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Everything posted by thrash300

  1. DAMN AM I GLAD TO READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives renegade x team a box of cookies.
  2. thrash300


    QUOTE (cinzcodeX @ Aug 29 2009, 04:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea thats a vid I reccomend to for all to see... NICE SIGGY!
  3. thrash300


    QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Aug 28 2009, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I found the article googling "Satanism in russia" or something like that. Just for the record, Nikola Tesla was a briliant man who was silenced by large coorperations for revealing methods of getting free energy thus such a thing would bringing down standard oil, which is why much of his most important work is confiscated and is patented under big oil cooperations.
  4. QUOTE (havoc9826 @ Aug 17 2009, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Naw, I think if its remote C4, they all should blow up at the SAME time, just like in Renegade. However, does this mean that we can make C4 stacks like you guys made mammy stacks without them dissapearing or glitching?.
  5. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 26 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea, the Renegade X forums would be filled with bots...
  6. QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Aug 19 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damn only if I was ingame. Good video.
  7. QUOTE (Dehumanization @ Aug 21 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you fail at Renegade you fail at life :V
  8. -When you are way better than the ingame mods of the server that they decide to kick you for being better than them -HAPPENED TO ME WAY TOO MUCH >=( -When you drive a harvester on fan made maps to the tiberium feild and back to the ref only to discover that it gives you no credits. -When you are an SBH with repair gun and steal a GDI vehicle and repair it and it gets stolen by the former owner, then you steal it from him for repairing it, then he steals it from you, then he steals it agian from you; all in the course of like 30 seconds. -Happened to me LOL -When your playing as NOD on Under in a server with like 60 players and you go with a Sakura into the GDI tunnels, take a random shot down, and get 5 kills of free infantry :V -Happened to me like 15 times in the same game(Marathon, no time limit) LOL priceless memories. The team was like "Nice hacks you got there." and I get PMed by mods too many times LOL but they knew I didn't hack.
  9. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 18 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Fixed.
  10. Are we still going to be able to throw remote;proxy;time c4 on eachother or not?. If yes, would it be possible to make the c4 not dissapear, cause I had too much basterdly instances on feild (Marathon, no time limit) were GDI was loosing badly, so they got an APC and put a SHIT load of remotes on it and I with my team were on the bridge ready to flame rush, with me in the front leading the flamers. As I we approching the enterance I was rushed by an APC, and when it made contact with me, BOOM they detonated the remotes killing both the APC and my damn flamer, it would have been better if the remotes had not dissapeared so that I would back up rather than approach and flame the APC. LOL I had this other instance were it was on feild, (Marathon, no time limit.) I was NOD in a flamer on the bridge further from the GDI base closer to the NOD Tiberium feild, and I see this lone APC approching me, so Im like HA! n00b your going to get pwnt, so I approach it, to my amazment, it wasen't running (cause I was in a flame tank.) then it got closer and closer, I began flaming it, and FUCKING BOOM!! I see nothing but smoke and I lag for like 4 seconds, and what do I see after that?. The APC was dead and so was I with my flamer. That made me kind of cautios of random vehicles approching me, especially when I am in a flame tank :V Same with characters! Cause if they have proxies that you can't see, it simply sucks cause they get the advantage, and your left with like: "OMG WTF you free character proxing spamming faggots!!!!" But I have nothing agianst the whole thing with c4 on people and vehicles, just when they disapear and cannot be seen to be avoided.
  11. QUOTE I suppose flash text would deter the robots, cause it would make them too large to use. I actually got a software that generates flash text with special effects and all(too lazy to to use flash+convinient.). Regardless, you guys are doing a great job maintaining the board.
  12. I assume that most or all of the lag issuies that can be found in Renegade right now will not be pressent in Renegade X, the most annoying would be the lag when you run over an enemy soilder!! Saved my ass countless times thought, but its still a bug.
  13. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 14 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL your joking right??.
  14. Make this topic a sticky I think it deserves to be.
  15. thrash300


    QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Aug 7 2009, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You woulden't have to do all that, just use some remote C4. Inregards to your signature, Im assuming its a head shot.
  16. thrash300


    QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Aug 6 2009, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea I heard it, ffs 30 megs @ caped download = gay <_<, but I don't think posting a few screenies of gore wouldn't be too much trouble tbh.
  17. thrash300


    QUOTE (Eroc @ Aug 3 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You apparently don't know Russians. QUOTE (a1h @ Aug 3 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hate 4chan, its stupid and pointless. The only way to protect yourself from the world is to know it thoroughly inside out, much like Renegade (I am sure that by know we all know Renegade damn well.). Oww your little world (If you live in the United States) is about to collapse in on itself, this might be the most important video you have ever seen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhvfCFCfdNk I am truly worried because I live in the United States. Educate yourself. don't let yourself or your family be a victims of empires. Discuss!
  18. When you watch a super violent video of some guy in Iraq getting blown to peices by stepping on a land mine... and you automatically wispering to yourself...boink. When seeing a guy in a construction site with a yellow hat getting ran over makes you laugh. Extreme... But funny. No, it's not funny. USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST
  19. thrash300


    I am dying to see ingame pics of...GORE! Please post some if its not too much trouble. Make them as goriest as possible.
  20. thrash300


    QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Aug 3 2009, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice, maybe the list of commands should appear as they do in the original, and after 1.5 seconds transition to that corner. Commands are important, especially for begginers, so it should be damn visible.
  21. No, I don't have UT3, make Renegade X a stand alone please.
  22. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jul 26 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even thought you guys continuously try to keep it as close as possible to the original Renegade...right?. But then agian, I am not on the development team. Either way, it still looks great.
  23. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jul 26 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On the downside everything looks not based of an existing real life weapon. No infact they made it better than another existing real life grenade launcher, becasue Westwood made it appropriate to Renegde. Can't wait for the video.
  24. thrash300


  25. thrash300


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