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Posts posted by NodCommander

  1. I would very much like something that allows friends to play on the same teams. I dont know how many times and how many games that has an autobalance that just throws players around without a care in the world. Really annoying when you play with someone you voicechat with, only to end up on opposite teams and having to try and spam the switch-teams button, if there is one.

  2. Ok, just to look at the examples given...

    Mojang doesnt count because it was an enigma. Rare gems like that happen once in a while. After all, look at Half Life 2 and Steam. Steam was originally conceived mostly just as DRM, but things took an unexpected turn.

    If we look directly at Steam, well...Valve has done a major shift and is more a publisher now than a game developer. Anything that used Steam cannot claim to not have had a publisher, since that is exactly the role Valve/Steam is in. This same argument can be reused with any indie distribution platform, such as XBLA or Play Store.

    Kickstarter is a publisher, period. They may do things a little differently, and in most cases leave distribution to the developer, but the publisher role is still there.

    And Totem Arts...well, yeah they are indie and dont have a publisher. But, can you honestly say you would care if you had never been a fan of the original Renegade? When I told my friends, who are not CnC fans, about Renegade X, they were all pretty "meh". Im sure once they play the game that they will love it, but the promotion of the game is being done almost exclusively by the fans. This is true of many other large scale mods.

    Again, publishers are here to stay and are a necessary evil so long as money needs to be made for game development.

    As for the balanced gameplay discussion, it is actually curious that EA bought Westwood all the way back in 1998. That means that both Tiberiun Sun and Red Alert 2 were made afterwards. These still felt like Westwood games because they were made by the same people. When new people were brought in to develop everything afterwards, they were making games that they had no mental connection to, so I dont blame them.

    Just to make it clear again, I dont like EA. Im not defending them. Im merely point out that they played a large role in the CnC history. Keep in mind, though, that blame rests just as much in Westwood as EA. After all, Westwood did sell out to EA. Maybe the majority of the peeps working for Westwood didnt want to, but it happened anyway. In the end, its always about the money...

    You cannot really compare having EA as a publisher to releasing your game on Steam or via a Kickstarter. EA has control over what DICE, Bioware, Maxis, etc does to very single detail. But if you want to release your game on Steam, there is no such overhead to control what you as a developer does. They wont tell you to make it free to play, or online-only. You just got to follow a basic set of rules that applies to every game released on that platform.

    Every companys ways of doing thing changes every now and then. Notice that C&C only changed after Westwood Studios was closed down and what remained turned into EALA. Also take notice of the rather long silence between Renegade to C&C3. Inbetween we had Generals, yes. But that has as little as Company of Heroes to do with C&C.

    Publishers as they were are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Consoles are on their possibly last generation, digital stores are doing all the marketing and sales themselves.

  3. I disagree. Developers can do just fine without publishers (Or they are the publishers themselves), and this trend is becoming stronger by each year. Just look at Minecraft, or the Arma series or for that matter, Blizzard-games.

    I am inclined to believe that a hill of beans in China, has done more good for C&C, than EA has. EA is like a kid who bought a 1970s Mustang, and then immediately let it run low on oil and burned the engine and always hit yellow parking lot poles and ruined the paint job and such. /Nerdrage

    I sure hate EA Games, but thats being unfair. EA might have done everything they can to ruin the storyline and lore of C&C, but they HAVE brought us more balanced RTSs than Westwood Studios ever did. If somebody seriously say that Red Alert, Tiberian Sun or Red Alert 2/Yuris Revenge were balanced games for online play, then you are extremely biased.

    Where is the RTS spirit in spamming prism and mirage tanks being the only viable strategy for one side? Or scouting the entire map to basicly gain map-hacks due to the lack of fog of war?

    Westwood titles were downright amazing story and campaign-wise. But when it comes to balance and online gameplay, here Generals, Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3 were the by far superior games, despite the horrible design/asthetic-choices.

  4. Another point is that the reviewer probably only had access to the Black Dawn demo and the UT3 mod. The SP demo was a cool project, but suffered from an extreme anmount of MMFPS missteps, and the UT3 beta being unfinished.

