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Everything posted by Jenzuj

  1. have i really tried to do that? no, pointed out a false statement. Whats up with peeps here that cant see that? This thread doesnt change the fact that there is games that runs with 64 players on both UDK and UE3 just fine. Dont use the engine as an scapegoat. Lack of budget, ye fine that is indeed a valid point, use it. Lack of manpower, yep that is indeed again a valid point, use it.
  2. Thats is not true, like at all.
  3. Stop whining, you cheated your ass off youll stay banned.
  4. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam has a balancing system like something agent is touching. It has a few option, the option of balancing midgame usually is turned off but if a match ends with to many players on one team (the server owner can set the limit) the server starts balancing by asking players to change team to the one with fewer players for a small XP boost(unlocking cosmetics). If enough players takes the offer the game begins if not the server start to force change people till the limit is reached, then the game begins again. Imo its a pretty good system for what its worth.
  5. Jenzuj

    FPI Bad

    *targeting a single person and not listing to staff Its not i just lifted it 30 days are up
  6. Jenzuj

    FPI Bad

    nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8 Oh @euan-missile your mute is lifted now, have fun.
  7. Jenzuj

    FPI Bad

    Context matters absolutly, he broke the rules, he got slapped on the fingers and warned not to do that again. It doesnt matter if I'm offended or not, you break the rules you will get punished end of story. That bit about bullying.. Man Tyt if that was the case youd be long gone by now, take some time to think before you accuse people.
  8. noob

    1. HIHIHI


      Thank you, Jenzuj. Much appreciated. Too many people are unwilling to !noob me in these dark times.

    2. Jenzuj
  9. Jenzuj

    I'm out

    What server did this happen in? Because the logs dont show that behavior on FPI. Saintpewpew.jpg is UNSTOPED/marcio trying to be an edgelord.
  10. I like how some here have turned this topic in to a smearing campagin against FPI as a whole, it didnt even take long. FPIs rules goes for everyone and thats the end of it, if you see a mod doing the bais shit you go to me, goku or tom with atleast names on the ones doing it. Nobody got time to scroll through all the logs to check one claim that someone did something sometime back. I have lost count on how many complaints/modrequests we've gotten about stacking in general and im sad to say i cant recall the last time poi, jpj or sarah did a modrequest about abuse or mods not doing their job. I've personally told people off, muted, kicked even tempbanned for sending way too much abuse towards poi and jpj, sadly tho thats only when i see it. I can't do anything about anything if im not aware its happening.
  11. The facts about csgo wasnt irrelevant tho? Agent said renx has a stricter policy on team swap than csgo, which i pointed out to be false, id say thats relevant. Never said anything about opinions, i was pointing out how it should be treated as every other game does it. As long as its a private paying owner and ToS has not been breached nothing should be done or policed. Im not against the community, im against devs that threatens to delist servers when they dont share the same opinion.
  12. I mean not really but Im here arent I? Did not know that pointing out flaws in someones statements were a act of hostility and you really dont need to be sure why. And whats up with the smearing? The delisting thingie, looks like more like a covered threat than anything else. Would you kindly define "not contributing"?
  13. As i said, in casual mode yes, in match making no and MM is where the majority of the playerbase are. My point was that the statement was a load of bull Its not a official server just because you say it is, you want it official you kind of need to pay for it and run it. Otherwise as long as the server/moderation doesnt break ToS, you and any other dev for that matter shouldnt get involved.
  14. like csgo? majority play MM and there is no team swapping like at all and casual has the same system if not even stricter because you cant put in queue for it "xxx Want to swap" Then pay for it.
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