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Posts posted by Hohndo

  1. 12 hours ago, Veyron said:

    someone mentioned about an MCV and the sorts...

    I had a plan of designing the  MCV + CY from TibDawn and using the MCV as a means to auto repair say all units? and when deployed auto repair all buildings.  

    take a look at my post in the WIP I believe is where it is you can see the design there,  

    The animation would be exact that of the TibDawn MCV deployment where the MCV unfolds and such.  

    However the space needed for the MCV to fully deploy into a conyard in the field would be a little big and would not be supported with current maps due to the terrain.  because the CY is an actual sized building.. 

    Design a new smaller structure? Up to you, but I  would not let current canon limit you.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 hours ago, SvN91 said:

    Ravenshaw and Sydney are a catastrophy right now. I don't know what other players think about them but I despise them. A single Rav/sydney can dominate a tunnel because of their ability to kill nearly every unit with one shot while also having the range to do it before intended close combat units like chems or McFarland can reach them, I'm especially thinking about the tunnels in Islands. I know this was the same problem with Havoc and Sakura before but Rav/Sydney are so powerfull against everything else too. Why not give them more spread, shooting vehicles doesn't require much accuracy.

    Increase the damage output to vehicles by x1.25-x1.50 and increase the time between shots x2.

    I haven't played in a while, so I don't know the current state, but if you want something used a specific way, you should tune it to be used that way.

    This gives a buff to vehicle damage and nerfs effectiveness in close quarters while not changing how it works. It does change how it is used, though. It makes accuracy of a shot a lot more important, so it would make more sense to use said shots on bigger targets.

    I'll try and get in game this weekend and see how everything feels. Been meaning to play again but I'm a busy guy so I can get a better feel of where everything is at for balance.

    Edit: I like Algol a lot. He's the only team player I encountered during the times I could normally play back when I first started and really the only reason why I didn't initially give up on it. Hope he comes back. Good player or not, the community needs people willing to cooperate.

  3. On 10/3/2017 at 8:58 PM, DarkSn4ke said:

    if noone votes, the first map of the possible choices gets picked by default.

    Maybe add in a functionality for random map vote? Seems like that would be a pretty low effort thing to put in.

  4. On 6/19/2017 at 7:25 AM, Madkill40 said:

    >Brings up snipers like they are the issue.

    Enough people have spoken up about it for it to be a issue. Otherwise it wouldn't keep coming back up. I mean if multiple people keep saying there's smoke somewhere, you're probably going to go looking for a fire rather than telling them they are looking at it wrong.

    As I've stated before, a good sniper is capable of too much. I want to limit that capability.

    Another way this could be done is reducing reducing clip size by 1 or 2 and reducing overall carried ammo which would force more reapplies at base. I think the base/free sniper is okay where it's at currently but I didnt ever see many people using it before.

    But, as I said I want more of a emphasis on vehicles than infantry. Make vehicles better on their own. That's where my focus is going to be going forward is getting more pepole in vehicles.

  5. I read most of this except for the last few posts.

    I kinda get where I was coming from with that repair vehicle idea I had a while back and how bad it was.

    The goal we want here is to promote team play, even to casual players.

    This whole thread has basically been about the good players I complained about before. Which honestly is what made me not want to play anymore. It is a issue but not one that's addressed correctly.

    I think what needs to happen here is just make team play more rewarding, and solo play less rewarding.

    I really don't want to single out snipers out in this but I think in general, they need to be less effective Rate of fire decrease? Lower effective range by capping range or less damage over didistances? If it's still hit scan, make it a projectile? I don't know. It just needs to be less worth while. 

    Make vehicles more awesome. You'll get more people buying them just to use them. I think the best way to do this right now is make them all faster. You'll need to increase the rate of fire for Ob and AGT slightly just to keep up with the additional speed.

    Or, give people in certain radius a damage and/or a damage reduction boost.

    I don't want solo players punished but if the issue really is that no one is playing together, then it needs to be more worth while to play together and not to go solo. I'm not at all saying is isn't a already viable strategy, but if that's what we want more of, then that's what we need to push even more. Individuals need to be less significant.

    Been a little bit since I last player but I'll be active for the next couple weeks.

    This does not solve team stacking, that's just another issue altogether. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/25/2017 at 3:20 PM, Madkill40 said:

    This poi and boi bandwagon needs to frikken stop.

    Blaming a player or two is NOT the reason you're an upset little wanker brat that needs an extra type of vehicle to stop you from being sniped because you think standing clear as day in the field will keep you safe.

    A repair vehicle would need to be able to be two-shotted by a Sydney/Raveshaw, making it just a clunky useless heap of a vehicle clogging up the vehicle count. Take cover behind the vehicles where you most likely expect a sniper to be shooting from, is the sniper shooting from behind your teams' lines? Alert your team and go after the bastard! But as you are only repairing vehicles it shouldn't be difficult to ponder where snipers are going to shoot you from, situational awareness is pretty important so keep ducking, sprinting, strafing and covering your ass to keep out of their sights.