    Just imagine what they'll say after trying out the real multiplayer! :D

  5. This is looking great guys. As soon as I saw the trailer I literally put my hands in the air and said out loud "my body is ready".

    As for the rest of the update, I'm loving the guns and the map, but the character models did bother me a little.

    For a start, Raveshaw is sporting a C&C3-era Nod logo on his cap, which is pretty out of place considering Renegade took place many years before Nod changed their logo.

    Also, Raveshaw himself has a decent body, but his face looks a bit too young and angsty, instead of looking like the evil guy he undoubtedly is. Me and a few guys on my teamspeak server were discussing this the other night and came to the conclusion that this iteration of Raveshaw looks more like the likable Chester Bennington (from Linkin Park) than the evil Heinrich Himmler (leader of the Nazi SS and probably who Raveshaw's character was based on).

    To illustrate this a bit better, I've quickly photoshopped an image I like to call "The Scale of Raveshaw".


    As for Mendoza; to me again his body is great, but the face bothers me a lot (although not as much as Raveshaw's). He bares a passing resemblance to Mendoza from the concept art and the original game due to a few things. The beard is ridiculously innacurate and kind of looks stuck on. This, combined with the dark shadowing around the eyes, makes him look rather monkey-like. He also looks a bit too young to be Mendoza, the big lips and full face don't really scream seasoned Nod mercenary at me at all.

    Here's another quick photoshop with a few side-by side screenshots to compare and to help get my point across.


    Mendoza does look more like Zangief-wearing-a-beret at the moment with the beard and all; it's something to think about. I think that Big Boss does kind of look more like Mendoza from the concept art, so that's why I included him at the end.

    You guys have gotten pretty much every other character in the game right but I'm sorry to say that the faces on these particular two just aren't as good as the team's previous work. I may be just nitpicking, but I do want you guys to totally nail it when the game is released. Keep up the good work!

    I think this more comes down to opinion. When I saw the new Raveshaw model my first thought was "Himmler-inspired?".

    Can anyone tell me how the down-sight view will work? Is is just a way of zooming in a little bit or really a way of shooting better?

    Both, and neither. You can get away perfectly fine without ADSing your assault rifle, pistol, volt rifle. For snipers this is obviously not the case :P As for myself I never ADS for non-snipers, simply because I prefer mobility and surrounding-awareness than I having a bigger target and more accurate bullets.

    From a dev standpoint, how would you see this game playing out as an eSport game? You have to consider really the 4 qualifications you need for a competitive game is:

    1. Spec. Mode

    2. Built-in Recorder (ie. demo recorder for valve games)

    3. Good hit registry/netcode

    4. A Unique experience!

    This game looks pretty cool! Can't wait to play it!

    Im not sure about the spectator mode (Which would be really handy for catching cheaters), but I do know there is a demo-recorder which has been used for a lot of the trailer footage.

    As for the netcode, that I assume comes down to what it looks like in the stock UDK. Unsure if they have (Or can for that matter) made any changes to it.

    Try and find a more unique FPS experience than the C&C-Mode!

  6. You say your PC cant handle the game, but did you know that it costs way more to own a console than a PC in the long term? Facts such as overpriced equipment, more expensive games and paying to play online on the Xbox. Save some money and buy used parts if money is tight. Ask a friend who knows hardware if you cant build it yourself.

    And to put a period on it: If you play an FPS on a console, you are doing it wrong.

  7. I hope, for the games sake, you have an audio option to turn that kill boink noise off. some poor voice overs (the robots and regular psycho midgets) nearly ruined Borderlands 2, but there were plenty of awesome voice overs to make up for those two, it was very addictive. Killzone's kill confirm chime not having an audio option to turn it off is one reason why most won't play it. So please allow an option to turn that noise off. One of C&C's biggest fans.

    Hah, what? Those are one of the most loved voices from Borderlands 2! A simple sound surely cant ruin a game so much for you, can it?

    In any case, it might be possible to replace the sound with a client-side mod. Not sure how the dev-guys coded it though, so I cant tell for sure.

  8. The problem isn't necessarily balance, it's over complexity of something that is supposed to be straight forward and simple.

