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Everything posted by Wizard17
Monday evening here in the west. A day and a half left to "Ren-X". Woot! Cant wait - but I have to (tears) Will there be an option to host a LAN server? I am hosting a LAN Party on the 23 & 24th of October and had hoped to have Renegade-X as one of the games that we will be playing? Thanks for everything guys as a number of us have been saying for a long time, the mod looks awesome and many of us who still play Renegade regularly are most anxious to play the new mod. See you on Wednesday - IF I can get on the one of the servers Wiz
Wow, FANTASTIC! I am hosting a LAN Party on October 24 and we WILL be playing REN-X! Now to let all our people know to go out and get UT3 AND as I just got a message on my email today it is currently being offered by STEAM for 60% off so the timing is great! Now to get a towel to wipe up the drool! Thanks guys! I and everyone else in the community have been in AWE of the cool things you have done so far and we thank you in advance of the release date for this great mod! WIz
I tried both the one you gave here and the 73 one you had on the TS, keyed them in a couple of times but no luck. But maybe next time... Or maybe next time it will be REN-X we are playing rahter than Renegade.... Wiz
Wow and wow again! That was AWESOME. I liked the pictures and loved the video. From the hint at the end of the video it looks like the battle will begin in 2009 - and I hopefully take that to mean that you are confidant that we will see the game released by the end of the year! It looks like it is ALMOST finished now! (Wipes drool off keyboard) Well my UT3 is loaded and waiting.... Keep up the good work guys and I was sorry to miss the last Renegade party as when I came in an hour and a half late I found it was all over - or at least I could not join using my Renegade Resurrection loader. WIz
Well I came late and despite trying the posted and TS provided instructions was unable to get on the server. It MAY have been an issue with Renegade Resurection as it was unable to see the server. I even tried REN IP but that did not work either. When I arrived everyone was logging off so maybe the 73 server was down then too. Rats, maybe next time... Wiz
Great work guys as always! Love the APC, but then I like to drive one a lot. Still love the Light Tank that you released a while back too! Hope to drive one soon!. How is the coding going? Is the holdup now the final artwork or does game coding still need to be done? Really itching ton play this mod and am concerned that new players may have a tough time finding UT3 as it seems to be vanishing from the store shelves... I guess I am asking for a rough time frame for release. Months or....? Wiz
Congrats team! A job well done and an honour well deserved! As for old computers, my first machine came with a single sided single density floppy drive and had no hard drive! A Ti994A - a fun machine in its day! Added a massive 32 meg expansion card and two double sided double density floppy drives. Paradise! Now we talk Terrabytes of storage. We've come a LONG way in the last 25 years baby! Wiz
Nice work, thanks for putting up a new view of the MOD. As always it is EXCELLENT! I too am a boink fan but am not married to the other sounds. Whatever works best and the stuff in all the videos is incredible. Soon, soon (He begs...) Wiz
Love the Light Tank! HUD is perfect. Overlay will not affect gameplay visibility. This is even more than I had expected. Once again salivating... Hopefully we will very soon be driving the tank around in Field or one of the other maps. Wiz
WOW! That is incredible! It had me salivating! Yes my UT3 is loaded and waiting...... I am still playing more Renegade than any other game but will certainly switch to Renegade-X just as soon as it is out. My email is in your database - please let me know if you need more players in your beta test program! Wiz
Wow, this is very cool. All of us out here are praying that it will be soon. I dont wanna die of old age and miss it! Yeah, I am almost that old. I still play and enjoy Renegade and look forward to seeing you all in the sights of a sniper rifle - soon! Wiz
Wow! What can anyone say but WOW, this is looking so cool. Interesting idea the dirt and snow accumulations on your vehicles - I think that is unique in gaming. Of course most vehicles dont last long enough to accumulate any dirt... Looking forward to your next info package as you keep blowing us away with each new tidbit! Wiz
Damn you have me drooling all over my keyboard! Like every other Renegade fan I want to play this game! Yeah you call it a Mod but my guess is that it will pull UT3s sorry ass out of the dumpster when it comes out as EVERYONE who has ever played and loved Renegade will want your mod and will have to buy UT3 to be able to play it. We are talking about a Renegade Resurection here! Any idea when we might be able to assist you in your debugging efforts by play testing the beta or even the alpha? (Pretty subtle approach huh!) Keep these drool clips coming! Wiz
Hmmm, I see some interesting names. I liked Renegade Awakened but the suggestion of Unreal Renegade is backwards looking how about: Renegade: Unreal I agree with many other posters that a year in the name is OK when you are working on it but after release it should not be dated by having a year in the name. I think it would be held back and we dont want to see that happen. Wiz
Hi guys Been a while since anyone posted anything. Not to ask a stupid question but are YOU (Titan) happy with progress since your mid December 2007 update post? Is there any chance of getting a small simple map with limited buildings, weapons and vehicles up for a beta test of your mod? Wiz
I checked in at our local EB Games store yesterday and they told me that their computer has UT3 coming out September 1. Of course that could slip as many other games have...
I was thinking of buying it as I have UT2004 but an now definately getting it because of Ren2007!
Carrier I would like to learn how to develop maps. Is there a manual or something where people can go to get a basic understanding of how to do it? I have UT2004 and had a look at the Map Editor and pulled in an existing map and can see what was done but not how.
Thanks Guys I have UT2004 and will have a look at that editor. I do not have Roboblitz.
JeepRubi I asked the question because I suspected that there would be a need to add the Renegade buildings - that your team would be creating - into the maps for UT3. Hopefully we can play around with the maps a bit and put the buildings in later when they are done. As you guys are already working on this mod I suspect that there is some sort of mapping program available from the UT3 team for mods. How do we obtain it?
Thanks for that tip! Does anyone have any idea if Renegade2007 will be ready by then? Question: We will need maps for the mod, is there a reasonably efficient way to convert existing Renegade maps to Ren2007? If not we will need to see about developing maps for the mod. ALthough I have played Renegade for a long time I have never made any maps. Is there any way for non-mappers (to date) to learn mapping skills that will apply to the new mod? Would there be a special toolbox of items that one could assemble for Renegade for mapmaking which I assume would need to be combined with the standard UT2007 (Or is it UT3?) mapmaking system? I know these are noob questions but I am sure that others will be most interested in putting together maps for the new mod and we will need some sort of guidance.
Nice work! It even has a feel of having been used on the battlefield.
Wow! Congratulations the Humvee is a total winner! I cant wait to see the rest of the vehicles.
Hi Titan Long time since we last chatted. Most interested in the new mod. We just had a LAN Party and Renegade was one of the games we played. Your Tib_Pit3 was my personal favorite followed by Caverns (Not yours as far as I know). So I decided to D/L some of your other maps and while I have most of them I dont have all of them. I could not D/L "Islands_KOTH" as it tries to give me "Last_Stand" instead. We are planning another LAN Party sometime in the early fall so if you need a group of people to test out an Alpha version we could do that - if UT2007 is out by then. We have some pretty savvy players coming and I keep trying to pick maps that discourage early rushes to take out buildings. I also personally like flying maps.