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Posts posted by Hohndo

  1. 50 minutes ago, CampinJeff said:

    A game like RenX needs to "work" when there's 10 people on a team. By that I mean different strategies need to have an equal balance of ups and downs in order for a game to be interesting. If there's a strategy that deems most optimal, the other strategies fall behind and suddenly the game becomes very boring. It's clear to me that currently that OP strategy is sneaking with a hottie/tech. I mean, it even works frequently right now in 20v20, and  25v25. 

    This is why servers never fill up. Until a server is like, 15v15 this game is basically SneakingX and see who gets luckier

    I hear more complaints about snipers than I do about this issue, because usually they blame the team for not working better together, and I think thats where the heart of this issue really is at. Are we going to ban the good snipers or nerf those units to where those people start doing something else, then? We have good sneakers and good snipers that do unreasonable amounts of damage sometimes. Both of these issues are causing servers to not fill up and it'd be a shame if we addressed one issue and not the other.


    17 hours ago, Redarmy said:

    And? Doesn't that literally make the most amount of sense, only those at the highest veterancy should be able to destroy a building by themselves? And someone else mentioned sneaking is good for breaking stalemates, which is certainly true, and if you want to let the game get a proper flow going first before sneaking happens, this is literally the best way.

    I don't have a problem with reducing the damage lower at Recruit level damage, then having the Veteran level damage be the same as Recruit now because that damage can be countered. That very counter made the PUG last a single map last a hour and a half today. Even at 0%, NOD kept that building the entire match, and even won.

    What I would like to aim for is not having the hotwire/tech be able to do this till roughly the 12-18 minute mark. I prefer my matches to go about 40-ish minutes. But, once we've hit an hour, I'm typically just ready to move on unless there is progress being made. I think most people feel this way, too.

    There are two ways to accomplish this, one being adjusting the Vet system for them, which I feel might be the best way.

    The other being making a 2nd timed c4 purchasable which puts the price up to close to tier 3. Sydney/Raveshaw and Mobius/Mendoza can both take out buildings, they just can't do it as quietly, but they can still do it decently quickly. The trade off being that Syd/Rave and Mob/Doza have weapons they can actually defend themselves with in almost any case. That would unlock building destruction for Hotwire/Tech a bit sooner than I would like, but I feel people would be much happier with it being a lot less spammable.

  2. 3 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

    SBH and Patch are technically the infiltrators, why not 

    Since Nod gets a stealth unit just give Patch 2 Blaster Charges and the SBH gets one Blaster charge, this is with the additional nerf to Hot/Tech's as suggested by Fffreak.

    Increase cost to 550 credits.


    Blaster Charge should have a 45 second timer.

    I just want Patch to be off radar. Lol

  3. Yeah, but for a couple PUGs during the last couple weeks, a single sneaker has been pivotal to a distraction, or turning the game around.

    It's a strategy.

    I think it's absolutely classless to do it in the first 10 minutes of the match, but that's just me. That's why I typically defend at first while everyone else gets their footing.

    One team has to lose. Not everyone is going to be happy about it.

  4. 1 hour ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    lol, true dat...

    thats why I (almost) only play PUGs these days and do some test sessions with T.O. xD

    One thing I would like to add is the problem you were stressing is solo sneaking.

    You'd just be forcing multiple people sneaking and suddenly, that one person you have defending probably won't be able to handle Hotwire/Tech and Mobius/Mendoza since most of the time in random matches, they are usually a Hotwire/Tech that sometimes has a vehicle.

  5. 2 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    Given a Techie / Hottie reaches Refinery on e.g. Walls undeteced and there is NO active defender around the sneaker is inside the building within SECONDS

    While sneakers using the purchasable  rep-gun need ~20-30 seconds for 3 proxies (they can disarm 2 proxies in - almost - one go, but then they have to recharge - and to avoid protection you just disarm to 1-3%)

    Thats just a aspect of the gameplay? Thats been a thing since day one of the original game. I mean, it just sounds like you don't like random matches with no teamwork. Not sure if you just want to avoid those in the future or not.

    I don't know what to tell you about about the purchasable repair guns. I like and hate them. I do think they are at a good place right now, and I don't think they should be nerf'd very much if at all. Maybe 5% less speed on effectiveness and recharge? I don't feel this is broken right now, though.

    It sounds more to me that you don't want sneaking to be a thing at all, or much harder to do..but its almost impossible at times when there is even one defender, let alone two depending on how many buildings and if there are defenses on the map.

    I don't feel the balance is broken here. I feel the problems you are describing should be handled with teamwork.

    Making the 2nd timed c4 purchasable at 600 credits would put the unit cost at 950, that knocks out the argument that down its overpowered.

    4 minutes ago, Redarmy said:

    My initial idea after the Sunday PUG was one echoed throughout this thread, change out their Heavy Pistol for the standard silenced pistol. Messing with Disarming Proxy settings like sound, time, etc, aren't bad ideas either. Though after reading through this entire thread, Denuvian's idea of using veterancy as a solution though I feel is probably the best, and most effective way to fix this. Either adjust C4 damages to where the full set (2 remotes, 2 timed) don't destroy a building on their own at lower veterancy levels (this can also be used to reduce the effectiveness of Remotes for early game defense). Alternatively, as a more complicated idea, take away the Heavy and second Timed, at Elite give Heavy Pistol back, at Heroic, give second Timed C4 back.

