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Kalle Bowo

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Everything posted by Kalle Bowo

  1. ... are on my list
  2. Hey folks, here's a new picture that I took yesterday in my little photo studio. Now there are bunkers, which can be seamlessly integrated into the base's walls. What kind of base defenses would you like to see in the future?
  3. By the way, I'm getting closer to a launch. The whole January I've been preparing stuff like crazy for the upcoming Patreon campaign, and now I'm working on a re-design of the website. After that, there are still a couple of points on my to do list. But hey, It feels like I'm currently making more progress than during the entirety of that god awful year 2020 ... how did you folks survive the last year? I hope it wasn't so crushing for you as it was for me. Anyway, here's another picture of the growing mini base
  4. They actually do so pretty well ^^
  5. Thank you, I'm trying my best! I'd so love to get this Patreon / Shapeways campaign started sooner, but 2020 has been such a dumpster fire, globally and personally ... But hey, the later the launch, the more buildings and units will be available right from the start. So for you it will be actually great
  6. Silos needed! I'm still preparing the Patreon launch. I'll tell you when there's news on that
  7. Sweeeet! Your model and print quality are looking good! If you have more stuff to show, go ahead Sorry for not posting for such a long time. I guess it's time for an update. Last summer I finally managed to meet a lawyer (specialized in copyright law) and a business consultant, to see if there's any way to destribute my 3D prints. After all there are plenty of pages where you can buy high quality 3D printable models of Iron Man, Godzilla, Lara Croft or Link from Zelda and the like. But as it turns out, there's no way. Those pages have written their terms in such a way that they just provide the platform and the creators who upload their models will sooner or later get a copyright claim. In fact, if I would even release my files for free, even though I created them from scratch and added a tonne of details, that would already count as copyright infringement. Long story short: I now started coming up with my own completely unique designs. In fact I'm currently working on making these available by starting a Patreon campaign soon (for the folks that want the files to print them or who just want to support me). And for those without access to a 3D printer I will also upload the files to Shapeways.com who will handle the printing and shipping of the miniatures. No launch date yet, but I will keep you updated Here's what I got so far, more stuff will follow, enjoy!
  8. I guess nobody asked me to :D no, seriously, I guess my modding days are long gone. I worked on C&C Reborn ages ago. By now, when it comes to working for free/fun, I mostly stick to my own projects such as Printed Armies.
  9. You won't believe how much stuff I have laying around here 3D models, unfinished prints, letters, bills ... ^^ Jokes aside, yes, the Adv. PP is still on my hard drive. But it's really not my priority at the moment to prepare it or any other of the models for ingame use. There's just so much stuff I have to take care of in RL after 10 months of sick leave due to the burnout.
  10. Oh man, it's been over a year already that I posted something here. I tell you, burnout fucking sucks.
  11. Who exactly would be interested? I got an email from one of the RenX Mappers, Thommy, a while ago, asking about the Temple. Should be no problem to give you or him or whoever needs it the Adv PP and the Radar. Just drop a mail, telling me how you need the file (Thommy requested an fbx-file for example) and I see what I can do ---> contact@printed-armies.com btw. here's another photo of the GDI Guardtowers + Mammoth, just to give you an impression of how tiny all the stuff gets. It still baffles me that the Ultimaker can print those delicate details.
