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  1. There was a Field X Night?! YESSSS! bring it back!!!! I HATE the daylight version of Field...(then again, I prefer night maps all-around...)
  2. Holy crap, there is?! I play this game for quite a while and never knew this... Anyway, what about adding the old "Keep 'em comin!" sound from the original Renegade as a purchase confirmation sound? That's how it was in the old days - if you heard it - the purchase is done. If you didn't hear it - no purchase done.
  3. Holy $h!t...never knew that was possible. Guess I am a n00b myself... But in all seriousness, Everything @CoolAid wrote is spot-on. I personally want to strangle that YT guy who made this influx of horny teenagers (sorry, that's how I picture them) to our game. Don't get me wrong - it's perfectly fine to be a horny teenager, but they should at least LISTEN to ppl trying to help them. That night, a week ago or so, I was SOOO pissed at one of these newcomers (never saw him/her since), because he repeatly bought humvees, used them to get to the other side of the map, and simply leave them out, only for Nod's SBH to happily pick up the shiny ride. Even when I tried - repeatly!!! - to tell him/her (assuming it's a him, forgive me) NOT to do that, even by using private chat - I don't know if he actually read or not, but he simply ignored me. Actually he did reply to my chat, but seemed as though he simply doesn't give a f!@k. He kept on going! that is team-hampering in my book, but when I voted him to be kicked for that - not enough players agrees, because "he is new, give him a chance". Well, I have. He simply gave me (or all of us) the finger. Not to mention that those players repeatedly insisted on getting engis and not hotwires/technicians, no matter how we tried to tell them why they should do it. I think they're under the impression it costs them real $$$ or something. Cheep bastards... I actually rage-quit that match (first time it ever happened to me), and after crying to @kira about it for a good few minutes, I returned to the server to apologize for my behavior towards everyone in general and towards that player specifically (both via public survey message and via private message, which he didn't bother to respond to), but the scar remained. Because of this incident, btw, I have withdrawn my application to become an in-game moderator, since I didn't believe I deserved it anymore (sorry @NodSaibot again, for wasting your time...) Anyway, excuse me for being an angry fish here, but if the newcomers don't wish to learn, don't bother reading the tips we give them - more than once!!! - then as far as I'm concerned, they can beat the hell out of the game. This isn't some modern AAA shit they can do whatever they want. This is a classic, vintage game brought back to life by saint people, and should be cherished and polished and tendered with love, and not be ruined by some jerks who came to try it because a silly youtuber who gets his money from saying "oh wow, look at this game!" told them to try it. That youtuber doesn't give a f!@#, and you all know it. And, again - DON'T get me wrong - new players ARE an asset and ARE very important to the game, IF they are willing to pay attention, learn from their mistakes (even if they repeat them a few times it's fine), communicate with the more experienced ones, and basically show some caring, and not join-in thinking this is GTA and doing whatever their **** tells them too. I hope none of you find this long post offensive, and apologize if you do, as this was not my intention. I simply wrote from heart. See you on the battleground.
  4. Ah, man...That's sad. I like that map and I usually play during peak hours... I still think there should be a RANDOM map choice, and if it is picked - ANY map can be loaded, regardless of team count. P.S. more nighttime maps!
  5. At least consider bringing back the function from the allnoobs server to the offical servers...or as a basic function of the game... I ask again, is it THAT problematic?
  6. Like what? I mean, is it THAT problematic? It's only color, and a fixed set of those, say - red (for GDI ofc), yellow (for Nod), blue and green? Ofc if you want more... Pretty please?
  7. Not sure if this is the correct sub-forum, but still: I remember one server (don't remember which) had the option to change unit colors (primarily tanks) via the F5 prompt. For example, you'd type "!setcolor GDI blue" and GDI tanks would become bluish. Same goes for Nod, and using only some obvious colors (not "bright green" or "dark green". Simply green, etc.). Thing is, I REALLY wish we could have done that in the official servers today (or any server, to that matter), and not only for tanks! Just like Black Hand on NvN is basically "Blue Nod" (which I like!), is it possible to do the same to both factions, and be able set the entire color-scheme by choice? I used to set my team's color to green and the enemy to red (or yellow, which is my least favored color), and I don't think it gives anyone an advantage if one uses this color or that. Your thoughts?
