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Ferrari Luca

Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ferrari Luca

  1. Thanks Dr_Chat
  2. Thanks for your work...boys and girls bye... forever Renegade
  4. thanks
  5. _ '' BUILD WITH UDK '' doesn't work _ Servers have frame lag _ Impossible Join a game, connection lost (here in Italy) bye
  6. Okay, thanks for your interest, I hope to find more mature players in the future bye!!!
  7. But if everyone played in 4 players for each server how would the others do?
  8. Right now 4 players are keeping the server closed to play with each other friends. It is not legal and they throw players out. SERVER : Black Mesa RenX server PLayers: Piazziarruda , Vodkalin, Juliowar, Wiizinho
  9. Thanks ... now ForestNight and IslandXstra work...
  10. Also the server: - Meh Gaming_ All out war server
  11. After the update I am unable to access the following servers: - AllNoobs Nod vs Nod server - T.o. Custom Maps - Constructive Tyranny Marathon (Forest Night -IslandXstra) When arrives InslandXstra or Forest I'm kicked out all the times...Thanks...
  12. I wait 45 minuter for downloading the upgrage (here in Italy) but now I can join the servers like FairPlayInc Marathon.... 55/65 players and my connnection says lost... Sound Bug in the server in map Under played with Slow and Oui Oui... now nothing connection. bye
  13. Sorry for the late vote, but sometimes my job takes me too long ... a big CIAO from Italy HIHIHI.
  14. Ah ok ... I'm not only my problem... 4 a moment I thinked that I must return to play with minecraft (not true) thanks a lot BeLISiBuB here's night I think I go to bed bye
  15. I don't know... but now I have reinstalled but don't work... What must I do for Dos? thanks
  16. I was playing in cyntia server with other players : cyntia,roweboat, ewan-missle and others and after Daybreak ...all servers blac and now there're no servers...
  17. yes... I don't know what's happened ... now I'm reinstalling the prog...
  18. Tonight don't work... it say that is up to date open beta 5.390 I resetted game but now I never can play... I must disinstall ? thanks
  19. I can't understand why all the statistical data of each player has been reset. I was just playing at that moment and I found myself with 1000 points in the standings. The problem is not the points lost but all the data that concerned 1 year of play, such as destroyed buildings, mines, nuclear weapons ... Is it correct to delete the entire database or could another new ranking be created to favor even new players? Who made this decision and why? Thanks.
  20. Yesterday the F.P.I was full at 8:00 GMT so I played on SNIPER-SERVER ... I've never played, is funny but I prefer the classic maps of RenX ... I want mine ....PS : here in Italy, MIlan has max -3 ° Celsius ... I don't know how people live with -20° C Now here we have -1° C at night .... BYE to all guys now I ronffff to bed
  21. In Italy a pc like your maybe costs like a used car... It's a devil pc!!!
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