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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Pennydude17

  1. I was wondering who's fault it was xD. The better question in this picture is why and how we are sbh rushing at 4 mins into the game.
  2. I mean something needs to happen when sbh get too close to one another. We all know what happens when two opposing units equipped with stealth technology are too close to each other, obviously....
  3. In IslandsX, you can hit HON and REF from GDI side fairly easily, and hit the GDI guard tower from the NOD side although that one is trickier.
  4. Something that I think would be kind of cool would be that if two SBH from opposing teams got really close to each other they both start taking small amounts of damage maybe similar but less damage then standing in a tib field. Or just maybe they are then exposed to everyone while they are in close proximity. I don't know how hard that would be to implement though but something like that would be fun.
  5. Since I live in NA 2 hours earlier would be 10AM for me. I'd probably be less likely to show up if this was the case. I'm cool with whatever everyone decides though and will still try and make it.
  6. When you have a dream/nightmare that you just snuck into bar with a tech and you miss one the c4s, and no matter how many rushes you do the bar wont go below 1% health.
  7. At a cost of 250, this would be a easy way to rush the harvester early game. xd
  8. I agree with everything Kaunas and Rowe are saying except harvester status. I think having harvester status might give too much an advantage to some teams Especially early game. The harvester should need to be observed by an actual player and reported to the team, not a permanent icon on everyone’s screen.
  9. I’m getting used to the new one, but the kill log is a little too far.
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