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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by Reivax

  1. 1 hour ago, isupreme said:

    How do the rewards for using C4 work?     Both money earned, and vet points, Please.       In general terms is fine with me.

    i.e.    How much do you earn for damage from a successful c4,  or mine.     (  timed, remote, and mine if possible)

    and   How many points do you earn for removing and enemy c4.


    I assume the game gives more for serious damage, like say to the enemy MCT of a builiding.

    BUT!   I am also betting there is no great reward for REMOVING an enemy C4 on a building, or its MCT.    ..  as opposed to a random mine on the field.

    If so..... Should that be changed??


    well.. ppl already spam c4s in tuns.. :D   when I play without sound (soundbug or just cuz i prefer turn on Eiji Kuinbii :P )  C4s and ions/nukes beacons are horrible.. do not encourage ppl to spam them more than they already do :D 

    on a more serious note, i think C4s give already lot of VP - C4 mrls is fun ^_^ 
    i don't think c4 VP need to be modified :) 

    PS: Boreale who says NOH: (yea that's a 40k meme)



  2. what's worst? a crashy server or a laggy server? :ayaya: 


    (the ss isn't from me, but the poor guy who took the screenshot.. i'm not sure his connexion was able to log to the server haha)

  3. 6 hours ago, Nexus51325 said:

     The inf path seem interesting and the crates in the base is an interesting idea too ! Also, I feel that the role defender will be important on that map with all these buildings entrance in the darkness of the Forest.

    i've already know what and where will be my fav job on Forest ;)  and how i will sneak to enemy base when Forest will be released hehe ^_^ 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. i've my own view for fairplay

    but no one know this fairplay, and i've already been killed by my fairplay (i've seen a rocket soldier running around a rock to avoid me, then he stopped to walk, and waited for his head. i've standed for 0.1 sec while my brain was thinking "could i let him alive? yes i could, and i will" but he suddenly headshotted me)

    so.. i can be fairplay, but if i'm alone to have this fairplay.. when a mobi hunts my havoc (if i'm mobi/doza against snipers, i often let them alive) i don't see reasons to be anymore fairplay
    i still send DMs to newcomers - if i don't recognize his name, he's probably new - to explain them to dodge, to aim to the body more than to the head (a real tip, because headshots are hard to do with the slim hitbox, when bodyshots are easier and they inflict enough damages to be good)
    but i think, i will keep this in mind


    On 1/22/2020 at 7:28 AM, yosh56 said:

    For about a 3rd of a second.... Then I remember that's free VP. 

    because i don't see why i should be the only guy to inflict me fairplay rules, when no one else cares about fairplay

    • Like 1
  5. i've just played an horrible match on Islands
    "well, as usual?" will probably be your answer
    no, not as usual. worst than usual ( 😮 )

    Nod and GDI managed to deal their buildings (idk how we done that) and GDI had only BAR, Nod had only AIR and REF

    well, GDI will lose field but hold tuns, hm?
    if you think that, you're probably new in Renegade X.
    because it means you never seen nuke spammers

    some nod players spent around 1 hour - 60 long and horrible minutes - to spam nukes on our tunnel entrances, and we was locked in our base
    add to this nuke spamming the horrible lack of engies/hotwires and we have the perfect combo

    do you think is it fairplay to spam nukes? i mean, not place 2 or 3 nukes, i mean plant 20+ nukes in a match

    now, if you answer "i don't see the problem", i will send them to this topic: 

    and i will answer you: if there are no problem about spamming nukes, there are no problem about killing newbies :)  
    i think, for a newbie, it's more annoying to be killed by nukes/ions than to be killed by doza/mobis

  6. SilentKnight! 😭 



     if you know Helsreach, you will probably cry (once again)

    if you don't know Helsreach... when you will have 2 hours, watch it. It's a playlist with 13 vids. Spoiler: it's awesome. Watch each second, you will remember them. Because Helsreach > everything


