear from.), sounds legal to me.

    (sorry, renegade-x team, but I keep trying ;) )

  4. And what if you accept a dude in the team, that donates, and get kicked from the team? In that case you are not accepting money from outside, and do you use the team his money to hold the mod in a good state :P.

  5. First, the early versions will nothing say about future versions that will come out.

    Secondly History is history for a reason, so let the past behind you. And think about the opportunities the present will give us. The funny part of renegade, was that it already was pushed to the limit of what the engine could do in that time. Like the tank limit, it was there for a reason... did you ever seen how mush a MED mass did lagg? You could feel it coming when you where NOD.

    Sorry, but I really believe this renegade-x will gonna made it, or you like it or not :P.

    Reasons why:

    -New graphics (the renegade graphics where already poor for the year 2001)

    -Not needed to install 20 updates to get the game running.

    -No more buggs to abuse (at least that is the final goal, something where EA never took really time for to fix it with an update)

    -Free to play on a legal way

    -No ads

    -No or less lagg

    -A lot of sites are posting the big updates of renegade-x which are nice to get the right amount of players.

    -No deadlines, so no unfinished stuff

    -Soon less and less computers gonna be able to play the old renegade!

    Oh and the X, the X stands for 0 or 1 or A or B or Superman or terrorist, X=[something]

    The formula is X = [what ever you want]

  6. Renegade-X is free, awesome...We all want good stuff for free, because we hate to pay.

    While the game is made in there own time, and it has no costs for salary, there are more things as just salary. Think of the cost of power for a server, the beer that our developers needs to get inspiration, the server and many more things.... And how cool would it be when they had some money left to do a little bit promotion for the project?

    While we like free stuff, it isn't right to bring the whole bill to the renegade-x team. Since when do you have to pay when you give somebody something awesome?

    So the question "Does EA games allow you guys to accept money from any person to support the project and help it to keep strong servers running?"

    And secondly "Should it be nice to build some kind of 'donate now' button? to support the project, so people can send small gifts to the team, something like paypal (while I like the wally cards more, because its gives me a more anonymous feeling.)"

    I haven't played this UDK yet (can't even if I want :P), But When the multi player will be released, and I really feel that it will be my new addiction, sure that I will donate something like € 10,00 - € 20,00 it is not mush, but it could at least say that I want to see this project keeps standing... even when its € 0,50,... you are even then supporting the project, right?

    I can't Imagen that I am the only one that wants to pay for something that they have for free, without that they get any extra thing. (but first I want to play the multi player, before I know it is worth it.)

    Why else do we pay € 50,00 for games that we play for 2 weeks? Because we get it on CD?

    But what ever I say, KEEP THIS GAME FOR FREE, but make it more easy to support.

  7. it will be 100% free to look to the youtube video's...

    That what they are saying is that it is currently a mod that requires a game that you have to pay (UT3), but the future UDK release will be stand alone, but while it is stand alone, it is still a bit looks and feels like an updated a mod of renegade. In other words renegade-x will always be renegade, but better!

    So yes, it is a mod, and it will be stand alone in the future, but it will feel like a mod of renegade that updates renegade.

  8. 3 Questions,

    1) Will we see anti-air structures in the muliplayer?

    In the original renegade, you had a NOD-SAM as anti air structure, but in the official online maps you never saw one. Some fan-made maps had SAMS as anti air, but they has given the GDI also the NOD SAMS. How will we see this structure back in ren-x multi player?

    2) How will the defenses balanced in renegade-x?

    Almost every official map of renegade had (when there where base defenses) an obelisk + 2 turrets, and 1 advanced guard tower. Will this keep this way, or will it be rebalanced so guard tower and turret will be used in the same amount on a map... and the obelisk will be equally in his value as the advanced guard tower?

    3) How will the aircraft-maps work?

    How will the air-maps function, will it still be [mapname]_flying or will every map allow aircraft, or will there used the same map for flying and non-flying battles, but just disable the aircraft with an on/off button for the admin side of the server?

