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Are there high costs associated with running these servers? (I don't know what bandwidth and hardware tier (professional or home server) is needed to host this game. In my UT days, server companies charged a lot.) Thus if there is a high cost and NA was taken down due to lack of use - if NA was reactivated - perhaps a mod could post a time for NA players to meet (thus the population would fill and the investment worth it). Anyways thanks for whoever pays for the server resources.
At this time I am not going to detail what you did multiple times (documented with screenshots), because then you'll know who is complaining. And I've seen you vote to kick out your own teammates for things they didn't do. What I have seen you say to me and others, was not related to teamwork. You were making fun of them for being new - without any feedback or correction - only mockery. I have seen many examples; but I've also seen you are a Commander many times, to help the team. (I have no problem with you telling someone how to do something better, or what not to do.) That is why I have remained silent (to not get an effective player removed). However recently you used a glitch and got toxic (again) against players that you think are new. Another player even joined to mock those who complained about your use of a glitch - to personally insult on my aim which had nothing to do with the issue (I.e. it was one of your friends, or your prior toxicity has made others bolder to do the same). This is related to high ping = someone can appear to have bad aim regardless of skill. I'm actually a better player, and sometimes get scores higher than you. But my high ping is a handicap, thus I am suppressed. As for "yeah i used to 180-200 ping and its absolutely no problem." That is someone else's opinion and does not negate the facts that I described: My location glitches in two different places when my ping is that high. This means if I am a Tech and think I am behind a tank while repairing - but I am not according to the server - then I get headshotted because I didn't know that I was no longer behind the moving tank (on my screen I was behind the tank, thus didn't know which way to correct my position). This is one example of bad Pin effect, Aim is another. These are reasons to reactivate the NA server.
Thoughts on Commander (and Public game social situations)
mouse705 replied to Handepsilon's topic in Renegade X
Agreed. We need a key to press to bring up ONLY chat and color coded by teams. The problem with pressing ` is that it's too hard to read quickly (not color coded and shows non chat spam), and you cant screenshot it (for evidence of bad situations). -
Edit: a mod IP banned me for this post criticizing toxicity by Coolaid. No warning, no DM. Not having a NA server is killing the game and discouraging me from playing. I like full teams, 64 players. it's too frustrating to play with only 10 on a team because of campers, beacon spammers, and issues that haven't been fixed for small teams. Ive noticed that there is only 1 time of day that the EU server has full players. But then it takes 15 minutes wait to get in because it's so full. Since I only like playing on big teams, and only EU gets full - I'm forced to play on EU which means 200 ping. This is bad because players like Coolaid constantly mock players' skill and trash talks his own team (the rule about not being toxic is ignored). People PM and say my aim sucks. Why? Because of my high ping. I constantly glitch in 2 different places (on my screen only). But they don't care, they have good ping and it goes to their ego. Because the server is full and only active at one time of day, the regulars are extra toxic with off topic vote spamming. As soon as EU starts going to bed, the server is killed - 10 on a team then 5. Then the base camping starts, so I quit (because no matter how good you are, it's annoying trying to do everything as 1 class - base defense and offense, or rushing home to disarm beacons because not all maps have base defenses). Devs keep nerfing Nod, makes many maps or any with tunnels - 1 sided = not fun to play. I've gone to other forums and tried to recruit NA players. But they don't like high ping either, and for the reasons above, they may be pushed away too. So what happened to the NA server? And besides my reasons, why are there not as many NA players at least trying to play during our prime time (when there was an NA server)? I don't understand what happened to everyone.
Stand clear. If Cyber Comm doesn't have a taunt "They will know fear" then that's a nerf. Hope they have these lines + what Slashes said.
Ok ty, I didn't notice that detail. That Epic-only adjustment is fair. So devs nerfed Chem, LGC, Doza. What's the real reason Chem was nerfed? And did devs take into account: rooting, melee-range vs GDI tanks and snipers, slower run vs quick GDI that can spam nads? Nod gets rooted more than GDI to do damage = Nod ammo clip or damage per second should not be nerfed (because Nod deserves the damage advantage if Inf is getting rooted): Flamethrower: mild-root to do damage, needs melee range vs GDI Basic Nadder (longer range, can shoot and jump away (hold run), jump back to do damage as fast as the weapon can fire - even you mentioned this GDI advantage in a 2020 post regarding Gunner). Chem: root to do damage, no alt-fire, big visual box/bright green target, suicidal (needs to run into Nads or Tanks), needs melee range vs GDI Big Nadder (longer range, alt-fire, can shoot and jump away. faster, smaller visual box). LGC: super root to do damage + spin up, big target, slow, kickback + too much firespread at long range, needs closer range vs his enemy: GDI tanks with longer range, higher health + snipers = root for Nod is very deadly with no damage advantage. Also about LGC: why does a laser gun have kickback - while GDI Gunner does not (giant rocket)? If you shine a flash light or laser - your hand doesnt kick back, it's an energy weapon, not kinetic/gunpowder. So the fact that Gunner's rocket doesnt have kickback (aim levels back to original point after firing) - is illogical. GDI Mobi gets mild root (but hes still fast and has longest range, thus he's not affected as much as Nod). I dont want Mobi range nerfed, I want Nod unnerfed and for Devs to account for rooting = low ammo clip is too harsh on Nod.