  8. Since my original topic was locked before I could reply SamusAran's accusations, I shall post them here. It's unfair not to give me a chance to reply to his accusations, and his putting my reputation into question. OK, You have quite a nerve to make some very serious accusations against me, so this is my response. The fact remains that in the map in question, where you commanded, someone decided to vote you out, and you took it really, really bad. Hey - IT'S JUST A GAME! The next thing you know, you start talking $h!t to everyone, including me. I tried to tell you to calm down. You, in response, told me to go !@#$ for the reason I'm being useless and "have a shit k/d", like that matters too much, as well as telling other they are "!@#%ing cunts at the bottom of the scoreboard" or something like that. You were bragging that your are "literally the top player of the team", to which I said "are you? look again". WHAT I MEANT was you are not ranked first, that's all! I HAVE, IN NO WAY, TRIED TO SAY I'M A BETTER PLAYER THAN YOU. That is your (poor) interpretation. I never said and never will say I'm better than this or that player. It's funny that now you tell me, right here, to go !@#$ myself and that I am a whiny bitch, and then you apologize for snapping out. Make up your mind. What about today? Calling me "Fishyshoes autism" is fine by you? pushing my tanks into enemy base is fine by you? You're not exactly being the bigger man here, even if you think (especially if you think) other people done wrong to you. Which brings me to your accusations. I have NEVER!!!! pushed your tanks into enemy base. That is an outright LIE. In the game yesterday I even repaired you more than I did anyone else (and you were quite thankless, as you already know). As for talking dirty to you, or abusing you, and TROLLING YOU? Exactly what the hell are you talking about? what did I ever say to you? I didn't talk to you directly or indirectly EVER, before yesterday! If you have proof for your accusations - by all means, put them here. And if it is true - I'm more than willing to apologize. But you have no proof, I'm quite sure of it. Why? because I never talk in a toxic way to ANYONE!!! My "trolling", so to speak, is only by changing my name to some YEET variant (more on that in a bit) and sometimes posting silly surveys or asking silly questions. NOTHING OFFENSIVE, and certainly not against anyone specific! So stop lying. Fact is, many people here know you, and already have something against you for quite some time - and probably for good reason, unfortunately. What you did today was extremely childish. You entered the game in full intention of trolling me, and hampering our team. That's very mature of you. If this is your way to solve problems - That's your business, but not the way to solve problems like an adult. YOU are the one who has been banned and muted before. You should check youself before you criticize others and tell lies about them. As for the YEET issue. I do not know any of them personally (actually, I know NO ONE personally in the community), and since I saw this gag of many people calling themselves YEET somehow, I just wanted a piece of the joke. That is all. Have I ever bullied you or anyone? NO. Have I ever deliberately hampered you or anyone? NO, AND YOU KNOW IT. Have THEY ever bullied you or hampered you? I don't know. If they did - that's very regrettable, and if it's true - report them! and if need be - provide proof! Words alone are not enough. Bad words won't get you anywhere. Whether they done anything or not - it is NOT my responsibility. I am responsible only for myself. And I must say that in all the games I've played with them (or against them) - I actually think they play pretty well together, and in an effective way. I never saw them fooling around in a bad taste that hampers their team. If any one of those players hurt you - deal with them, and don't put me into this. If it hurts you (or anyone else, @Dagama) so much - I'll stop changing my in-game name to any YEET variant. Not that I owe anything to you, but since you think I'm doing this in order to troll you - I'll prove to you that isn't the case. I thought the entire YEET issue was an innocent joke. Hope you read this through, thank you if you did. P.S. I hope you'll sometime encounter some autistic people. Real ones. See what they are. Maybe then, you'll stop using that term so lightly and think it's funny. It is not. And I say the same about terms like "gay" or "cancer" etc. These kind of words have no place.
  9. As much as I hate to do this, here we go again. He played tonight again, under various names, with specific intent to tema-hamper by pushing my tank several times into nod base's obelisk. he was kicked a few times but always came back, using different names. One such name, was, of course, "Fishyshoe Autism". Screenshot provided. I'm very sure it is him, and after trying to be reasonable yesterday, today I have to, regrettably, ask you to ban him permanently. Today it's me, tomorrow it's someone else, but everyone is affected. I had to disturb Luhrian's gaming because of this, during which he even accidently kicked another (innocent) player. This has gone far enough. We don't need people like this in our community. Thank you, and sorry I have to do this.
  10. Can I join you two?
  11. Didn't know that. No wonder he pissed off several people last night... Thank you (both) for the quick responsive actions.
  12. Fishyshoe


    Thank you Sarah, for the detailed answer
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