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Everything posted by halo2pac

  1. halo2pac


    We have multiple mirrors that can handle the load, do not worry we will do our best to make sure it doesn't feel like dial-up downloads
  2. Did someone say Pac?
  3. Game listings still look down.
  4. It doesn't matter what the point of cheating is... Kids will always attempt it. Therefore we still have to protect against it, and punish for it.
  5. Well I am hoping for a unique computer hash to ban by.
  6. Maybe someone from the media platoon can work something up?
  7. The legend speaks! Thank you sir!
  8. YUP. They will take your children as well. Yep.
  9. Hahaha Secondary would be kamikaze mode.
  10. Exactly that and even more.
  11. Very Naice
  12. SOPA is one of the beginnings of Socialism/Marxism/Communism. One step closer to ending up as slaves to the government. Prime example is North Korea... The people are suppressed heavily and have a super government firewall like china.. BUT Nothing gets out much. China has SOPA times 10. Here in America we really have freedom going well for the last ~250 years, lets not burn what the constitution was built for. The fore fathers may have not known what a nuclear bomb was, but they did know what the end of freedom can look like, what government oppression looks like, and what a true free market looks like.
  13. We are aware of the issues, and are constantly working to get them fixed. This was also the cause of the problems with the frontend.
  14. the front end is broken till our web host removes the ads from the site... it is blocking proper frontend updates. You should be able to update the game in a few days properly. ALSO: stay on topic... I deleted the posts for the subject of pirating.
  15. I have had that error also, so he is not pirating. Sorry for his naivety. Did you try reinstalling the steam game, and then the renegade-x installer? Also make sure the renegade-x installer is putting it in the correct folder.
  16. It was nice playing with you Pilot, hopefully I will be there next Sunday too.
  17. Was that the new multiplayer footage? or was that just ut3 on ultra settings?
  18. Screenshots help so we can fix things it was probably asking for permission to run ......
  19. If you look at the top left of the frontend, there is a chat button.. that takes you straight to the IRC channel.
  20. A guy at work noticed this game because he follows these gaming websites, he used to play a lot of the C&C games. He is now anticipating Ren-X's release! This has totally proven that we are catching peoples eyes, especially die hard C&C fans.
  21. halo2pac

    About jobs

    Lol w4rning. you have enough C++ experience from working on that server for 5 years, and your playerbase is practically gone.. come join us man
  22. Crap .. I'm sorry guys ... I cant make it at 2PM(EST) to the game I have a family event.
  23. halo2pac

    Voice actor

    He sounds exactly like the stereotypical C&C voice, I give him props
  24. LMFAO> Jam, that "Why Renegade-X is better" video made me piss my self.
  25. First off I would like to extend you a warm welcome to Renegade-X and to the forums! I'm the dev guy for the auto updater and I would be happy to help you with this issue, but I am going to need a little bit of information from you to be able to start trouble shooting. If you would be so kind as to navigate via windows explorer to C:\Users\Adriaantje\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\ and open the FrontendSettings.renx with notepad. Then paste the contents here. Then if you could navigate your browser to http://www.renegade-x.com/sc/version.php and paste what you see here also. Thanks!
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