Thanks. It's helpful to see the same things were complained about Nod lacking since 2020. Thus the 2021 Chem/Doza nerf is more unreasonable. And thus Bee's issue is important to address (I think Mobi shouldn't be nerfed - Nod unnerfed to counter Mobi) - and thus avoid the endless nerf slippery-slope.
I agree it's an issue. But perhaps not nerf him, and unnerf Nod. Stop forcing kid mode on us where Nod (known for damage), gets nerfed over and over - and now we see that Mobi is imbalanced more. Recently devs nerfed Doza and Chem ammo clip. We protested and said why. But they didnt listen to us. Now what Leader Bee says is more of an issue. GDI owns any map with tunnels, which is a lot - because 1 Mobi is so powerful (+3 spam Nadders) - and the only good counter is lol snipers (in a tunnel with 200 ping? - not an option for many US players - while only UK servers get full). Owning the tunnels = lets GDI own/block the field too. Nod is known for burst damage, exotic weapons, and stealth. But Instead devs nerf Chem ammo clip. Why? Chem is a melee character that needs to get in range - while GDI nadders get to spam longer range AOE attacks. GDI AOE spam also ruins SBH stealth = tunnel advantage GDI. Chem is a suicidal character, going against groups of Nadders or tanks in the field + he's slow + only 250 max ammo (needs to run back to base) + he's bright green + big boxy target (while GDI "similar tier" Nadder is fast, small). Thus Chems ammo clip (burst damage) SHOULD be higher to make buying the unit and running melee, worth it (he has to charge Mobi to get damage in). Even basic Soldier (free) has a higher ammo clip than Chem (pay character). Thus devs' reason to nerf Chem (~'match similar GDI tier ammo clip') was wrong because GDI nadder range is not the same as chem!!!! Thus you can't make ammo clips equal then you're not measuring the same things (range). Devs' real reason to nerf Chem was: "Chem rush." Ok so are you going to nerf Rocket rush, Mobi rush, Mam rush? Why are you nerfing the game for the max potential of 6 Chems - while ignoring that during 3v3 teams, only 1 Chem will have to do the work to counter GDI tanks and Nadders? Devs also ignored that GDI has tanks with higher health - and this is why in this Rock, paper, scissors game - Nod needs the stealth and higher burst damage to balance = Nod tanks with low health + melee with high damage vs GDI tank with high health. LGC was also nerfed prior = he's no longer a threat to GDI tanks (high health with long range vs Inf with range not long enough to reach tanks + fire spread = inaccurate against tanks). So what is the counter to GDI Mams + MLRS spam??? Nod has light tanks and low health veh + nerfed damage Infantry = GDI advantage. Thus the balance has been ruined with the current nerfs, which is why we're now discussing how Mobi seems even more OP now. So dont nerf him, unnerf Nod and let us play the game.
Sounds like a personal issue. 64p public servers are not made for personal 1v1. If you had an issue with him wanting to play in public, then you needed to leave to an empty server, or start a private match with your friend. Thus it was not justification to kick him. This is not a kickable offense on a public server. If you had said he planted a beacon, then this would be a dev issue: community request to disable beacons until player count is at least [X]. However what you said may also be a reason to disable building destruction for [T] minutes and/or while under [Y] players. Only the technology of Nod war-machines brings peace, and thus him bringing peace through war, was not a kickable offense. Are you talking about me? I didn't lie. I did not claim I was in that match. I said I recognize those names as griefers. Thus if it wasn't you who I saw, then would it surprise you that someone can make a similar name? "Cuckroachking" sounds like a troll name, and thus it would be associated with trolling. As for what he described, you gotta admit it sounds like kick griefing for personal reasons. Still not a kickable offense: you don't own the server and cannot demand that he not destroy in the game, unless he agrees. This again is a dev issue that should be voteable for low player count, or destruction disabled. This could be interpreted as category 1 toxicity. But taunts are legal in the game, with a built-in mechanic. And since you had been grief kicking him for playing the game where non-destruction was not agreed upon, then a neutral party could see he had a reason to taunt about not being grief kicked anymore. Did you just assume my gender? That's very racist of you. But your other statement sounds like a suggestion to the devs to enact the Building Protection Act = disable beacons and destruction while player count is under [X] or [Y]. I did not say anything toxic. I gave a list of issues and suggestions for the devs to prevent griefing. Fix: "Kick vote without needing to give a reason." The fact that you confessed to kick another player, for wanting to play 1v1 with your friend on a public server - shows that you were toxic towards him. And thus a reason for devs to institute mandatory kick reasons with the kick vote - so the accused & voters know the reason. It is illogical to complain about an issue in war, then not stay to see the reply/outcome. As Dev Sarah said, it seems to be a misunderstanding. I'm not sure why you're accusing me of anything. The names mentioned seem familiar to me as grief names. Thus this again relates to how easy it is to change nicks to catfish or grief. Indeed. Thank you. The only future is the peace of Nod.
