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Everything posted by Trooper

  1. Bright side of me getting sick and having to miss work.... I get to play this. I went and made myself a post about the release on Kotaku. I hope it gets the front page cause I'm sure there are many Renegade fans out there who still don't know of Ren-X http://troopzor.kinja.com/fan-made-comm ... 2874459598
  2. So with the release of Ren-X and PAX east next week I was thinking of maybe trying to set up some kind of meet up. Maybe something simple like picking a bar in the area and just drinking and reminiscing about vanilla renegade or any of the other cnc's. Any input or suggestions?
  3. I'm not sure about the targeting thing for tanks, but maybe as a secondary fire where it locks onto an allied infantry.
  5. Because their attack is a bit OP at the moment. In the original, they had a limited range, but here they have about the range of a med tank. And I dont remember the stank having a dust trail while hidden in RenX... The dust trail shows you hit them while stealth, not sure if it just lasts until the come out and stealth again, or if you don't hit them for a little. But I did notice it and it became VERY easy to track them. However I do find their stealth effect hard to see/track without that dust effect
  6. No, that's not an aimbot, you'd be surprised how easy it is to use the ramjet rifle with so many new players running around with free characters lol
  7. As an avid SBH player the best way to counter them is mines. On flying maps mine ramps to the top of buildings, 3 should be plenty because if I run through those mines (and maybe survive) I will have low health and can be killed fast. Further more if you even THINK you walked past an SBH just fire a clip around until you hit something, then follow that something. Most new SBH players will instantly start attacking you, other more experianced ones will try to juke you so be aware of it. And to be frank I find SBH+Nuke is one of Nods staple strats since GDI's vehicles are much more powerful then Nods and can take a much larger beating. It's an interesting balance mechanic I feel. Edit: Forgot to add that in original ren placing a nuke beacon meant the entire group of defenders on an enemy team would fan out, the one who found it would spam "defend the [structure]" and the rest would swarm it. Forced some clever nuke placements, but on large pop servers it became extremely difficult to get one off. It's mainly a matter of most new players learning how to react when they hear "Nuclear Strike beacon deployed." Also you can hear the beeping of the beacon making it easier to find if you listen to it. The louder it is the closer you are.
  8. I was shooting at a medium tank and running towards it as a Soldier (trying to C4 it) and the guy jumped out when I was like 2 feet away. I stole it and killed him. He then proceeded to call me a hacker for like 20 minutes. I thought he was joking at first, but he was serious lol. He even admitted he thought I was hacking simply because I took his tank
  10. The only weird (and aggrivating) beacon placements I've seen have been on Gold Rush. But every time we find it, theres an SBH who tries to defend it. Not extra speed or anything. I must have been lucky so far today though because I just finished a marathon of Ren-X and didn't encounter anyone I thought was cheating...
  11. I know personally I'm loving watching these play sessions. (even watching them at my school and have had a couple people ask about the game). Thanks for the video's
  12. Because if they made any money from this at all they would get sued by EA. That just one of the reasons though
  13. Since Ren2007. Oh hey firestorm!
  14. I've been showing my friends it off and on for the past year or so, now that's it about to be released they're much more interested. Especially since it looks so amazing
  15. Sargentkillme
  16. http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=12396 http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=12399 It's called Tiberian Twilight
  17. I'll just leave this here.
  18. when you stack vehicles on walls flying then blow them all up with a nuke and Ion cannon
  19. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Apr 10 2009, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol, THat one brings up a lot of bad memories!
  20. Even though I had to leave early I had a great time!!! NE ftw lol Oh and humvee rush ftw
  21. I.... I..... I think I just came.
  23. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Nov 18 2008, 12:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heh, "EPIC" flop.... I get it. and for anyone thinking they can just 'torrent it' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Xfqkdh5Js4
  24. QUOTE (Pendullum @ Nov 13 2008, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LIES! I like to pretend that renegade-x was always a finished product and you guys are only PRETENDING that your making it =P lol
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