    You buy a character, you get that character. You buy a tank, you get that tank. You shouldn't be allowed to slightly improve upon or otherwise diversify your units and weapons simply by using them more than other people.

    Also true. A strenght of Renegade is just that, you see a medium tank, a flame trooper or a minigunner, you always know what to expect. Its an RTS game made into a shooter, not an RPFPS. This is my worry about the new customisable weapons, how this will be 'balanced' in a sense.

  9. On the subject of air-strikes, how do they hurt turrets? They are hit differently than buildings and tanks, but I'm worried they are easily destroyed by the air-strikes.

    As far as I know, airstrike balance is still being worked on and nothing is 100% determined yet.

    Will renegade x have bullet penetration? If so will people be able to shoot players when they are in base buildings?(I think base buildings should be "armored" so you are safe in your base but all other walls are penetrable)

    If you are being talked about being hurt through walls, then thats a no. If you remember repairing buildings in Old-Renegade you could get hurt by explosions through walls, this is not the case anymore with Renegade X, even in the UT3-beta.

    I have a small question about the medium tank name. The med is so obviously based off of an M1 Abrams tank will it continue to have the name medium tank or will you fix it's name? I only ask because it's such a weird way to name a tank in the first place also M1 Abrams sounds a whole lot cooler.

    I know your post is old, but I felt like replying to it anyways:

    While the Allied Medium Tank from the GWWII is based off of the real life M1 Abrams, in the C&C universe its not producued by the USA, but rather some nation of the Allies (Western Europe). The GDI Medium Tank is based off of the Allies Medium Tank as well, though of course, modernised.

  10. @Atlas Tasume: You said it! A team with patience for a good game is what we need. You see this only with a few titles now. They introduce either a new concept (the last of us, uncharted) or an old concept and renew it, possibly on an epic scale (GTA, although the last instalment was done pretty quickly).

    Also the focus on PC is a great advantage. Who wants a console for a FPS? I never understood that.

    What I would say we really could need is a customisable and free to use engine that supports RTS games. Whats managed with Renegade X is awesome, all thanks to the UE3 and its UDK. Something simillar to that but for RTS would really get things going. Sadly at the present time, we are kind of stuck to either using a limited engine such as the one from C&C3, or 'borrow' another game engine and be locked to having to buy said game (Im thinking of Starcraft, which has a powerful map and mod editor, but no mod support outside custom maps) or use something such as OpenRA, which might be awesome for what it is, but it really cant compete with modern 3D RTS games.

  11. I cheered when I heard these news the same day it went public. The payment model was rubbish. The name was an insult to Tiberian Dawn. Origin is DRM that should just go and die. Always-on like Sim City 5 was almost certain.

    No, I am glad all this was thrown out of the window. The community is outdoing EA with negative budgets and teams 50 times smaller than EAs staff. Just look at Renegade X.

  12. The thing about Renegade was that it had a pickup and play draw that made it easy to approach. You weren't penalized for joining a match late, in fact you could jump in and out as you saw fit without much of anything negative happening.

    If we had a leveling system, then it would benefit players who play more than players who don't. It is never fair to give more features to players with more experience. It only expands the gap between the haves and the have-nots. It also makes balancing the game a nightmare.

    Every character in the game needs to be equal and there should never be any sort of leveling or upgrade system applied. It would completely ruin one of the main draws of the original Renegade.

    Not sure how this thread went from a request of beta-footage into a discussion of a leveling-system.

    However, I fully agree with you, Razor. A level-system would completely WRECK the balance and consistency of the game. Not to mention it wouldnt make any sort of sense in the C&C universe.

  13. Awesome let me check this out here.


    Sounds awesome but with only 3months left in this year and how much time we have been waiting it's ridiculous to not give us a release date to look forward to. Well that is if you guys are planning to finish up by the end of the year. Which you guys have said you would have it out this year sometime. It's all cool take your time I just think even if you have to push it on to next year just give us a date seriously...

    Giving you a date would mean the Devs putting a deadline on themselves. Meaning they would either be forced to rush the game to that date, or disapoint and lose credibility for their fans.

    No, running without stupid release dates until the game is READY for a release is a good thing.

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