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Everything posted by StonerMk2

  1. Did you know I think Petroglyph makes bad games? Sure, ill give you some of their more recent games have been pretty bad. But the mentioned games are pretty damn good, and their newest Grey Goo looks pretty great as well. On topic: Great to see the old Westwood guys love the game. Must really make ya'll feel fantastic, when the original developers are giving your game praise.
  2. Actually its not fine at all. I agree with R315. Played Renegade for nearly a decade and i have a hard time finding them bastards on Wall and Whiteout* (*: This map is nearly impossible). Hell tonight a whole PACK of Stanks got by 4 of us in the front turrets on Whiteout and i was looking for them. The stealth effect is great but when they are hit it needs to shimmer like it did in Renegade. Its really as simple as that. Also something needs to be done with Whiteout as well. Either change the color of the effect or something, because you can not see them at all. Maybe change it to red. Wasnt red the original color of the effect in Renegade?
  3. I've never seen this in the original either, I'm fairly certain the old obelisk did splash damage. Plus, sprinting just makes it a lot easier to juke the obby. Nod does not need any more nerfs on Field. Arty nerf made it pretty much impossible to control the center. Tunnels is the only way they stand a chance. Nope. In old Rene GDI could very easily take out several buildings if Nod was not paying attention and was Arty whoring out in the Field. Hell that was pretty much the ONLY way for GDI to win Field back in the day if Nod had control of the middle. Nuke the Ref and/or Strip, Profit. We didnt have fancy Airstrikes and shit.
  4. Players, regardless of pub play need to learn. Making the game easier for them IS NOT going to help them learn the game at all. The new players just need to learn how to play, its really just as simple as that. Us old players need to possible do a better job of understanding they are new, and possibly play defense more often but no i have to disagree with making this game easier for public games. Honestly i dont foresee anyone adopting anything like these suggestions either.
  5. Gotta agree with ACK. Ive always absolutely despised the fact that snipers were "counters" to air in Renegade. Snipers, either of them, have no business attacking air at all. RenX has viable air counters, and plenty of them without adding in snipers. MRLS lock on now, damn near everything with a missle payload locks on. Personally i think the Ramjet should do as much damage to a Orca as said Ramjet would do to a Mammy, next to nothing. They are Anti-Inf, not anti-vehicle. The game has counters to vehicles and air, snipers DO NOT need to be included in that list, at all. Quite honestly i think the game currently has too many counters to Apache's and Orca's, they are almost damn near useless unless your team has DEFINITELY got the upper hand and the other team has no real way to counter.
  6. Yep, played Renegade for a long goddamn time. Have gone by [KH]StonerMk2, [siN]StonerMk2 and now {BOA}StonerMk2. Mostly only played on St0rm, =UN= Rules New Maps and i think FnFalls Gz0ne Marathon or something like that. Now im playing RenX mostly on Jelly since its the only US server that seems to always be near full.
  7. Found this while playing Mesa II. Cant really go anywhere, but you can surprise the hell out of people. Just thought id post about it. I also recorded it. Lemme know if your not able to access it and ill upload a video of it on Youtube or something. http://www.twitch.tv/stonermk2/b/513929262
  8. I dont ever recall the name plates of everyone in the APC being visible in the original game. Perhaps the driver, but not the passengers.
  9. Yeah. I think adding certain elements (Passenger seat in air vehicles and parachutes) that were not in the original game has created whole new problems for RenX. But the building blockers for the tops of the buildings would absolutely solve the problem of placing beacons where they shouldnt be allowed. Parachuting out of the Chinny which is a viable strategy, i have no problem with. Its people now getting on top of buildings and placing beacons in places where they cannot be disarmed i have a problem with.
  10. Cause we aint Bruce Willis.
  11. Well see my point is in old Rene you could not do this. Was blockers to prevent this abuse and whats more is there was no second seat in the original game. You couldnt ride shotgun. Orcas and Apache's were a one person vehicle. If this is what we are now going to be considering within game mechanics id like to know cause hell, i could cause all kind of havok with this. I dont do it because i consider it exploiting and/or abuse.
  12. Ok well apparently Inf can "ride" both air vehicles if they jump on top. This obviously leads to people placing beacons on TOP of buildings now. Ride the Orca or Apache over top the building. Jump off, parachute, land and place and bobs your uncle the enemy team cant do squat about it. Happened twice last night on the Jelly server, with GDI placing a Ion on top of the Nod Ref and HON.
  13. Nope, only works for GDI. Have tried it as Nod and it doesnt work.
  14. Now that there is one sexy launcher. At least until the devs get the chance to get the official one straightened out.
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