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Everything posted by halo2pac

  1. I just checked and this is actually a bug since in the admin panel it says all registered users have permission to edit their posts. When this will be fixed, I have no clue.
  2. I am a fan of phpbb over vbulletin or IPB anyday
  3. Thanks Dante! Glad to see your still around
  4. You have to be ACK or very petty to be turned away from a free game that looks and works this decent.
  5. Don't worry about it. it has been taken care of, and those ghost topics will go away as soon as a new post arrives in one of those forums.
  6. I wonder if it is possible to get a hard copy
  7. I dont see it lol
  8. Basically the skull mode form halo Juggernaut mode. You have a crap load of health... everyone has to kill you. You have to survive. Then when you die... the next person goes. Beacon mode... first to plant beacon wins.
  9. Zombie mode - except with tiberium as the main medium that caused the zombies. Territories - capture areas of land and defend with a small team.
  10. Absolutely. We will also be incorporating use with a holographic room to simulate the battle field. .. lol. @WarDog64 - We are currently planning things out for a bit, hang tight, we always keep our community involved and updated.
  11. then dont claim it.
  12. Looks pretty awesome
  13. Whos gunna translate the game?
  14. halo2pac


    PCI x16 slot.
  15. halo2pac


    Fobby, I have a 8600 gts in my old rig. It will not play renX, so this is why. You should get something over a 8600. A 8800 GT OC, or a 9xxx, or the newer 3 digit series over 220. Troll http://dealnews.com for a few weeks for a good deal on a graphics card. That's how I got my evga 250 GTS for less than $80.
  16. I would not buy it. Almost no one plays these days, and we are more focused on black dawn multiplayer and we are not touching the UT3 one anymore.
  17. The server listings are down as well as no servers actually up. The error message was a glitch in my code in .555 but has been fixed in 0.556 (not released) For now since there are no servers, I didn't feel the need to push the update since I have been busy working on black dawn.
  18. The engine provides functions that does that, but thanks for your offer. I lol'd
  19. yes, the list is down.
  20. Verify your md5 hash after downloading and unzipping.
  21. My mirror still has 1000+ active connections and has hit over that 1.5TB range i gave you yesterday
  22. New Mirror: http://renx.finezt.com/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.exe
  23. There is a new US mirror now. http://renx.finezt.com/UDKInstall-RenegadeX.exe
  24. Flaming APCs. Jelly synonymously recognizes "Flaming APC" with "halo2pac". That and hosting the largest modded server, Just as big as Kamiux's, for 3 years. I had 3k players a month with a 16 slot server, and yet I still had a line waiting to get in.
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