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Everything posted by thrash300

  1. thrash300

    Jihad and you.

    QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Oct 24 2009, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> THATS WERE YOUR WRONG SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Renegade I have seen vehicles with over 80 remotes killing other vehicles and doing serious damage to buildings. Since we assume that original Rnegade players willl pay Renegade X, why not actually patch this thing.
  2. QUOTE (Mr. Weedy @ Sep 12 2009, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To be honest I think that Google sketch up is just as professional as Photoshop or 3Ds Max. Why?. Just look at the price.
  3. QUOTE (noxdrac @ Oct 4 2009, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As much as I hope they understand that fucking up Renegade and cancelling Renegade 2 was a huge fucking mistake, but I really think that they don't give a shit about what their customers/fans think 1 bit.
  4. The video is kind of funny, however, THIS is funny: http://vikholm.se/pics/fun/Hovercat.jpg http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/3472/1245099491037.jpg
  5. I would just like to congratulate the whole team, and thank them for their great efforts and work. I gotta admit, its almost identical Renegade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I really enjoyed the tutorial video, lol at 3:34 when the enji is shooting the dead enji great stuff. KEEP EM' COMING!!
  6. Is the viceroids going to be remade?. I mean the good one, the one that looks like a pile of shit walking around with a chemsprayer. Its a great character.
  7. QUOTE (Baker @ Sep 26 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hell no not glacier, but come to think of it, it CAN be a descent map in this mod.
  8. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Sep 25 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Snow is even fun with 2 or 4 players. I will give the map a shot. Along with a few other ones that I like.
  9. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Sep 24 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe that reply was directed to a topic I made earlier: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php...ic=2640&hl= THAT I totally understand.... even thought I still would rather have parachutes for the pilots.
  10. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Sep 24 2009, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You faggot you apperantly haven't played snow with 60 players or more, and sand with 6... Sand is very unique. Interms of the CP2 maps, they are among the greatest with maps like last stand, and others that are just great. USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST
  11. Any plans for parachutes?.
  12. Will C&C_Snow, C&C_Sand, or even C&C_Carnage_Club be remade?. Any of the CP2 maps maybe??.
  13. Question: QUOTE I really hope that you guys do, just don't make it too shiny.
  14. thrash300
  15. QUOTE (havoc9826 @ Sep 7 2009, 01:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can we know if that will be the case in Renegade X??????.
  16. QUOTE (epicelite @ Sep 14 2009, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It just won't be close to Renegade if you won't have that LOL people will be like "OWW WTF hacks" Question: Are there any estimates as to how much new people will be playing Renegade X other than the community members. How about a community banner making thing promoting Renegade X or something to spread on some random gaming forms (Maybe UT3 forms too?) to get more players knowin' about it.
  17. I wonder if the Renegade X team will redo the green kane, and a bunch of the viceroids, the viceroids must be or it won't be Renegade, the viceroids give the C&C series a very unique feild with the tiberium poisoning and all, so if its not there it would suck because the viceroids are fast and hard to hit.
  18. QUOTE (Treeky @ Sep 10 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats uber cool. One of the many reasons I love Renegade.
  19. QUOTE (CNCRick56 @ Aug 19 2009, 04:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope the Renegade X team will take client side commands (!poll, !kick, !donate) seriosly by hooking them to the keyboard, the numpad is probably the best alternative, similar to what the BC servers did.
  20. Try photoshop to texture and flash to bone and animate.
  21. Are the shotgun, granade, and flame troopers going to be distinctive like in Renegade or are they gonna be just like the minigunner in Renegade X?. I demand they be made different like it is in Renegade.
  22. OMG don't you just LOVE stealing vehicles which are being repaired from the back by their owner and as soon as you enter you begin driving backwards!!!???!?!?!!! LOL I killed a few enjis and techies that way when I stole an arty from a group of artys being repaired they didn't know what hit them LOL.
  23. Question: Are there more potential exploits for cheating in Renegade or in Renegade X?.
  24. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Sep 3 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> DAAM! Any chance for the "bouncyness" being eleiminated?? How ever I am saddened at the fact that both NOD AND GDI will loose their shotgun, granage/flamethrower troopers destinctions because they all look the same as the minigunner. I think its a big change from Renegade cause I love blasting those free characters as soon as I know what they are, cause if its a minigunner I cannot stand still and blast, BUT if its a shotgunner or a flamethrower, I can sit there and blast away LOL, I am saddened that we will loose that >=( >=( >=(
  25. Well with the release coming on the 30th, I was wonderng about the ingame handling, particularly the infantry, are they going to have the same handling(Camera, speed, jump hight, ect) as Renegade or not?. For that matter what about the vehicles??. Just for fun: A picture named "oops"..
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