  7. The Space Marine was out walking in the Lands of Solitude Discord

    brain activated


    one eternity later


    Killertomate gave me this idea:

    gather teams on Renegade X, who want play together, and fights in a kind of "arena"
    i.e.: 5 medium tanks vs 5 medium tanks (nothing else)

    who could be interested to play? ^_^ 

    • Like 1
  8. and it's how the first 40k mod for Renegade X began

    wakes up
    uh? eh? what's happening?
    ho nice armor :)  yea that's a fun concept, but LCG laser chaingun gives me a kind of.. uh.. pleasure to use ^_^ 

    i like this idea of "arm gun", it remembers me.. thatRésultat de recherche d'images pour "terminator 40k"

    I freakin' love Terminator armors ❤️  i want one! :ayaya: 

    maybe.. it one day, someone want to try to make a kind of Tiberian Sun mode... if you look for a strong AT Nod boi, you can make an armor like in The Expanse, they looks good :)  

  9. 12 minutes ago, Goku said:

    Perhaps some tips messages when you die?

    Die from tib? above the re spawn timer says bla bla bla tib can kill you

    Get head shot by a sniper then a message about not standing still and changing direction randomly etc?

    Since they have to wait for the re spawn timer anyways would be a good place to add that extra info.

    ^^ if they are free chars killed by mobis/doza, could you put a message like "use 1k chars like Mendoza or Mobius to have more chances to kill them?" i dream to have more Mobius and Mendoza in my kingdom  (and to have a better PC with more than 40 fps)  new players will have more chances to fight mobis/dozas if they know they can use dozas/mobis :) 


  10. hmm.. Nod "gunner" is LCG, SBH is the counterpart of Patch
    Patch is a cheaper mobius, who allows GDI to attack Nod infantry (known to be more strong than GDI infantry) SBH is a typical Nod boi - Nod tactics inculdes the speed, the stealth, to be sneaky and to take hard risks - while GDI boiz will sit in 1200hp mammoths with tons of repairs -
    these Nod tactics are how Nod is supposed to act (in a kind of roleplay, it's the tactics explained in C&C3 hehe)
    SBH is still useful to destroy MRLS, and gives an advantage on the field to Nod - because GDI tanks are stronger, Nod can't deal with them without use tactics like C4 MRLS, harass hotwires, etc.. :) 

  11. 8 hours ago, Mystic~ said:

    A stealth knife might be cooler than the silenced uzi pistol

    knife gameplay ❤️  imagine sword fights - lightsaber fights :D
    Mendoza: Luuuuuke! I am your father!
    Havoc: wtf dude? stop drugs pls

    btw i'll still be against this idea to give HP regen to recruit SBHs
    they already have enough HP
    when i play stank, i use SBH only to stay alive if my stank is destroyed. 
    but there is one fact in Renegade X: SBH are the most overrated unit. a few hours ago, i was Nod on Under. GDI was stucked in his base - covered by AGT. tunnels, pipe and field was to Nod control. but Nod had 5 SBH. can anyone explain me how tf 5 SBH are useful when you have nothing to do? tank, healer, sniper, doza, everything is useful - but not SBHs
    so please, do not buff SBH. more players will play them and stand AFK for the entire game.
    and skilled SBHs (yea, a few SBH players are "pro" cuz they know when, where and why use SBHs) will use this buff (overbuff at my opinion, SBHs are already too strong against snipers/healers) against ppl to increase the frustration to be killed by some op stealth unit
    take a look on that (from 0:39 to 1:02)

    i still dream about Stealth Mendoza with ramjet as secondary weapon and reloadable airstrikes with smoke grenade as special ability
    oh and.. add "tiberium" damages to his Tib Rifle - like chem nades can do -  :P  

    • Like 1
  12. spent 30 mins to write a textwall
    just finished
    read his textwall and be not satisfacted
    delete everything

    my feel about the maps:


    Islands > B2B is easily used by some newbs (who don't know the rule) or trolls - it needs to be fixed. I think i could try - i know a bit how to use SDK :)
    also, i love this map (absolutely not due to the fact i've once killed 3 gdi boiz in tuns with only one ramjet shot

    Under > often fun, sometimes bad. Doza/mobi in tuns is fun. oh, and... Alt+1 intensifies.