Why was "Turn180" nerfed? I can't do my backstab anymore. But this might have worked for a quick view-spin in Vehs.
If Vehicle has 2 seats (can hold 2 players) > Enter Veh Press 2 (goes to passenger seat, turret is no longer controlled and stays in the place you left it, but you can spin your view real fast behind you). After you're finished looking, spin your camera to forward (or where your turret is pointing) before the next step (or else when you change back to driver, your turret will spin to match your new view). Press 1 to go back driver mode.
Make a copy of your UDKInput.ini as a reference. (go to Renegade X\UDKGame\Config... ) Close the game completely, then restart. Ive had setbind commands not work until the game was closed, restarted (maybe INI wasn't updating correctly). After restart, load a skirmish game. Press F5 or ` (open console) > type god > Enter (so bots don't annoy your tests). and Givecredits (to test any character's weapon binds). Press F5 or `, type setbind one "GBA_SwitchWeapon1" (you can copy this in Windows, then paste in game) > then press Enter. Repeat for 2-0 (you can Alt-tab back to Windows, copy the next bind, go back to game, paste): Setbind two "GBA_SwitchWeapon2" , setbind three "GBA_SwitchWeapon3" ... etc, setbind zero "GBA_SwitchWeapon0" Go to settings > input > manually set other keys for Grenade, etc. 1-0 for each weapon. I bind some main weapons to F, C = closer to the fingers ( setbind c "GBA_SwitchWeapon1" ). I bind Crouch to another key. Now test that each key is working correctly. If not, and you know you pressed the right key > then close the game (exit to Windows). Restart again. See if it now works in Skirmish. If not, bind again until it works. After keys work, close the game. Save a copy of this as UDKInput (working).ini. The existing UDKInput.ini will stay in use (and maybe get modified later - so you can always go back to UDKInput (working).ini.
Except this goes higher than a Mod issue. It's a Dev issue because this game allows griefing. Until that is fixed, the mods are overwhelmed with issues, or theyre afk (due to low community health, which is also a dev issue, not a mod issue). Too easy to change nick to grief. I recognize those names and noticed they change nicks. Saw them grief/spam votes on another day. We can take screenshots, but they can change nick. Not saying to change this, but pointing out how easy 2 and below are, because of nick change. Kick vote without needing to give a reason. Does the server log kick votes, who started them, and why? If the why isnt there, then how can I mod check if kick is being abused? Until then it's a dev issue. Kick vote needs a list to finalize: kick for: griefing, afk, team sabotage, etc. (Then the kickee knows the accusation and can quickly say "no im not afk" or "no I didnt do x.") Kick vote with no cooldown = dev issue. OP explained how he was kicked many times on a public server. This is possible because of griefers. So what if Mod is asleep? = dev issue if game doesnt have counters for griefing 24/7. There is no set rule for whether players can nuke when less than 12 players. So there's always going to be 1) arguments or 2) new players join and dont know the agreement = angry players or griefers. Spamming map-change votes and fake map change votes to distract/waste time. Do all the server mods still post here? How do we contact them? The issue is this community is so old, some leave, others join - that theres a void of information of how to report things, to who, where. Im not blaming devs for their progress and still needing to refine things. But I am saying it's a dev issue that only devs can fix - when it's possible for 100 people to grief per day, more than a mod can address in time. Everyday I play, I also see bored griefers spamming the survey vote as a distraction. Survey votes should be team only, to reduce incentive to grief - or else a genuine reason to team kick. Map-change votes should be disabled for X minutes upon loading a new map. Everyday someone votes to change the map to grief, after a vote was already made. This is in a 64 full server with people waiting to get in. So if one doesn't like a map, they need to leave, not force 63 players and the server to waste resources to load another map.
Lol. Time hax if true. I'll backup more often then. What is the [character] to comment out lines in the INIs? It used to be ; ; comment Code
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