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About Bruni

  • Birthday September 18

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  1. Hello Community! Today we are here to ask for your feedback and opinions on your top-picked maps you have voted for. It is important for us to gather information from you guys to have a better understanding on what you think, and what you think is best. Walls Islands Field X Lakeside Xmountain With the top-picked maps you have voted on, we are curious to know why you have chosen these Renegade X maps and to what makes you think they are the best.
  2. The server already knows when a player is AFK, when the player doesn't move for some minutes their name goes darker in the scoreboard Yes, I think the Spectator mode would give more problems than anything else, and as I also said:
  3. That one was reported by me a while back but I'm gonna remind the team (I also don't remember if it was already fixed on our dev branch :P) Thanks
  4. I can test with you if you want.
  5. This is a pretty interesting idea to be honest, I've seen it in a few games, the other thing we could do too is auto-kick players on the end screen before mapchange if they're still AFK... Hm... The problem with that solution is that even tho the player isn't playing because he's in spectator mode, he's still filling a slot on the server which prevents players who actually wants to play to join the server.
  6. Vehicles spawn in a place which is higlighted by the map (press M to show the full map) Also I think the survival mode was essentialy made for multiplayer so it's easier if you play with friends, but if you play with a lot of players the AI difficulty increases too
  7. HOOOOO WHAT'S THAT BOIIS This is such an amazing game and we had and will continue to have an amazing journey. I love the community: players, developers... it's really lovely I can't wait for the future
  8. Bruni

    FPI Bad

    Pretty sure that was because of the n-word.
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