    If there is any repair gun on it already, you can save the building from destruction 90% of the time.

    I definitely dont like the idea of the c4 being at heroic, because unless you are super offensive and not dying a lot it takes roughly 30 minutes to get. Over a hour if you play support roles most of the time. So you are locking out this tactic to the most elite players you have.

  6. If you hadn't spammed surrender votes when we were making progress, then everyone would not have reacted that way. We were close to winning, and at the time of your last (3rd) vote and we had just destroyed another building, which is why no one understood why you did that.

    Just so you are aware, using a surrender vote causes that vote to have a cooldown for the whole team, not just you.

    We did lose that match but only because we were out-teamworked.

    I do hope you return and pay attention a bit better and work with your team when they are trying to get some rushes and other types of teamwork going.

    I did vote against you getting kicked but I was getting tired of the votes since I was actually trying to win with a group of 6 people. A 7th would have made a big difference and that could have been you but you didn't answer when we were looking for people in chat.

    • Downvote 1
  7. I don't want GDI to have a alternative to SBH, so sorry to burst your bubble to whoever was thinking that.

    All I want is for a unit to have a ability to be off the radar when the enemy team is using comms center or Q-spotting.

    Doesn't matter if it's passive, or if its just a item you activate that lasts like 60 seconds then recharges.

    I was thinking this would go good on Patch, but seeing as he already has a gimmick with his rifle, maybe it would be better suited for Deadeye.

    I don't want them invisible, just off the radar.


    Man, that was a lot to read. The idea that popped in my head was the same as I had when I read the OP, with the exception of nerfing to silenced pistol. I think that needs to happen regardless.

    Initial idea:


    My idea would be reducing the default timed c4 on Hotwire/Tech, keeping the same price on them, because thats a reasonable price at that point.

    If possible, adding a 2nd purchasable c4 to just the Hotwire/Tech(/eng? maybe?) that costs 600/800 credits (I like the 800 cost here), this extra cost puts the loss at almost tier 3 costs. If thats not possible, then my suggestion gets a bit more complex. This solves the cost and effect issue for most people, I believe.



     If the above isn't possible I would suggest adding a 2nd timed c4 that has a 50/60 timer (I want to lean toward a 60 second timer here) to go along with the 30 second one you start with. This gives all units more stealth options by making all other units more versatile, but it doesn't not give them insta-kill on buildings. That would still require groups. With it being so versatile, I would suggest a 800/1000 price point (I like the 800 cost here). I like this idea less than my above idea, but this opens engineers being as deadly at a much higher cost on games where you don't have a HON or Barracks. That would be a much bigger change in those circumstances, than the ovarall game I believe.

    This doesn't eliminate insta-kill buildings, but it does make it harder.

    The initial timed c4 you get on all units is perfect as is. It's the second one that seems to be the problem, so thats the problem I was attacking.

    I don't really have a opinion on repairing speeds and and disarming speeds. The secondary purchasable c4 having a longer fuse time should settle some balance issues in that area, but isn't a solution.

    I personally think that EMP should stay as is for vehicles, but on mines, it should have a shorter duration, and disable them rather than defuse them. But that creates a much bigger balance issue, so I think its fine as is currently till I come up with a better idea or hear a better one.

  9. I join it once in a while. My ping is the same both ways so I don't care much. xD

    Hardly anyone plays the US servers..since that would be the best of both worlds adding a middle ground. lol

  10. 17 hours ago, Denuvian said:


    How did that WF infiltration work by the way? It was fully mined, when I defused my mines later at the backdoor. Was someone inside, while it was remined or was it outside C4?

    Also I played matches, which took 2-3 hours on marathon server, compared to that Fort was a piece of cake. ;)

    Also, it just feels like a bad map. I'd be happier if the refs were both swapped positions with the infantry buildings, and the tib fields were slightly further away. It'd make for far more interesting matches.

  11. Had fun today on the PUG, it was my first one. lol

    Got a quick question, though. How do I use the private message function? I don't remember how exactly it was on the original Renegade since I haven't played it in forever but I imagine it's probably similar. I hit "U" and I have a text box come up..but I'm not entirely sure how I am supposed to use it.

    I'm asking because I had boi repeatedly message me in game and I wasn't sure how to reply. He kept asking me if I was in the TS channel of the team I was playing on, which I kept saying on TS that I was, but apparently he didn't hear me. I'm guessing my mic broadcasts at a low level or something on TS. Hardly anyone heard me in a group of 12 but I had no issues with a group of 4.

  12. Any players out there? I want to play online with someone but the community is full of people who are pro at it or are terrible. Hoping I can find a equally average player. Whatever the case, I'd still play a game.

  13. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 19 2010, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Greatest multiplayer game ever made.

    The best game ever made is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[/b]

    No..lol. OoC is one of my favorites, but it's far from the greatest.

    I can't wait to be able to play this game. :) I've spread the word around to several of my friends but most of them do not want to play till it's a finished project.
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