    Field  >  often bad, sometimes fun. i'm bald cuz i've lost all my hair since arty campers love to do invisi damages in tuns

    Canyon > uh.. honestly.. what is this map? is it the map with the fun inf path, long but fun, with some planks when you can ambush ppl under you? it's a fun map as infantry, but it's an hell for tanks - i still remember when i was tanker haha

    Tomb > praise to not be rushed

    Whiteout > Arty party

    Tunnels > I love to play med on this map. because i can't enjoy anything else :P 

    Field X > Stank, sak on field, doza in tuns... can't choose! :D 

    Uphill > remove the scaffolders in the tunnels - the weird things with the collisions where u will ALWAYS be stucked when some fragger come to kill u. play as med tank is fun :)

    XMountain > put 2 more X in the name and then get back to me. (yea i 100% agree Euan :D - especially when hotwire meet an SBH behind GDI PP)

    Lakeside Winter > Stank paradise. Also, where's my wrench Apache?

    Mesa >  if the rocks are black.. is it Black Mesa? (can't remember who made this joke but it's gold)

    Reservoir Winter > frozen lake is like.. removed this part about some disney things pls GDI stop send airstrikes on dam thx

    Oasis >   u know Under? what if you put the same map, you clone the Nod base entrance - this horrible bottleneck - you remove the cave and the pipes, and you remove the base defenses?

    Storm > hmm.. i don't remember have my sunglasses

    Crash site >  underrated - SBH airstrike is a fun gameplay :)  

    Artic Stronghold > tank push! yes commander, but.. push where? - also i love CABAL' voice ❤️  

    GoldRush > what is this map?

    Desolation > Stank is underrated. also, i've asked to the Great Bald to send us more compass, Mendoza don't know where to go in the infantry path

    Eyes > remember 1v5 as stank against orcas, mammoths and sydneys

    Toxicity > probably one of the most underrated map - i love play as med/Ltank/Stank/TicTac/mammoth

    Walls > Like grandma' cakes

    Volcano > Lol can no (100% Volcano matches in a nutshell)

    Snow > need more healers pls
    SnowX> who tf moved mah WF? how i am supposed to go to refill without be sniped by some sak now? :D 

    Outposts > GDI say "Stank op". so, they want to stole Stanks to Nod. if they see an empty stank, they will try to steal it... but they forgot something: you know what's my fav sound in RenX?


    HourGlass > Arty party > all. Excepts if GDI spams mammoths like all C&C3 GDI players

    Cliffside > underrated map. I still remember a weird thing.. why tf tunnels are so slim? i can't jump without hurt my head on the roof, damn i know Mendoza is the tallest boy in Nod mad guyz' but urg mah head hurts!

    Complex > thinks for 10 mins Error 404: totally can't remember this map. when suddenly oh yes i remember: give me a med tank and i'll sit behind Ref and BAR for the entire game. i love to kill some sbh nukes/ stanks hehe

    Daybreak > Stank is overrated. Sak is better :ayaya: 

    oh, another question... when a game turns bad and you don't want to play it anymore, what's better? quit (bruh noob ragequit) or switch teams? (bruh noob stacker) ^_^ 

    crazfulla... your vid... your stanks
    i love how these stanks are basically
    image.thumb.png.1274de30dfef4f086753c7cd678419a9.pngPaint skill is present right here :D  

    now you want an unpopular opinion?
    C&C4 is the best gaBOINK
    who crushed me with a sneaky stank? O.o

    • Like 1
  13. ppl: trash talk poi to snipe newbs and other guys
    also ppl: snipe newbs and other guys

    i've never trash talked poi or any other strong aimer, because i know i'm a pain for some players.
    It will always makes me laugh to see strong aimers trash talk poi but they basically try to (or successfully) do the same job

    it's a game, with a few strong guys, many newcomers who don't know the "tricks", and some guys who know the tricks but they will shit around and do their work
    kill and be killed is a part of the game. if you don't want to be killed, or if you don't want to kill... you can play Stardew Valley :)  

    feelsbadman cuz i can't quote posts

    I don't really like snipers in this game and wish there were really only one class of this character, although it's not unique to sniping as you can kill someone with skill using almost any character."
    you know, many players like 1k snipers, 500 snipers or rave/syd. They are fun, because i've a better way to snipe.

