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Everything posted by Xoiron

  1. Thank you! I'll be sure to edit the "timeout" variable and see where that gets. This is a little off topic from this issue but I just noticed it in the cmd output whenever the server Starts. I'm wanting the few bots to be somewhat fair, let's say Skilled for Example, but the server continues to put the bots on 7(Which is believe is the highest?) which leads to some of my human players dying constantly to a steady stream of gunfire. I'm not sure if there is a setting I missed, or I didn't do something right on the command line. Also: Thanks! It's good to know that a Remake of the Orignal Renegade is alive and kicking!
  2. Okay, I managed to get a server in working order. It starts up fine and other players can join. However, there is an issue that I'm running into. Whenever the game ends and the players vote for a map, everyone is immediately booted from the game and sent to the main menu, From there the server cannot be joined again without a hard restart. I've tried editing some lines in the files but I cannot seem to resolve this issue. If there is a fix for this it would be greatly appreciated!
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