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Everything posted by Tsumetai

  1. I thought TFTW looked pretty good, but yeah, it had a lot problems, lag being one of the major ones. Part of the problem was the tiberium models were somewhat high poly and didn't actually disappear after being collected. Also many of the structures and vehicles and what not had lots of "hidden" polies, or rather polies that the engine still renders but you can't actually see (like the underside of buildings which you can't see in an RTS as you look DOWN on buildings, never up.).
  2. Hey, I made those models and textures. Well, some of them anyways. That screen shot is pretty old, BTW. I enjoy the mod, however because of the build system, and some of the higher-than-par polycount on some models, it's a bit more taxing on a computer than regular Generals. Other than that, I think it's pretty fun. Though the AI still needs some work, and other issues, but we intend to resolve them in a patch sooner or later.
  3. Will there be AI so that we can play offline, like the Multiplayer Practice? (Preferably with more maps than just the one.... Will the AI cheat? (For example AGT AI and AI controlled soldiers could often "see" stealth units, the AI could also purchase special units even after their Barracks/HoN had been destroyed or regardless of how much money they *should* have left). Will you improve upon some of the units? For example, rather than acting like actual artillery, or the Artillery in TibDawn, the Nod Artillery in Renegade acted like a tank with weak armor and long distance shells, will your version of the Nod Artillery act like regular artillery (lobbing shells in an arc) or like the Renegade Artillery (firing straight like a tank)?
  4. I was talking from a coding angle. In your first post you made it sound like the coding for that would be difficult and tedious, but it's not. I already agreed with you on why it shouldn't do that, however.
  5. I have a question related to one of these: When I think of destroyed buildings in Renegade, I don't think of total rubble, I was thinking more along the lines of having parts of the building collapse, for example the hand on the HoN could crumble, the sphere come crashing to the ground, and maybe a corner crumbling off. In other words, not total destruction, just enough to let you know it's dead, but leave the inside areas free to roam. Do you think you'll do something like that? On a side note, from what I know about Unreal Scripting and mapping, disabling spawn points and purchase terminals when a building was destroyed would in fact be very easy. Though I totally agree with your reasons for not deleting them, I just wanted to throw that out there.
  6. That bugged you the most? For me it was some of the other things. You know, crappy level designs near the end of the game, bad AI, 1-man Army, repeatability[/b] Well maybe. But I meant as a whole, and when I think Renegade's single player, I think of those great early missions. Though like I said, I meant Renegade's single player as whole. This was probably one of the only, if not the only, title that didn't let you choose sides.
  7. You know, from what I know about map making for unreal (2004 that is), making campaign maps would probably be much easier in Unreal than trying to make campaign maps in the original Renegade. Scripted events and sequences are quite easy to make (and from what I've seen of UT3, scripting is not going to be much harder, perhaps even easier). Just putting that out there. And if you do decide to do that, I totally support inventing a Nod campaign. The lack of a Nod campaign was the thing that bugged me most about Renegade's single player.
  8. Possible? Maybe. Without trouble? No.
  9. So did the flame tank, but I don't think they should base anything on TibWars. If they were to depart from Renegade's design at all, I suggest they base it on TibDawn. TibWars is two whole sequels in advance, it woundn't seem right.
  10. Thanks, Fobby, I kind of feel bad I didn't say anything on Canada day.
  11. Tsumetai

    UT Master

    Shrine of Nod? BLASPHEMER!
  12. Tsumetai

    UT Master

    Many of them. But I don't have UT installed. Besides, from what I've seen, script editor in UT3 has undergone major changes. So for now, I'm bored. I want a new computer! I want UT3! I want the sdk for C&C3! Where's the emoticon for throwing a tantrum?
  13. Tsumetai

    UT Master

    You know what? I'm bored. Hey Fobby, Although I'm more into mapping, I do modeling too, and although my computer sucks, I still have 3d Max 7, so can try my hand at modeling something (perferably a structure), the Weapons Factory perhaps?
  14. While I understand your position on the remakes of standard Renegade maps, what new content, besides the Recon bike, could we see on custom maps? What about more buildings like the Con Yard, or the Communications Center, or Guard Towers?
  15. Tsumetai

    UT Master

    Oh I'm very violent. But don't let that scare you, just make sure you're not too close to your monitor, or I may reach through and strangle you. In all seriousness, I'm not the best UT coder, and my last version of my Red Alert map had a little help. My forte is modeling and mapping mostly. But we'll see what can be done. It's not like I'll have to worry about it for a while anyway. Of course, like I mentioned before, I need a new computer, until then, I can't even mod for UT2004.
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