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Everything posted by HYPERi0N

  1. Outposts is bigger than eyes and daybreak i think
  2. New version up https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AtivQJblH6zOI51XT06dkXxogxSdwsH7/view?usp=sharing
  3. new version https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mKbbMwdQ-Xfqko0cP1myfjA87v11MILH/view?usp=sharing
  4. thanks Brother!
  5. Now that Bridge is roughly 80% complete I thought I should actually make a post on here and give a quick run through the level. CNC-BRIDGE Summary Air Enabled Tiberium Sun Vehicles Enabled Recommended players : 64 Max Vehicles : 14 Mine Limit : 36 Gdi Buildings : Power Plant, Barracks, AGT, Refinery, Helipad, Weapons Factory, Repair Pad Nod Buildings : Power Plant, HON, OBI, Refinery, Helipad, Airstrip, Repair Pad Neutral Buildings : Tiberium Silo, Medical Facility DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AtivQJblH6zOI51XT06dkXxogxSdwsH7/view?usp=sharing MAP PATHS BRIDGE PATH The Bridge is a very short path that provides quick access to the centre mountain and enemy base this path is accessible by vehicles but is very vulnerable to ambushes. infantry can avoid snipers by going underneath the bridge, they can also use this position to attack vehicles on the long vehicle path. REF CAVE PATH Beside GDI and NODs Ref is a small cave that can be used to access the underneath of the bridge Long Vehicle Path The Long path is ideal for vehicles its also the the path that NOD and GDI fields are located on. it offers a lot of good terrain to help cover your vehicles as well as several different routes to attempt flanking enemies. Infantry & Air Caves Thee is an air and infantry cave for both NOD and GDI cave that is accessible via the long path. there is anti air in position at nods base watching over the air cave & 2 guard towers watching over the infantry cave. (both NOD and GDI have a defensive wall they can use if they lose their guard towers) Strategic Areas The Silo The silo is located on the top of the centre mountain it is vulnerable to snipers and aircraft but is a very good position to mount a rocket rush from. The Medical Facility The Medical facility is located from the bottom of the mountain as is a large safe haven for infantry from vehicles and snipers (unless snipers decide to go in there) it is both easily accessible from the bridge and long paths Extra Tech Both NOD & GDI have a secret bike garage located in a cave near the repair pads Work to be done a higher quality minimap Smoothing out of some terrain Some more optimizations more work with textures and foliage (purely aesthetic) the further resolution of any issues found in further playtests Special Thanks to Kenz3001 (for all the help and knowledge over the months) Handepsilon (helping with kismet) Olmteka (a lot of help at the stat of this project) Kira (making things happen behind the scenes) Whistle and the play testers for taking the time to help test
  6. hey thanks for the feedback still got some bugs and optimizations to do but its getting close to its first release version, there's quite a few areas will take a few play throughs to learn all the map
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pdq5UTL6ckMWzOKPcenMW2IJ4wknE66K/view?usp=sharing small update changed the rock wall layout changed sniper perch added some optimization (still more to do)
  8. Special thanks to handepsilomg and kenz on helping with this update
  9. NEW UPDATE Changes NOD & GDI bike caves where you can buy recon bikes from Both NOD & GDI bases buildings have been moved closer together added ramps and extra walls to make it easier to defend Infantry Paths have been redesigned into caves and also have 2 gts now to make it harder to sneak There is a tunnel that air can rush through above caves (the aa tower covers this route better than before) The corners of the map are now accessible to vehicles (work to be done in this area still) Added foliage and reshaped the landscape (lease note the map still needs to be optimised) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pnc33-f5ayzXT3CruM_mckQRIXhXCvm_/view?usp=sharing
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVzs20c-dRV-mqNgwYh7ULrpOXkyQzkv/view?usp=sharing
  11. New version of bridge
  12. a new version of bridge is up https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_E2OOgQoyBuSnhmXZbnm20r-pbabRvSy/view?usp=drivesdk Changes: Two new tunnels that connect GDI and NOD bases to the bridges Lighting optimization around the tiberium fields Redid the lighting in the med facility area and infantry room above fixed most of the known stuck spots
  13. So i have fixed some of the issues and made further optimizations to the map im getting extra 8 to 10 fps in the tib fields now https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uTO6FzwDbD5xh580n0a2PQ8ut7Amv3ao/view?usp=sharing
  14. i'm not a veteran but moving to third person made a huge improvement for me
  15. I would also like to specially thank Kenz3001 Olmtelka HIHIHI Madixan You guys have been awesome (sorry if I missed someone) MAP FILES https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEhZebzVHq5XXi25nLVnf-X823jNho-L/view?usp=sharing