  12. GDI Guard Towers are ready [
  13. Meanwhile the Titan isn't done, here's an old photo Remembering the time when it was still warm enough to take that photo out on the balcony
  14. Happy new year, folks! I can assure you, the project is not canceled December was pretty busy, so I didn't have much time for modeling and printing. But I'm back and working on something bigger this time, the GDI Titan. Modeling is nearly done. Afterwards I need to cut it into printable parts. Stay tuned! cheers, Kalle
  15. Hey folks, do you have experience with the eSports? I am applying for a position as a designer in that scene and I need a quick crash course about that topic. Things that would be interesting to me are: - What are these things: LCS, ECS, OW, 4-pool stand? - Is there something about eSports that connects these games? League of Legends, Counter Strike GO, DOTA 2, Starcraft 2, Call of Duty, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and World of Tanks -> If not, but you still know something about one of these games in connection with eSports, feel free to just share your personal experiences and opinions. - Maybe something like a small introduction or resume about that topic in general - Everything else that you find interesting or worth mentioning Thank you very much! cheers, Kalle
  16. Hey folks, by now I'm growing pretty tired of this damn Muslim/Koran/refugee discussion that's going on here in Germany. Well and since I consider myself a rational person who likes to make informed decisions, I thought to myself "let's read the Koran" ... "and THEN judge those refugees, muahahaaa" ... No, honestly, I'm an atheist. I believe in science and facts, in freedom, harmony, I am pro tolerance and against violence. Let's say I try to be a decent human being. Anyway, one point on my to do list was also always to read the Bible. And now might be a pretty handy time to read both and compare what they say. So to put this short: Are there any different versions of those two books, the Bible and the Koran, I should care about? I mean I have literally no idea about that, I just heard that there are different versions for example of the bible because they were translated by different people at different points in time or something. Let's say I don't want to order "Bible version 1.2" on Amazon when there's already "version 1.55 extended edition + hotfix" on the market. You know what I mean? So if there's something like a standard or go-to editon of both books, please tell me more about it cheers, Kalle PS: Please, PLEASE don't start any religious discussion down here ^^ everybody is free to believe what they want to believe. And I know many people take these things pretty seriously, so I don't want any bad blood between you guys ^^
  17. First: Sure! It would be great to see these models ingame. Second: As I said before, I just need to optimize the models for the game. Right now they got way to many polygons and details that could be solved with putting a texture on it. Just give me some time, I will come back to you. So at the moment you are asking for the Advanced PP, the Radar and the Temple, right?
  18. @ThommyK0104 Maybe I don't know if the models are good for gaming, since they have quite a lot of polygons. Also a lot of details are exaggerated to meet the minimal printing thickness. So all in all you probably still need to remodel my stuff. But still it might work as good foundation. Furthermore I finished the Adv PP. Changed some stuff, but the concept remains all in all the same.
  19. I think so, too. Before working on the Advanced version I made a quick research. Even tho the 2nd tower was placed somewhere next to the main structure in the original TD version, Westwood had a concept for an Advanced PP for Renegade with the 2nd tower right where I placed it. There were even some folks who modeled the thing for Renegade a couple of years ago.
  20. Hey folks, I wanted to redo the Powerplant for quite a while now. I finally did it (it's printing right now) and while I was on it, I made a design for the Advanced Powerplant, which was also still on the list. I'm not sure how the little pipe bridge between the two towers will turn out, but what should I say, I like to live dangerously What do you think abou the design? cheers, Kalle
  21. By the way, it's the AGT ^^
  22. Abou the looks you would get, yep, from my own experience, I can guarantee that I have a small base on my desk at work as well, and the people really do recognize that stuff. One day, a colleague came by, he had a real close look at the miniatures, examining the whole thing very carefully ... a moment of silence ... and then he was like "You know, your base wouldn't work like this. You need to print out more Powerplants" About "Throwing money at the screen": I am actually thinking about setting up a shop. But the idea isn't final though. If there are any news, I will keep you updated here in this thread. By the way: New project! Can you guess what it is? ^^
  23. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government !
  24. Hey folks, thanks a lot for sharing my stuff on your facebook page! One more thing: My new website is online! www.printed-armies.com And if you want to follow me on Facebook or Instagram, please subscribe to www.facebook.com/printedarmies www.instagram.com/printedarmies I will be posting updates on all those channels in the same manner as I did here in the forum. So basically everytime I've finished a new miniature. And if people demand I might also upload some work-in-progress-stuff or fail prints, cat photos, whatever Sharing is much appreciated See you around! Kalle
  25. Hey folks, this time there's no new print for you because I'm busy setting up a website to showcase all the miniatures I'm building. Nevertheless a nice side effect was that I needed a background image for a certain area and it turned out to be a nice wallpaper as well (2 color schemes, 2 sizes), so enjoy PS: I'm letting you know when the page is done. cheers, Kalle
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