  9. good against air units? how so? The rockets have a limited arc and range, any flying unit comming in from high and hanging somewhere above the mammoth tank can stay there safely.

    This tank deals the same amount of damage as a medium tank for each shot, it also is capable of firing twice as fast, doubling his damage output, and it's tusk missiles deal more damage then the normal bullets, but they are close range. Those missiles also have a great splash, and due to their short range before they explode, they are perfect anti-infantry weapons should they dare venture too close.

    A base defence in it's own right, but needs support in the open field.

    Yours sincerely,


    I have seen somewhere on this forum that mammy's will get anti air ability's in ren-x. But off course don't attack me if I'm wrong. While they where not that powerfull anti air in the original renegade, they where used in close combat trying to hit that NOD aircraft. It has at least a better change to hit as the normal shells. And yea mammy is the everything killer, but because his speed, and the place it needs on the field (almost 2 meds), less people could rush together because the roads where not that big. And because of the speed, a mammy could not fall back fast enough, so you lost it pretty fast if you had no repairs.

  10. In modern game, is a tank, just a tank, Yea you have a tank that is more powerfull to other tanks, and you have a tank that is more powerfull to infantry. But in the end, they are both everything killers.

    In renegade has every tank his own job.

    -buggy, humevee = fast transport to the field, or a fast rush car. Not heavilly used on the field because it could be sniped down.

    -APC = a fast rush car that most of the times is filled with the max number of users, also well used against infantry. has sniper proof armor.

    -Arty = long range, but should be covered by other tanks or with a lot of engineers, since it gets destroyed fast, also its snipeable.

    -MRLS = the same as the arty, but comes with the additional option to shoot accros a hill, while the other tanks can't hit it. Since the bullets does not fly in a straight line.

    -MED-Light tank= the basic field tanks, they will make the front line move back or forward. but are not very effective against infantry.

    -Flametanks = they are nice to let a incoming rush falling back, you can use them to form a wall that deals heavily damage, very strong against buildings, tanks and infantry, but the downside if the story is that they are only made for close combat. they will be destroyed in no time in the open field.

    -STANK = the stealth tank is a tank used for suprice attacks, medium effective against tanks and very effective against structures. Does also not shoot in a straight line. The most loved tank of NOD. Also the most rushes are done with this tank. but the downside is that its only strong in surprises, if the enemy knows by scouting the NOD base, that they are coming, than they are easy to stop.

    -Mammy = the mother of all tanks, it has big armor and hits damage similar to the med. Its really slow, but is used for making a moving wall in renegade. Since the price is almost 2x a med, and the damage is the same, this tank is not loved that mush. But with good engineering it is the real unkillable tank of the game. Also good against airunits.

    Adding machine guns to every tank, will make the apc useless, also the second seat is used a lot to take cover from attacks from behind while repairing. So pls don't make it be able to shoot on the driver.

  11. An question for the youtube channel of jam:

    Will the "NOD recon bike" and the "GDI Sedan/Pickup-truck" be added to the game in the future? And how will they make there comeback? Will they again appear in some kind of "extra cheat buy terminal" or will we see it just in the normal buy terminal?

    While they where weak and almost useless, they where nice to use as fast transport.

  12. There is no blood in the game, just some red pixels flying around, tell that to your mother :P .

    Its on you how you call the red pixels, i call it ketjup.... could explain why gaming makes me hungry.

  13. When:

    - You get a headshot while you are SBH, because a infantry unit is standing behind you.

    - You try to deploy a nuke/ion on places that nobody looks, or where its hard to come.

    - You like to hold the game clean by removing all that strange shells while some people are calling you "Noob" for some kind of reason. (where are shells for on a marathon servers? :blink: )

    - You know that harvy walking has the most change to be succesfully if the emeny is attacking your base. (so there are less people guarding the base.)

    - You know that tanks can drive over you. (yes, strange but they can.)

    - You know the "bleuhell" ... (why bleuhell, since when is the hell bleu? the collor red or black makes more sence... it looks more like a "bleuheaven")

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