  16. Hey there first of all I would like to say sorry for the long wait still haven't got the AA tower ranges working correctly, i put them back as default they provide some cover for the GDI ref but not as much as i would like (other than that they should be ok.) Update Log Tweaks: Changed brightness of the map (was too bright before) Changed skybox to match the time of day and to blend with the landscape Added Fog to the environment Added GTs covering HON and BAR Added air defences with custom ranges (half complete) Redone the Foliage Updated Minimap New Map Area: The centre Mountain has had a lot of new areas added to it (you can now go all the way from the ground floor all the way up to the bunker at the top via 2 stairwells) There is now a walkway going around the centre Mountain that can be accessed from the walkway of both Bridges with a bunker facing out into each sides field The Centre Mountain can now be accessed by GDI and NOD field On the ground floor of the mountain there is now an infantry area with a med centre to fight over (the lighting needs to be redone here) There is a second floor that ties the walkways into the underground infantry sections of the centre the rock they grant direct access from the bridge walkways into the centre mountain underground infantry areas. (lighting also needs some work)
  17. Sorry for running late on this ive got stuck trying to modify the AA towers range everything else is ready to go i think
  18. hoping to have a version 2 ready in the next couple of days
  19. Right so its up and running needs a lot of editing to make it prettier but it runs pretty smooth which is the main thing I plan to be adding a tunnel area into the middle in future updates https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rNQQQT94YLf6OJSyRk_Bzff18sTYhwN9/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lAN7vg66JIC7CjPnARcYVViC-WRGOglA/view?usp=sharing
  20. CNC BRIDGE So I've been working on a new map I'm getting pretty close to having a first working version up and running (i will post proper screenshots once the lighting is built tonight) I've only been playing RenX for a year or so but I loved the original Renegade and love what you guys have done with RenX wanted to make a contribution to the game. (thanks Totem Arts for putting this game out and having the materials so easily available.) CNC-BRIDGE Summary Air Enabled Recommended players : 32-64 Max Vehicles : 14 Mine Limit : 30 Gdi Buildings : Power Plant, Barracks, AGT, Refinery, Helipad, Weapons Factory, Repair Pad Nod Buildings : Power Plant, HON, OBI, Refinery, Helipad, Airstrip, Repair Pad Neutral Buildings : Tiberium Silo (with Increased credit income) 2 vehicle routes for each side 2 field areas 1 Infantry route for each side 3 dedicated Infantry battle areas (can be used strategically) INFANTRY Each base has a small infantry route that leads to the other teams field this will allow for early rushes of harvester and will also be a good route for infantry to support tanks if their team has pushed the long vehicle route. (these routes are also vulnerable to sneaking) There is also a route for infantry catwalk that runs along the centre bridge (This catwalk is a very good place to ambush tanks) The bridge gives access to the centre part of the map there are 2 stair wells that will take you up to the bunker level (this is a very good place to hit NODs base from but it is also very vulnerable to snipers and aircraft) The Fight area in the bottom left corner should allow infantry to flank tanks in GDI field It is also a good spot for GDI to Rocket Rush HON and a good spot for NOD to Rocket Rush The Weapons Factory. The Fight Area In the top right corner should allow infantry to flank tanks in NOD field it is also a good spot for NOD to hit the Barracks and a good spot for GDI to hit the Airstrip. there is also a tunnel that leads to a sniper spot by the repair pads in both bases VEHICLES (ground) There are 2 routes for vehicle the centre bridge and long route through both teams fields The centre bridge is the quickest way to the enemy base it leads to a small cave in the centre that vehicles its small but it is a very good spot to keep pressure on the other base as well as key defensive point. If you are going to push from central bridge or arc rush you will need the assistance of a smoke grenade or 2 to get across the bridge The long route has 2 larger areas for tanks that are separated by two choke points with the central bridges crossing them so be weary which chokepoint you pick when trying to cross. Aircraft Aircraft can easily rush the tiberium refinery they can fly over all the infantry areas i think they will be a lot of fun to use at the centre bridge and at the sniper 2 sniper spots there's a bunch of other things but I've forgotten and don't have anymore screenshots. I will be fully building it with lighting tonight wish me luck (I plan to do ALOT more to the map in future)
  21. just kept resettin the game, also if it happen you can use numpad options 1 and 2
  22. thanks seems to have worked
  23. Hi hopefully someone can help me Whenever I go onto either the commander menu or vote menu option 1 and 2 never work all the other numbers seem to work fine
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