    with a meeeeeedium taaaaaank ❤️  85mm to your head my dude :P  

    "I mentioned something about having a tick box option in the settings for newbie handicap settings - maybe their default characters come with more health and armour for example" 
    ❤️  i love this idea :) but idk how it could be possible to manage that, because a few of us (hehe) often change their names (hehehe)
    but increase HP/armor for new players is a good idea, it's more challenging for us - aimers - and the new players will have a better balanced fight against us

    "you'll be toying with them like a cat with a mouse."  when i'm mobi in Islands' tunnels and i see a engineer who walk alone.. :)  

    I ran in from behind thinking I was supporting my team mate (even if not a fair fight) and started shooting the opponent quickly turning it into a 2 v 1"
    it's why as often as possible i do not stay alone, especially if some SBH is hunting here... :) 

    if a m8 come to help me, his help is appreciated - excepts if he comes only when he see a low hp guy to have a ez kill, SBHs have developped this tactic in their DNA :P  

    btw, about sniping on Under... what's the worst? be sniped in the BAR by some asian child or be killed by some arty shells doing invisible damages in the BAR? :D  

    • Like 1
  14. Paradise ❤️  
    this map is awesome, but.. take care to do not be alone in the dark forest :P 

    Edit: other ideas
    CoastalSmall is a nice map too, you could try to play it :) it's a paradise for snipers hehe ^_^
    Forest is a fun map, with these nice rivers where the shells make huge explosions haha :D don't forget to hold the bridge :) 
    NodvsBH maps could be fun because Nod vs Nod gameplay is fun - stanks fights are amazing haha xD

    • Haha 1
  15. 18 hours ago, Tytonium said:

    You both need to be careful about such pronounced hate of Stealth Black Hands.

    there is no hate. SBH are balanced, you are asking to buff them really too much. Ask to increase Lazarus armor statistics, i can agree. But you're asking to smth who is.. really, really incredible.

    SBH is the only stealth character. SBH can steal enemy tanks, disarm enemy mines, attack snipers behind enemy lines, harass healers, destroy damaged tanks, etc... it doesn't need a so strong buff.

    Only players who will spend the entire match as SBH could like this kind of buff. You know, these SBHs on XMountain who will stay behind GDI tank army and wait to something but they don't know what they are waiting :D 

    • Haha 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Tytonium said:

    I think if SBH were able to just regen health and not armor that would be pretty cool.

    Honestly, i think it's a bad idea
    a few hours ago we've played on Field
    a SBH battalion harrased us on the field - killing hotwires and snipers, C4ing MRLS, destroying damaged tanks, using airstrikes behind us, etc...
    they are already strong. they can sneak in buildings behind GDI army, they can oneshot MRLS, they can easily kill snipers, they can kill wounded 1k chars and destroy heavily damaged tanks, they can harass harvesters, etc... they already are strong.
    if you want to make them able to regen health.. remove their cloak generator :P 

    oh and.. why make a self-heal for a cloaked char but let my Mendoza without self-heal? Mendoza is sad because Technicians don't like him, so Mendoza could be freakin' happy to have a self-heal ability :) 

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, once upon the time said:

    Disadvantage for people who like to sneak with SBH's (even normal infantry) can no longer defuse mines or repair tanks.

    but.. the SBH will be totally useless to sneak bases?

    it makes me smile a bit to see this possibility, because i've read another topic where someone asked for self-heal for SBH

  18. 11 hours ago, once upon the time said:

    A question without thinking it angry: don't you think that many and especially new players (if they stay) will be overwhelmed with even more additions?

    i don't agree with your message, excepts this part
    there are a lot of new players, yea. and i agree with one part: the new players who play since a few weeks could maybe be surprised if we change too deeply the gameplay. 

    Most players can't defend the harvester when the game starts because they prefer drink a coffee in the Hand of Nod, so they don't need to be overwhelmed with new features if they already can't understand the basics

    Edit: i've not really understood isupreme.. what do you exactly mean by "one type of repair for vehicles, and another for infantry."? u want a kind of healer (i.e. Hotwire who can heal infantry but not vehicles) and a repair? (i.e. Bob who can repair vehicles but not infantry)

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