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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. forgot to say that it will not open the UDK editor but got help on discord but thanks any ways.
  2. the errors are here // this is the file i am opening //
  3. Will Making your own maps be easier in the UE5 version then RengadeX ?
  4. i thought you guys disabled tib damage on purpes
  6. well, do they need thoes? i could make the if they need them
  7. i dont care about mony
  8. Yeah I am asking stuff like can I help make a box or something just small stuff ballcing ideas and more
  9. yea i know i have looked just want to be a helper I guess like small stuff
  10. it als olooks like clone comando or repblic comander what ever its caled the sart wars gaem
  11. the taitn be looking funky
  12. ok i have not opened blender in a long time but i did to day made the new mag
  13. I can't do very hi detailed OBJ cant wild life ect and have some experience with URE5 train modeling and cant speak thor a mic
  14. I am doing the same with totem arts right now
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