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Everything posted by ALTEREGO

  1. anyway i can get the 5.69.477 patch ?
  2. Apparently I'm running V50001 on the game I had this working and something changed and cant figure what it just seems to work as a LAN game now and doesn't show up on server list i used to run renegade back in the day and didn't have this much trouble
  3. turned off anti virus and still wont d/l say the same
  4. It looks like I have Version0.54 launcher
  5. Can't download it, says it's a malicious file
  6. page not found
  7. I would play except I need the latest update it's almost impossible to find I also like to host a server can anybody help me out ?
  8. Ok my game will load and get me to the hover craft splash window , I then click on a server and hit join , another window shows the game loading and then "bang" im back at the hover craft splash screen , any ideas ? thanks
  9. ok let me get this right this game is a single player game and it has nothing to do with Renegade X ? So how dose this help enegade X ? ok maybe im a little slow here
  10. Hey this is great but why so dark ? and isnt there other things that should be fixed first before moving on ? I dont know how to build a game so maybe this is normal practice ? I just cant tell if this is a second part of renegade or if your trying to recreate the old renegade by draggging it into the 21st century by upgrading the graffix

    Renegade X

    I want to download renegade x but i have to get unreal tournament first which isnt a big deal to spend $12 for the game but is it really worth it and is it a pain in the ass to connect to servers? or is this new mod just a big LAN game ? and do many people even know about it or play it ?>
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