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Everything posted by punko24

  1. Wooo, ive used a mac and confuzed the crap outta me too ;D man they are shit lol and u can get photosahop CS4 on PC lol i see MAc as redundent and W7 is faster then leopard ;P lmao Bite Me Apple, PC 4 EVER WOOOOOO PCS This W7 commericial as ausome better then those gay shitty mac commericals and more mature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46BrgXXXzW8 Thats it RIGHT there "This Is The Moment"
  2. Ea Can BLOW me, So can Apple Windows 4Ever
  3. Wis 7 is great, love it Ok so Apple is SOOOOOOOOO Imature lil lil babys whining bohohoho, so they keep trying to "Make Fun" of Windows But the Smart, Grown Up compeny Microsoft just Advertises how good THERE os is and LMAO if its a mac commerial...lol of course pc gonna look bad, they asre full of shit + 1 of Windows 7 Commericals are better then macs amature gay commericals ;D Fuck Apple!
  4. I have a buddy saying to me that renegade-x is managed under EALA and the Dev team is a EALA dev team.....Does the Renegade-X Dev Team have any connections to ea?
  5. grannyzx, [DW]LaserOfury
  6. QUOTE (ReFlex @ Oct 9 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> rlly huh i had this 4 a long time, i collect em but lol i been on these forums allot and never see u post, so i dident take it from u lol 7 posts and lol ur still owkring on siggy...i made mine in 5 mins...better 1 in like 10mins Whatever
  7. i installed it properly ok...it wont work
  8. Ok i should be hosting a DWC server with my 2nd pc if i get the server files i tell u when i get em
  9. its not working for me...i Installed in the Renegade-X DIR Renegade>Movies it sayed to do that and its not comming up with them when i load a server using the client
  10. I want to save them a small amount of time...helping out and it makes me feel useful lol Anyway, i hope i am as help lol
  11. ok, im going to extract em and hay DEV team,u can use these lol ima put fronch on media fire ex. Folder Renegade-X_French Files AffermativeF lol well i will extract if i know the dev team is gonna use em!
  12. i HAVE TO ADD... -When You Steal GDI Vehs with SBH -When people complain on the opposite team about u being a sbh sniper... -When you memorize your FULL renegade serial number O_O lmao ******-******-******-**** Hehe i wont tell lol i lost ma serial info but i memorized it lmao
  13. punko24


    all they care about is there fucking money,they dident do nearly as good westwood would do...ex the installer is lazy now lol but fuck
  14. punko24


    its not 4 sale its just a donation for thankyou's...nyway they did all that work 4 it Retail Donation Different Forced to give em $$$ or just saying Thanks...Its not iligal to say thanks but if it is.........WTF IS GOING ON WITH THIS WORLD lol
  15. punko24


    someone sayed if u seen the sales of UT3 for the last week and EA be like WTF...WEll i guess they feel bad they Canceled Renegade 2 and dident make another Renegade Suckers
  16. 1) Andrew "LaserOfFury" 2) mackman2006@hotmail.com 3) The server should be hosted by the staff IF they hosty one, i might but i might be mod/Admin lol Thankyou
  17. All Hail Nut Protection
  18. QUOTE (Qwerty @ Oct 4 2009, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ^^^^^^^^^ I also would know where to get the Renegade-X Server Frontend Files * Do we just use the Unreal Frontend? lol
  19. QUOTE (keizka @ Sep 30 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ^^^^^^^^
  20. punko24


    sounds like a hypothsis...
  21. punko24


    thats better thankyou
  22. punko24


    well i cant find em and i need simpole awnsewrds lol
  23. off topic anyway...so is it good??
  24. punko24


    i have some questions here... 1. When will The next patch for Ren-X come out? 2. What might be in the patch (bug fixes,Vehs,chars,Buildings+Maps) dont need details 3. Will there be a mIRC moderation "bot" or system sometime...(or some other 3rd priority app ) 4. What about Ingame Moderators? 5. Will there be NEw Buildings and Chars and Vehs in the future... 6. ^^^ Someone sayed this could be a Renegade 2 Sometime...Will This Happen? (Related To Above Question) Thankyou
  25. i feel like an ass dubble posting, but i still need feedback if this is ok...the sounds are extracted from awlyes.dat thankyou
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