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  1. hoping they add these other TS units aside from the ones we have now... Infantries - Disc Thrower blue health: 250 armor: Flak move speed: 100% weapon: Explosive Disc (type:explosive, damage:(vs inf & structure = 120, vs light & heavy = 60) splash:50% more AoE than Grenaider, reload:1/1.5secs, ammo:1/47, range:same as McFarland, alt fire same as Grenadier), Carbine, Timed C4. - Jumpjet Infantry health: 350 (green only) armor: Plate (same as light vehicles and aircrafts, headshot bonus reduced by 50%, immune to burn and poison) movement speed: 130% weapon: Jumpjet Carbine (same as Officers except for - ammo:100/unlimited, reload:2x faster than Officers, range:same as orca & apache), Timed C4. special: can fly by holding jump for 3secs (cannot fly on no-fly maps but can still jump regularly) - Cyborg Soldier health: 300 (green only) + 100 on broken state armor: Light Cyborg (same as light vehicles, can be EMP'ed, heals from poisoning and take 50% less "on-hit damage" from chem weapons, burn immune, headshot bonus reduced by 50%) move speed: 90% (45% on broken state) weapon: Cyborg Vulcan (same as Officers except for - ammo:60/unlimited, reload:3x faster than Officers, range:same as orca & apache; halves RoF and reload rate on broken state) special: upon taking fatal damage on first health, grants second life on broken state, and the only way to repair back to normal state is through purchase terminal. Vehicles - Juggernaut health: 500 armor: Heavy move speed: same as Titan seats: 2 weapon: Triple 120mm Cannon (50% damage of Artillery, 80% AoE of Artillery, ammo:3, same reload rate as Artillery) special: deploy for damage reduction same as Tick Tank, but sharply deceases accuracy when undeployed. - Disruptor health: 1000 armor: Heavy move speed: same as Stealth Tank seats: 2 weapon: Sonic Disruptor (1.2x total DPS of Flame Tank but has ammo and reload times, range:same as Stealth Tank, pierces through units but not on obstacles and buildings) special: heals 1 HP per tick when out of damage. - Adv. Mobile Artillery health: 500 armor: Heavy move speed: same as Artillery and MRLS seats: 2 weapon: 155mm HE Cannon (same as Artillery except for - 120% AoE of Artillery) special: deploy for damage reduction same as Tick Tank, and increased RoF by 50%. - Devil's Tongue health: 600 armor: Light move speed: same as Stealth Tank seats: 1 weapon: Flamethrower (same as Flame Tank) special: deploy to dig in and out of ground (takes 5secs to complete process, which means the 3secs surface transition makes it vulnerable on the surface); when burrowed, leaves a sound and trail on the ground while moving underneath and can only move through vehicle paths, pilot can suffocate as if like on underwater when burrowed for too long, vehicle underground will be destroyed when the pilot dies from suffocation or suicide, and obviously you cannot leave your Devil's Tongue when burrowed. - Cyborg Reaper health: 800 + 200 on broken state armor: Heavy Cyborg (same as heavy vehicles, can be EMP'ed, heals from poisoning and take 50% less "on-hit damage" from chem weapons, burn immune, no headshot bonus) move speed: same as Stealth Tank (reduced by 50% on broken state) weapon: Multi Missile (type:explosive, damage:60x4, reload:2x of Stealth Tank, range:same as Mammoth rockets; halves reload on broken state), Anti Personnel Web (reduces move speed of infantries by 50% and makes them unable to sprint for 10secs, splash:same AoE as Artillery, reload:10secs) special: upon taking fatal damage on first health, grants second life on broken state, and the only way to repair back to normal state is through purchase terminal. unlike Cyborg Soldier, cannot crush infantry, cannot be a passenger and have a passenger and unable to walk to infantry path (because you are a big cyborg with your own body), and can access purchase terminal by pressing "E" on the door.
  2. Make buildings allowed to be rebuilt depending on the time elapsed and allow T2 units to be built when unit buildings are down to prevent ragequit on start and end game. For instance... When PP is destroyed at 2:00, then at 4:00 the burning clears but the smokes aren't, which means it can be rebuilt by repairs, but it can still be damaged and will remain inactive until it's fully repaired at 100% shield & hull then also the smoke clears. But if it's destroyed again at 10:00, rebuilding can be done at 20:00, and so on... And allow T2 units to be built (Gunner, Patch, Deadeye, Hotwire, SBH, LCG, BHS, Tech, LTank, Arty, MedTank, MLRS), but they should have pickup time (for T2 infantry, same pickup time as T1 tanks; and for T2 tanks, 2x the pickup time of T1 tanks) and 3x the price.
  3. What doesn't make sense is Syd/Rav are labeled ANTI TANK but they dominate tunnels and easily outkill Mobi/Doza that also cost 1000 credits, much like Hav/Saku before their nerf. Sure you can keep their 1-hit headshot against ONLY up to Tech/Hotty & T1 infantries, but not against T2 & T3 infantries.
  4. for Rav/Syd nerf vs infantry and buff vs GDI tank camping. and also... - Mammoths should have their base stats stay as it is, but greatly reduce or remove their damage gain on veterancy but keep their RoF gain. - Give Light Tanks a buff vs heavy armor by giving them higher RoF (same DPS as Med) to compensate for dealing against a Mammoth with Hotwire behind it. - Give Flame Tanks a speed buff so that even Meds cannot outrun them, then same base speed as Light Tank on elite or heroic.
  5. If Syd gets bonus damage to SBHs, then Rave should get a certain specialty, like... minor amplify damage debuff to heavy armor, or something else? Not that powerful when damage are lowered to infantries but they deserve a specialty that tank campers should fear of, yet they should remain very weak vs most infantries.
  6. Agreed with nerfing/improving Syd/Rav. They're supposed to be anti-tanks, not a CQC no-scope anti-infantry, so giving them adjustments may fix it: - infantry damage from 180 (0.9 value included) to 150 (multiplier not included), and headshot value from 5x (which can 1-hit a heroic LCG even with a recruit Syd/Rav) to 1.5x (still enough to kill free & T1 infantries). Also 1.33x bonus damage to SBHs. - raise their damage against heavy armor. - range from 5600 to longer than 6000. - round crosshair and little spread (around 10%-25% of snipers) on hip fire. - fire delay from instant to 0.1-0.5 sec (decreases with veterancy). - no ammo clip just like old Ren (faster reload with veterancy). - new effect - pierces through enemy units (allowing them to kill repairmen behind tanks and durable infantries, not cheating from behind your allies, terrain, and buildings).
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