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Everything posted by Qbert987

  1. WOW, I can not wait to play!!!!
  2. 8O that is a lot of downloads!!!
  3. love the new hud. looks realistic
  4. well this means that they are basically done ad do not anticipate a lot more time putting the finishing touches on it. CANT WAIT TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i had an issue a while back on my xoom where it would redirect the site to a porn site.............
  6. I never said the last one was. idk, it looks like it could be placed 20 years from now.
  7. Bioware is a good studio, they made mass effect so i think that it will have a decent if not great story. I hope they don't mess up the game play though. I am not sure how I feel about it being futuristic. I really liked how the origional generals was set in the current time not in some alternate reality in the future. on the other hand I kind of like slightly futuristic games.
  8. Awesome cant wait until black dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. none for the us yet? it would be cool
  10. well the scrin were only after tiberium, so, when the humans got the better part of the tib cleaned up and contained they were probably not interested in spending more troops on earth.
  11. Qbert987


    Yah. There should be an objective that disables the morter before taking the boiler room.
  12. Qbert987


    i have beaten it on godlike and I still play it from time to time. great game. I have all the UTs.
  13. i <3 sins of a solar empire
  14. I never noticed patches belt buckle before. I want one
  15. How hard would it be to unlock the wepon limit? Later in the multiplayer could the limit be a server side option? I personally don't mind at all.
  16. looks really nice!! cant wait to play it. For multiplayer i like the idea of 2 primarys but for single player it was always fun to have like 7 different primary weapons
  17. Good. Sundays are no good
  18. i would love one!!!! maybe get the Nod/GDI logo on the front and have Renegade -X across the back. just a thought......
  19. wow, I go away for a few weeks and more cool stuff comes out!!! I should go away more often!!
  20. NICE!!!!!!!!!!
  21. O be quiet jam. From a non-tester perspective this looks weird with no news and a slow forum post count it seems like the project is dead. Either way we still love what progress we have seen for ourselves.!!!
  22. the game is in a rather awkward state right now. people like to play but we are all waiting for the standalone before we play it. weird, I know
  23. the standalone is right around the corner from what we hear. no release date is set though. The project is being worked on.
  24. and the point is.... Tiberium looked interesting. I think that having only one weapon was a big mistake though.
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