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Combine 108

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  1. There really needs to be a notice in FAQ about posting suggestions that change gameplay significantly. Ammo/c4/health packs aren't part of Renegade.
  2. I'm content with the one in RenX that looks better and actually does shit.
  3. Great work, just dunno about the volt auto-rifle... seems a bit bare-bones to me. For such a supposedly powerful weapon it appears a bit thin and lacking in body. Love the Mobius character, however.
  4. That would be an entirely new mod altogether.
  5. In response to the MRLS being apparently overpowered, I suggest giving the missiles a larger turning arc (aka crappier guidance; easier to evade).
  6. He probably means his own teammates are stealing it.
  7. I can only hope..
  8. As long as I continue playing games, I'm a PC. And the only thing I like about Apple is its design (macbooks look alot better than dell studios imo...). If only Dell would lower the price on their Adamo.
  9. Guess there's no harm in biting, if you're not forced to give out much info. And being owned by Liberty does lend (some) credibility.
  10. ouch. maybe it is too good to be true. being a poor college student draws me under someitmes... Edit: Liberty Media's website lists Lockerz under its ownership. http://www.libertymedia.com/interactive-lockerz.aspx
  11. Look up "lockerz". Does it sound legitimate? you sign up, answer a few questions daily, blah blah, and you get points for redeeming stuff. Certainly looks more promising than the other scam sites that pop up occasionally (no, I did not sign up because of a popup, only because a friend suggested it). What do you all think?
  12. Just forget about Ren X (although you'll regret it later ), no one's going to email you or call you up demanding why you're not meeting your daily log in quota.
  13. The thing is that the ammo level isn't as important as, say, health or armor levels. Your ammo level constantly depletes and recharges, making a bar or color change really unnecessary. Plus, if all three (ammo, health, armor) have bars and colors, none would stand out. I suggest leaving the ammo counter a monochrome theme, but having the armor and health change colors.
  14. I'll agree with the top. The second looks too dark and monochrome.
  15. Brilliant update again, you guys are doing great. Ugh, I am now resenting the fact that I'm a broke college student and I have a mediocre laptop, otherwise I would jump on the Renegade beta. On a side note, I'll agree with some others that the HUD doesn't work. It's too monochrome and flat, and at times becomes hard to even see.
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