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Kalle Bowo

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Everything posted by Kalle Bowo

  1. Nope, I glued the turrets and chassis together. That stuff is too small for a working mechanism. Or at least I'm just too lazy to come up with one. But I'm still planning to do a bigger version of the Mammoth Tank, maybe 10-14cm long or something, which will have a turnable turret und adjustable armored conduits. But I'm kind of finishing the mini base first as it seems.
  2. Thanks! Since I'm a motion graphics designer I would probably animate that stuff right with the computer instead of going the stop motion way. But If I ever need voices for such a thing, I will come back to you ^^
  3. Oh thank you very much *looks at the internet ... puts it the glass cabinet to the other stuff*
  4. indeed, I did finished it yesterday, took only 13h to print edit: PS: omg, mini flame tanks!! =)
  5. Thank you! I guess practice makes perfect ^^ and the printer is a good "carrot" to continue and improve the stuff ^^
  6. Huh? ^^
  7. tiny refinery is already there ^^ as promised, here is the Con Yard Latest additions to the base: Construction Yard, Helipad, Samsite and Hand of Nod
  8. Yeah, just stop playing Ren X and come over, we play with my mini base instead Alright, next little print: Omnomnom ...
  9. Hey, the radar is ready, finally ^^ Coming soon: Con Yard cheers, Kalle
  10. Not actually Command & Conquer, but maybe one of you is also looking forward to No Man's Sky ^^ I built that set based on a model which I found on thingieverse. I had to edit it heavily, though, cut it in printable pieces, remodel half of the thing. Made this for a colleague of mine who is pretty hyped for that game.
  11. Maybe. If there's really some interest, I could do that. I actually just had to open a Facebook group to coordinate the play sessions because there were too many people asking to play my board game You should just wear a t-shirt with a huge Nod logo, when you go to a party, I bet there's a least one guy you never met before but who starts a conversation with you about C&C. It's really incredible how many people still know that stuff and are eager to share their memories of the "good old days" with you.
  12. Haha, if you guys already like that crappy radar, wait until you see this ^^ I basically modeled the temple just for fun last year, a couple of months before I got my 3D printer. And honestly I probably have to remodel it completely First it's way too detailed for the scale of the mini base. Second I used some let's say not-printer-friendly-geometry ^^ Maybe I have to print the "legs" seperately as well ... But anyway, one step after another. I keep you updated
  13. One step after another, first let me finish the base ^^ I already got the next project going, the Communications Center I modeled this one completely from scratch, taking the old CnC1 manual images for reference. Even though I managed to get the 3D model from the original Renegade (2002) game files, but to be honest, that model was fairly ugly So I decided to stick to the original design and add some details. I just need to figure out how to print that damn radar dish
  14. Hey, I finally managed to take some decent pictures with my Canon, yay ^^ and I think you haven't seen the airstrip yet, right?
  15. Mammoth Tank ready!
  16. Triple post! "Silos needed!" The whole thing is based on the Ren X Tiberium Silo. But I made a few adjustments. Fore example there are more pipes on my silo, but I got rid of the chimneys (so you call them chimneys?).
  17. Double post! GDI Barracks 2.0! Hooraay!
  18. I will! Patience, young Padawan. At the moment it's designed to be a 2 player game with 2 dfferent game modes. One mode takes between 20min and 1 hour and the other lasts between 1 and 3 hours. Each player goes through different phases like building, moving units and attacking. Then it's the other player's turn. It's not a table top where you have to carefully measure out distances and all that sophisticated stuff. I rather tried to capture the essence of CnC and build abstract, simplified rules, so that the overall gameplay FEELS like CnC. And oh boy, it does ^^ there are so many moments that feel like CnC. Like killing the enemy's harvester over and over and watch how he loses all his money and grows more and more desperate ^^ or crippling his economy by destroying his powerplants. Driving over his soldiers with tanks and harvesters. Playing airstrikes. Landing with paratroopers in his base, then capturing his warfactory, building a powerplant next to it and start prodiucing tanks inside his own base. Let's just hope EA develops a new CnC at some point in the future so I can continue with the negotiations. I really want to see this baby on the market. I am 100% sure you will like it. I am working on exactly that rotating turret and adjustable canons. I want to use the hatch on the top of the turret as a rotating button which translates via some gears on the inside to the canons moving up and down. But since this will be my most sophisticated 3d project so far, it will take some time. But it is coming, i assure you that Cheers guys
