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Everything posted by Kirby550

  1. Okay thanks for letting me know. I will be happy to play on them.
  2. Thank you for your help, if there's anymore good ones out there please let me know.
  3. I am really enjoying the game as usual. But i was wondering if there were any deathmatch maps that allow me to practise my skills with certain characters without getting ran over by vehicles. Please if anyone knows any good deathmatch maps or has a good deathmatch maps in there hard drives please let me know. Thank you.
  4. That's is a lot of awards. I am actually impressed. They deserve huge praise for making renegade x a fun and engaging experience. Good job developers keep it up
  5. That's amazing for a game this Sick. The developers should keep up the good work
  6. Wait did Renegade X win any awards for IndieDB?
  7. YES i knew Renegade X wasn't dead . Honestly it looks like they had a lot of fun i wish I could play online with you guys but I am so addicted to the offline against bots. Well once I get better than fun with friends in huge matches can begin.
  8. It actually worked Finally. Now the match starts on 30 minutes. Thank you for your help. Now HeadShot Paradise will continue for a lot longer.
  9. Thanks let you know If this works.
  10. I am using Bighead and SlowtimeKills mutator and I am changing the time limit in the UDKRenegadeX.ini file. How to you include the time limit within the Bat file forgot to ask
  11. I managed to get a few mutators to work and have to say it makes the game SO enjoyable I mean it was HeadShot Paradise Nothing is better than that. Unfortunately when I use the bat file to start the game with the mutators. The match time limit is stuck at 10 when I go to the ini files to change the time limit and then I run the bat file containing the mutators and it's still stuck at 10 minutes. If anyone has a solution to this issue it would be greatly appreciated I would really like to experience these mutators for a lot longer.
  12. Yes I got the big head mutator to work thanks to the bat file bubbletea and HIHI gave me
  13. That would be great since I don't have time on my hands.
  14. I wish I had time and skill for unreal scripting and decompiling it seems it would take too long and I don't even know how to code.
  15. Thank you for the information unfortunately i have no idea how to decomplie the file
  16. Thank you for your help can't wait to see how the game would be with mutators. Another question what if you want to use another mutator as I want to use the deck mutator as well.
  17. Its alright. This mutator things sound so cool but confusing at the same time
  18. Well I tried but it says your connection to the host has been lost By the way I couldn't find the bat file anywhere
  19. Thank you for your help. I will let you know if it worked.
  20. Hi I am enjoying the experience so far. I recently found this mutator could Big Head and other mutator such as deck mutator i tried to use them but it hasn't work does anyone know how to properly use a mutator without issue.
  21. Hmm good question. I check it out and let you guys know.
  22. My launcher version is v0.82
  23. it wont let me update the game. I Keep getting this problem can anyone help
  24. Thank you for the information. Its a shame that Unreal tournament had gone downhill over the years. I thought they had learnt their lesson after the failure of UT3 guess not. Good thing Renegade x exist at least. Anyways I know i am new to this game and don't have much experience, but Its funny how the people the bots don't know how to play Command and Conquer. I just played a match with them not long ago on islands and well.We LOST they came rushing in with their mammoth and lights tanks destroying everything, we managed to push them back and managed to hit but not destroy one of their buildings. Me and few other teammates involved in the assualt got in the process. I was busy repairing the airstrip and then all i hear was refinery destroyed and i look outside and was like FUCK were done. I quickly tried to repair hand of nod but there was too many of them swarming it and shooting at it. this is what led us to defeat. Its was a good match. I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those games where playing against AI is far more enjoyable than playing against players.
  25. Hold on have you played UT4 (Unreal tournament 4)? Are the bots any good in that game?
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