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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by MajesticSausage

  1. Also looks like we were all stuck on Heroic.
  2. 04.mp4 Literally just happened on Under. Nod team surrendered (boo) and the promotion sound just started going mad. Playing over and over again destroying my pretty little ears.
  3. Thanks all @Mystic~ Blame Oculus for the magic dildos. I didn't design them.
  4. I've been working away for the past year on a short VR puzzle/narrative thing. Doing some pretty fin stuff with fractals. People in discord might have heard me mention it a few times before, it's also the reason I've not be working more on the Tiberian Sun War Factory. Anyway here's the trailer enjoy:
  5. We should replace the rocket firing sound with "Looks like the situation is under control." And turn it up so the whole server can hear it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  6. While we are at it can we make the console key bindable? If you're on a UK keyboard everything you try to use an apostrophe in chat it opens the console up. #hackerman
  7. Only if the assassination can be completed with a quick time event. I want to dust my dance mat off.
  8. Engies repair armour medics repair both?
  9. Seconded for some Nod V Nod
  10. ARGH THE FORUM WENT A LITTLE MAD.... Sorry for the spam it's not my fault *Original Message* Unpopular opinions you say? Field X is a better version of Field. It's not perfect by any means but it is better. GDI win 55-60% on field X Nod win 60-65% Field. Whiteout is a better version of Hourglass. I've waxed lyrical about that map before. But it's a far better layout, the central point is lots of fun to play around with flow between the two side paths and games rarely get super campy. I find it odd that we don't play it more often. Canyon should be deprecated. Whoever built it did a great job faithfully recreating it, but it doesn't play well in modern RenX. The vast majority of the time Nod win with a crushing defeat, sitting safely in their base shelling GDI's entrance. If GDI do get a rare win it's because of a long gruelling grind that isn't much fun. The base layout for GDI is also bonkers, making it hard for team mates to respond to emergencies in buildings and giving SBH tons of routes and hidey holes to infiltrate with. I don't think Stealth units are the all powerful OP boogey-men that some people in the community claim they are, they take skill to use well. That said I feel like it would be interesting to add some sort of class ability to GDI to add options for countering them rather than just having an APC drive around base spy checking. I dunno if that's sensor sweeps or tracking abilities that can give a ping to say "A stealth unit is near by" or something. I'm not saying this HAS TO BE ADDED TO THE GAME OMG ITS SO UNFAIR. I'm just saying that would be an interesting discussion. GDI should get a specialized unit of some sort. I get they they are meant to be the "Conventional" warfare team, but it always feels slightly disappointing to be on GDI when Nod have all the fun units. I also think there is a gameplay case to be had for the addition. Nod specialize in infiltration and approaching the problem of base destruction in an interesting way. It'd be cool to give GDI a similar incentive to nudge them slightly away from being totally rush reliant. Maybe a character with jump jets or something to open up new ways to attack Nods base, just spitballing here.
  11. Pulled the proportions in quite a lot. It's still a little larger than the WF due to the tapering of the building design. I think if I go any further than this though it's going to start losing its shape.
  12. Yeah I know what you mean It's been tricky trying to get the size down but you're right I think I can make some economies around the vehicle bay.
  13. Yeah, well I was going to do a flying version like the existing building but I'll haave a think about it. That's a good idea about the warning light.
  14. Thanks every one the response has been really positive! I've been playing around with the collision mesh. Because of the slightly more organic design or the building it's proving a bit trickier than just using simple box colliders so I've been playing around with a convex hull decomposer plug-in and some manual tweaking. It's coming along fairly well but I think I can simplify the collision mesh a hell of a lot more (I might just use the plug-in for the exterior and manually do the interior with more basic boxes) and there's an issue with the front of the WF being claimable by infantry. 01.mp4
  15. Thanks! I'll keep plugging away at it
  16. For comparisons sake. I tried to make it closer to the concept art than in game which is a bit boxier. I took a few liberties here and there and obviously added doors.
  17. Quickly plopped it into the SDK so you get an idea of the size.
  18. I used to do 3D modelling full time a while ago but I changed career so I've been out of practice for a while and I wanted to get back into it with a little hobby project. And I figured why not produce something for RenX since I play it so much and love the community here. I noticed a lot of Tiberian Sun themed maps recently and it's my favourite entry in the CNC series for I thought I'd start there. Enter the NOD WF Currently I just have the model. I need to do a collision mesh for it. Texture it, animate the vehicle bay door and then properly set it up in game with lighting, sounds, particles. MCT, terminals and vehicle spawning. PHEW
  19. Oi, shove this in yer ears:
  20. Looks like you're right about the dual weapon vehicle @Handepsilon 03.m4v 02.mp4
  21. Nod Vs Nod pug at some point?
  22. Yup I don't think it does but I will check
  23. @Handepsilon here. Though I hadn't noticed that the lock does briefly appear before. 01.mp4
  24. I mean, I'm not making it up @Handepsilon
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