  19. @ Havoc89: Well, I can load another filament in the printer and print the whole thing completely in red or blue or glow-in-the-dark or whatever, there's way too much stuff out there already. But I can't print texture on it. But that's why I also bought a used quite professional air brush set (pistol, compressor, a bunch of colors) from a friend of friend of mine. Both are in a model making club, so they know their stuff, and they say it's good stuff. I can't tell, I didn't find the time and patience to try it out yet. But yes, long-term-plan is to paint all the stuff, of course @ Schmitzenbergh: Do you know that I actually developed a Command & Conquer boardgame during my studies? ^^ it's really fun to play, people love it. And that's actually a nice opportunity to make some real 3D figurines for that. But the ones I'm making right now won't fit to the game, I need to design new ones for that. But remodeling all the RenX buildings and optimizing them for the printing process helps me a lot gettig some experience. So yes, that's another long-term-goal of mine ^^ @ Ska-Ara: I bought my Ultimaker 2+ for about 2300€, added a new print bed for 50€, material costs something in between 20-40€ per kg. When taking orders (which I haven't so far) I calculated that charging 5€ per printing hour is a fair price. Why? because when you go to 3dhubs.com (a site where people are offering their personal printers as a service), the people there charge even more. How do I know? Before I settled for the Ultimaker 2+ I ordered a couple of test prints, everytime the same model to be able to compare the quality. In Short by now I got the HON 8 times on my desk and on average one of these HON's costed 20€. I could print such a HON in roughly 3 hours, so technically I could charge even more money because the others do so, too, but I won't, because I'm such a nice guy @ all: I will tell you when the whole GDI and Nod base are ready. I simply want the models/prints to reach a certain quality level so that I can honestly say "yes, it's ok to charge money for that". You know, I'm quite a perfectionist and when I'm not happy with the quality I wouldn't feel well selling the stuff, simple as that. To be honest, when I bought the printer I really didn't think of printing stuff to sell it. I just wanted to have that machine soooo badly for years, so I can finally print all that fancy merchandise that I either can't buy at all (like a CnC mini base) or that is simply too expensive (I mean, honestly ... 300€ for ---> THAT THING ?!?!?). But yeah, it seems as if there are more crazy people out there that would love to own that kind of super geeky stuff, so why not Which models would I consider as final? - GDI Warfactory - GDI/Nod Refinery - Nod Airstrip - Nod Obelisk Which models need further improvement? - GDI Barracks - GDI/Nod Power Plant Which models am I working on at the moment? - Nod Turret Which models didn't I print at all so far? - GDI Advanced Guard Tower - Tiberium Silo - Hand of Nod (obviously because I got too many of them ) Which models do I want to add, modeled completely from scratch? - GDI/Nod Radar - Nod Samsite - Temple of Nod - GDI Guard Tower - walls, sandbags - basically most of the Tiberian Dawn stuff, inspired by Renegade About the attachement: The first photo shows my (currently final) board game prototype, developed already 5 years ago. On the second one you can see the different HON's I ordered online, printed out with different machines. This really helped me to find out which printer is capable of delivering the kind of quality I had in mind. I settled for the no6, counted from the left, which was the Ultimnaker 2 cheers, Kalle
  20. It really pays off to check the 3D files and remodel certain parts to optimize it for the printing process. The Nod Refinery v 2.0 turned out to look waaay nicer
  21. honestly. i was part of the team for years. we had no contract, we were doing this stuff for fun, in our freetime, because we were passionate about cnc. i mean i made the fucking game's logo (and a ton of graphics more they're still using). i even made a new logo animation years after i left the team. i even reworked the animation when they changed the name from cnc reborn to ts reborn. i poured enough of my passion into this project. when i want to take for example reborns titan 3d model as a basis to completely remodel the thing from scratch anyway (because the game models tend to be not print-ready) to 3d print the stuff just for me alone in my freetime, that's none of their business. i could remodel the stuff completely from scratch without these models and add some details etc, too, but it's easier to take them as reference.
  22. I don't know if you get me right, it's not about extracting them out of the game files. I was part of the modding team, I got everything already on my hard drive, neatly sorted ^^ it's abut how do I convert from w3d into some other 3d file format which I can open with cinema4d (I'm not using max, shame on me).
  23. Hey folks, I know that RenX isn't running on the W3D engine but I know that some of you folks used to hang around with the CnC Reborn dev team back in the good ol' days. So you might be able to help me on that. I still got all the 3D models from Reborn on my harddrive, unfortunately only the W3D files and no max or something, and so far I didn't manage to convert the 3D models into something that I can open and edit with Cinema4D (OBJ, FTL, I don't know, something). And I mean ... who DOESN'T want a 3D printed GDI Titan or Mammoth MK II on their desk, huh?! So if you know any working method or program to convert these files, that would be super awesome cheers ^^ Kalle
  24. I've sent you a test message. Did you get it, can you reply? Ohh noo, I made him pass out
  25. I took 2 new photos of the beauty ^^ btw my friend was delighted as he received the package for his birthday
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