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Everything posted by QUAKERxnc

  1. Maybe anyone think that the NOD Laserchaingun should do the same amount of damage with his magazines as the GDI Gunner to buildings and vehicles. Looks like that Mendoza-Möbius, Havoc-Shakura, Nod-GDI Officers, Deadeye-Nodsniper, Sydney-Raveshaw, do the same amount of damage. There is no reason why this should not be the same on NOD side with the Laserchaingun to Gunner comparison. The next step is that NOD Chem infantry are not so strong against Buildings and Vehicles as the Rocket Infantry.
  2. A good option should be that Laserchaingun and Gunner get one by default. And it should reduced the Rate of Fire by 10% if a enemy vehicles was hit.
  3. Reinstallation solved the Problem.
  4. bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE MinSmoothedFrameRate=60 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=888 Does not work at all 3 BaseEngine.ini´s. I got always capped frames at ~47 whats wrong`?
  5. It seems like that i cant kick the bots from the server over a voting. If i go to votemenue and kick some or all bots i cant initialize a votekick. I am not able to press Button "1" for All bots or "2" for a spezific number. Its like i got a deaktivated Keybord for button 1 or 2. Whats the reason for it? I see that other guys can do it. Other vote about mapstart or ingamecommands works fine.
  6. You are wrong, he says that you buy 50€ for the competitor (Battlefield) but Renegade X is for free.
  7. Thats truly a good idea.
  8. It looks like that we got no update´s since any hours. Update: Ok now, it was a Steam error. I reinstall it and now it works.
  9. We always see the Intro if you join over Serverbrowser. There is an Option to deactivate it?
  10. There is any possibility to change it now?
  11. You will have exzellent games with 4x4 up to 8x8.
  12. There is a possibility to create a Playerlimit? 10-12 should be fine. But ALL SERVER`S HAVE A 64 PLAYER limit. It looks like they are totaly overstrained with that ammount of players.
  13. And we can start with downloading in 12 hours right?
  14. Hi guys, the Ranking will be online in the first hour until release or what says the plan? And we can expect the "Downloadbutton" on 26.02.14 at 0.00 o´clock GMT or another Timezone?
  15. For Germany looks like : New York (U.S.A. - New York)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 15:00:00UTC-5 hours EST........ Berlin (Germany - Berlin)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 21:00:00UTC+1 hour CET........ Corresponding UTC (GMT)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 20:00:00 If that is not right adjust it.
  16. I´m drunken or i can not bind weapons on keys since 0.55? I does nothing if i select any key on "weapon 7" wich was repaigun in 0.50. Same if i change it in UTInput.ini at: F:\Users\QUAKERxnc\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\Config Anyone know that problem or is that only my problem?
  17. It is a Mod for the old Renegade so we can play with that orginal Renegade vehicles and weapons.
  18. m0h (22:03) : 30k pkt ingame 2k pkt in Ladder its bugged again
  19. Ladder down again, after four games nothing was registrated. Since 20.00 GMT+1
  20. Guys, we need a "IonCannon/Nuclearstrike-Beacon disarmed" Sound as a global sound actually the counter move around to the end if it disarmed or not.
  21. Good, it works now. What would u mind about a statistic with plantig Nuke/Ion and destroyed buildings on that ladder ?
  22. we will test it again
  23. Looks like that system cant report over 10k Points per player, if he got 12.000 it reports 2.000.
  24. Not realy, MOHxnc tells me he played Field and got 12k Points but he get around 2k Points. Looks like a problem since Ladderreset.
  25. Hmn, looks like the Ranking is bugged now. I see the same stats since Yesterday 20.00 CET.
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