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About Killa

  • Birthday 09/10/1989

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  1. Bangladesh in the house!
  2. Renardin did you have internal forum access?
  3. i LOL'd at this thread, isomorph, thanks for showing your idiocy, make you would care to take a hand at doing the High poly models, low poly models, unwrapping, texturing, AO maps, normal maps, rigging, character animation trees, unreal script, sql scripting for front end services, script a back-end for the MP section of the game, testing, fixing, testing fixing, and more testing and more fixing. I will lay it out quite simple for you. If you don't like how long it takes, don't check up on us, were a group of individuals in a team, we all have jobs, families, friends, and our own agendas to abide by. This project is a learning path, development path, and a hobby for all of us. so show some god damn respect and be god damn patient.
  4. Killa


    Were still working hard, let me tell you! lots of cool things coming down the pipeline for game-play and graphics! Stay Tuned!
  5. Dante, check you PM's
  6. Today is a sad day for the computer world. Both for hardware and software developers alike. Today marks the passing of Steve Jobs, A visionary, and technological genius. As an avid mac user, and lover of Pixar studios, the loss of Steve is nothing short of terrible. As I type this, on my macbook pro, it makes me think and feel humbled to know that such an intelligent man, touched millions of people with both his technology, and his philanthropy. Rest In Peace Mr Jobs. You will be missed.
  7. Epicelite. Let me spell things out for you. Your posts; idiotic at best. Your Personality; Abrasive and annoying Your Opinions; Hod no credibility, and lack even basic knowledge on how to develop a game. If you want to make your biggest impact on this forum, and community. Take a back seat. Watch, don't talk, just keep your god damn opinions to yourself. We don't need childish individuals such as yourself TROLLING our forums. Maybe if you want to change how Popular FPS' are, GO MAKE YOUR OWN GAME Until that time, enjoy the FREE game we are creating. And Remember, this game, Does Not Revolve Around You.
  8. Thats freaking wicked
  9. Epicelite. Simple facts follow. YOU are not developing this game. You complain so often about changes. If you want to make some constructive criticism, then do so, when your educated enough and have the game development skills that our team does. I hate having to come on here, read your ignorant rants about minors changes that will in fact make a minor impact... if not a HUGE positive impact to OUR game. I have a simple outline for you to follow. Shut up, Enjoy the developments and achievements we are making, and stop bitching. OR. Leave. The Choice is yours.
  10. When its finished
  11. Why dont you port to a better engine? Renegade original as a player base is nearly dead (maybe its time to move to UDK )
  12. Alright, Lets moderate these comments here. Any more out of lines in comment towards Aircraftkiller, well... Will not go unnoticed / unpunished. We are here to be a community, if your here to be a cave troll, kindly leave. I don't want, like, or expect such shenanigans to arise on these forums. If you cant be a civil person on these forums, or feel like trolling and flaming someone about past experiences or issues, your just flat out not welcome. Keep your childishness to yourself. Does everyone understand that? Get it? Got it? Good. On a side note. Aircraftkiller, welcome to the community, I had good times working with your briefly on APB, Hope to see more of your Unreal Engine work.
  13. epicelite, there planar texture maps flying off the character in reactor form.. if that impedes your performance, i may suggest throwing your computer out a window cause its to old.
  14. why are you playing a shooter with no gore! Thats like... going to a bar to get a glass of water.
  15. Also in regards to this. This is why alot of people in the renegade community used the ~ or F8 code of SBBO to change there outbound and inbound packet buffer to essentially cause lag that wasnt there. This can be recreated when a netcode is comprised on the endusers computer and not a server. In other words no, it can cause cheating.
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