    "But I do do that and I still get shot and boo to the hoo..."

    Clearly not doing it right.

    If for the third time you get sniped, stop doing repairs (after the third time you should know their whereabouts) and hunt the snipers down because hunting down those snipers is clearly going to be more beneficial to your team than repairing vehicles.

    I'll make this point again, blaming other players is not a valid defense or feasible in a discussion to get anything added/changed.

    I don't know much about boi? I'm very rarely killed by boi..so I can't say if this about him.

    It's not really a band wagon for me, man. Haven't really discussed it with anyone else.

    Snipers can be abused, wether by skill or hacking, it doesn't matter. They shouldn't be as capable as they are, under any circumstance.

    I'm just trying to think of things to work around them without drastically changing how they work. I'd rather see a buff to other elements of the game, then a need on snipers.

    Obviously, this is not a viable option so I'm just going to drop it.

    I'm not against poi or anyone else but what they are capable of doing with a sniper highlights a problem, and that's what I'm trying to resolve.

    I don't know what to do, I just wanted some thoughtful discussion.

    I'm actually debating on suggesting some substantial changes in how the game works but I don't think it'd go over well with the purists that want to keep it similar to the original game.

  7. 1 hour ago, Henk said:

    Can't remember the last time I got sniped while repairing tanks. Way more of a threat are SBH and free infantry sneaking up from behind, klling you without your tank buddy noticing.

    Best way to counter those snipers is with another sniper.

    Have you tried repairing tanks when playing against poi and the like? I'm usually repairing tanks during PUGs so it happens to me frequently enough. More often than not, it's when I'm heading out to the field. More than a handful of games have been won solely because repairs aren't happening to vehicles.

    Surprisingly, I haven't had a SBH sneak up on me since September or October. I played pretty frequently till the end of January at all times of the day. I actually get more Patchs than SBH in that situation. But sniping definitely happens more.

    Can't think of a time a free infantry snuck up on me while I was repairing vehicles. Might have happened but I don't think I've ever been killed that way or I would have remembered it.

  8. I'm sure at some point this might have been brought up but I think we need a vehicle that can repair other vehicles.

    For the last couple months I've been trying to figure out a way to balance snipers, not because they are overpowered but because the couple people that can use them are.

    Now, I haven't figured out a way to balance snipers specifically, in fact the only solution I can come up with is range reduction and/or bullet drop but I am not certain those are good options.

    However, if we had a vehicle on both sides that is armored against light weapons, is visible over most tanks, and is slower than most tanks then I think we could solve part of that problem.

    I've been part of several PUGs where snipers are just dominating the field knocking out repairs for vehicles. I think this would help with the balance a bit.

    I'm not trying to tackle sniper issue specifically in this post, I just want to hear thoughts on what everyone else thinks about this vehicle type. Good idea or bad idea? Should it operate the same as repairs already do or should it be a area of effect? Is it too far away from old ren? I'm kinda curious what everyone else thinks about it.

  9. 4 hours ago, yosh56 said:

    Basically what RypeL said. We're working with the very same  engine that produced the MAKO from Mass Effect 1... And they had a full licence to at least try and curb some of the oddities in the baseline vehicle physics. 

    If you don't know what the MAKO is, look it up and you'll understand why it is one of the most hated vehicles ever in a video game. 

    Like Voldemort, you should never invoke its name.

  10. I just want mutants to be a crate drop.

    I also had the thought of a mercenary type tech building where you could purchase infantry exclusive to that shop if it's captured. But I don't feel like it's a big deal if we don't get that.

  11. 2 hours ago, Xeon Wraith said:

    Tank speed is vastly overrated in large games. Dodging enemy tank fire just means the guys behind you take the hits instead - the field repairs. If you're trying to achieve field control its usually much easier to achieve a higher "effective hp" by just keeping your repairs alive than it is to do any fancy dodging. The useless additional speed, low profile and low damage of light tanks makes it a terrible choice for holding field when you can easily achieve way more in cover with a artillery or stank if in open field.

    I'd like to see light tanks get remodeled into a bit more of a hit & run unit. Like adding a long reload autocannon as a secondary fire or something. Having a some form of burst damage to (briefly) overwhelm enemy field repairs would help counter GDI tank sieges.

    Hit and run is kinda how I used to use the them in old Renegade. I could actually hold my own by being unpredictable in a light tank without repairs.

    On Field I would move and turn every which way and the meds would try and predict where I was going to.

    On more than one occasion, 3v1 med tanks because of how good I got at avoiding getting hit, which I feel is how that tank is supposed to work, constantly in motion.

    The problem we have now is that projectiles from tanks are much faster in this version. It takes that strategy out of the game.

    The Tick Tanks I honestly almost feel should just replace the light tanks entirely. Because even though they are a little slower, they feel much more fluid with their much higher turn rate and overall responsiveness. Plus that fit the gimmicky role much better with their dig in feature that almost all other NOD units have.

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