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Everything posted by alexrirak

  1. This is why its not working. The rcon protocol was changed from the original open beta. It looks like the format of rcon has to do with the writing of the log. Based on the above error, i think this is in fact the case and the code needs to be adjusted to work with the current protocol.
  2. If you are still interested in status images for your server, I just made mine available publicly so check out this post: viewtopic.php?t=74165
  3. I know a few people asked about status images that would pull basic server information. I already had a system set up for this for MPF so I figured I'd share it so that others could make use of it as well. I know some have figured out how the system works by looking at the MPF ones but I decided to make it easier for everyone. They aren't anything fancy, just basic information. They look like this: You can use the url like this: http://renegadexserver.com/info- I've added some optional flags so the image can be customized. The format works like this: info-[iP]/p-[PORT]/c-[color].gif [iP] is required the other two are optional. [PORT] is the port the server is on, is the color the text on the image should be (currently supports black, green, red, yellow). If you use all the flags port needs to come before color. Port defaults to 7777 if nothing is specified. So a url using all the flags would look like this: http://renegadexserver.com/info- Hopefully someone will find this useful. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them.
  4. You really need to give us more than that for us to be able to help you out. Is there some error you are getting? Can you describe what exactly is happening that's not letting you get into the game?
  5. The team is not permitted to make money from the game. This is part of the agreement they have with EA which allows them to produce this game set in the Command and Conquer universe.
  6. I believe the rcon port is all there is.
  7. Based on the fact that its free, definitely worth buying
  8. If you're interested in a ranking system MPF has one set up on our server. Unlike the global ranking system it does not require steam to be running. You can check out this topic for more information (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73291).
  9. Unfortunately the system requires quite a bit of set up on the server owner's side so its not currently viable to make it distributable.
  10. That is definitely a possibility. This system can be taken a lot further but I am interested to see if there is interest in it. If there is a good amount of interest and use of the system then I will definitely be adding further features to the system.
  11. From what I understand, the policies imposed on the team by EA prohibit them from doing this. If you are looking to donate though, you can donate to one of the many communities that run a RenegadeX server to help them with the costs of maintaining a server.
  12. MPF would like to introduce alexStats. Ren-x.com Slaughterhouse server stats (alexStats) are independent from the RenegadeX global stats system and are only for the server you play on, you will not need steam to be apart of the stats unlike the current RenegadeX global stats were only steam users are logged. The system also provides live server status allowing you to see who is in game, map, time remaining and current building status from the website. alexStats has just been enabled on both Slaughterhouse #1 and Slaughterhouse #2 servers, see if you have what it takes to be Number 1. Ranks have just been reset to give everyone a fair chance. (check your rank at http://renegadexserver.com/) Features: Search: player name search Rank: players rank in the ladder Name: player name Total Points: total points over every game you have participated in Av. Score: average score over every game you have participated in K / D: kills to death K/D Ratio: the ratio of kills to deaths Total Games: the amount of games you have participated in Av. Kills Per Game: average kills in games you have participated in Av. Deaths Per Game: average kills in games you have participated in GDI / Nod: how many times you have been on each side (also determines the color of you personal stats as shown below) Recs: how many recommendations you have had (best player of the match) Monthly Ranks: holds the months ladder for the current and past months Overall Ranks: hold the all the ranks from start / reset to current day Map Ranks: holds the ranks for each individual map http://renegadexserver.com/
  13. Great tutorial, would have really helped if I had this rather than having to figure this stuff out myself. Was planning on writing something similar to this myself. Im sure this will help lots of people.
  14. Sounds great! Cant wait for the release!
  15. Looking great guys, keep up the great work
  16. alexrirak

    New forums!

    The forums look good, good job!
  17. Looks nice, great to see progress!
  18. Nice video
  19. Happy Birthday to RenegadeX and great update guys! We're looking forward to hearing more.
  20. Happy Holidays
  21. Nice to finally see a release date, cant wait to see what you guys have come up with.
  22. Voted! Good luck guys!
  23. alexrirak

    Who pays?

    You can also donate to MP-Gaming to help keep the game server running.
  24. The chat points to the channels for the US server but there is more activity in the EU one now
  25. MP-Gaming also has a steam group for Renegade if you're interested: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/RenegadeXServer
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