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Everything posted by Jello

  1. Installing... Haven't been this excited about a game since the original Renegade got released.
  2. Torrent 90% complete.. almost there, ALMOST!
  3. Grab the torrent, it's faster
  4. Downloading.
  5. lol, 200 clicks already haha. sorry guys! can't wait for the real game though!
  6. looks like someone posted stuff a bit too early. http://bit.ly/RenegadeX-UDK-Build01-GAMERSHELL
  7. Jello


    Renegade wasn't rushed at all. The first announced release date was 2000. Then it was delayed to 2001, and finally to 2002. The problems were related to management changes and game design changes. Just check out all the changes they made to the gun models. They have completely redone the guns/vehicles/units and other graphics atleast once. Some of them even twice.
  8. Trying to get in a base that's swarmed with GDIs using a SBH, and succesfully destroying a building using your nuke. Hehe, good times.
  9. Stealth tank rushes. Especially when there's no limit on the vehicles. Rolling in with 12+ stanks is just awesome.
  10. They aren't allowed to earn money through the UDK engine unless they apply for some sort of licensing deal. But even then, there's EA. They own the copyright to the Renegade IP I could use some money though, feel free to send me donations
  11. Jello


    I disagree, that map was avarage at best. Too many trees.
  12. This looks epic! I'm really excited about this, more so any of the mainstream games out there. I wish you'd left in the old HUD though, the new one looks weird.
  13. BF3's got nothing on RenX.
  14. Can't wait to give it a spin. Have you guys thought about changing Havoc's face though? His face looked sorta chubby/babyish in the last update.
  15. Will recon bikes make a return in Renegade-x in some form?
  16. Looks great guys. You should try to get this trailer featured on gametrailers.com. Can't wait for this beast to be unleashed. BlackWolf~
  17. I remember reading something about a summer release for the UDK version, but everything went silent afterwards... did the project die?
  18. Jello


    Looks good. Can you make a 1920x1200 version of it? kthnx
  19. It was never alive to begin with! ReneZombie-X :lol:
  20. What is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Mn8pZShBw
  21. I constantly hit TAB for some reason. I always used to shoot to a music beat when i was bored. And killing the HON and strip glass was something i always used to do... lol. Kinda makes me want to install renny again and play some good ol' games like in the old days.
  22. Any chance of C&C_Conquest_Winter getting remade? It's one of the few fanmaps to equal westwood's level of quality imo.
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